[hax] XPK - possible wallhack

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looks like wallhack to you? (just poll :)

Poll ended at Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:18 pm

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[hax] XPK - possible wallhack

#1 Post by epicaldude » Thu Jul 19, 2012 7:18 pm

He exactly knew when H are flanking.

ACTS map.

The last 2 cases at end of record seem perfect example (assuming there was no A in tunel to warn of gunther's rush-flank).

He was looking at ACTS A-base while standing in front of bunker door, patrolling for H,
like 5 times, and then the last time when he look he could not see H (behind wall) but he this time run to the base to kill him. And similar thing happening 4-5 times during game.

Maybe just luck? Or maybe not

Demo file specing XPK:
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#2 Post by [{USATREM}] !Gunther! » Thu Jul 19, 2012 7:40 pm

I was in the game also.

This is a demo from my point of view.
It's awful, and /timescale 2 might be better for most of it, but it works.

If had demo from Aliens team to see teamchat, this would be way easier, but this'll have ta do.

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#3 Post by epicaldude » Thu Jul 19, 2012 8:10 pm

Anyone can watch my entire demo? At 51:00 I have "unknown event 74" on playback, wtf
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ZOMG, counting is magic

#4 Post by XPK » Thu Jul 19, 2012 8:39 pm

TL;DR below.

- We played atcs.
- I was alien.
- Humans has 3 players most of the time.
- OM was in the bunker booster was on the top of bunker.
- With rant and 3 camper humans I was walking between human entrance and the booster most of the time.

I'm not a noob, i played many hours with trem 1.1. My nick was O_O there. I learned a few things in the school too, like: counting.

If humans have 3 players in the team and 3 blue dots on the base nobody attacking. If 2 blue dots on human base 1 in the tunnel. Wow!

This is the demo posted above:

Interesting part in the posted demo:
48:30 - EpicialDude reached the OM without anybody noticed (and then he lied about the rant.)

53:25 - Rant checking human base and seeing one blue dot leaving base at tunnel side -> waiting him at other side of tunnel.

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#5 Post by [{USATREM}] !Gunther! » Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:21 pm

I'd like to point out a few key thing's in Epical's demo.

55:46 and onward is a bit of fun stuff.

I think I like 58:15~ the most though.

Saw it a few times.

What was XPK doing along the left Human wall, just waiting there, running back to check alien side, and then...what? Running back to the same spot on the wall to check...something? Radar doesn't reach that far.
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#6 Post by epicaldude » Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:33 pm

[{USATREM}] !Gunther! wrote:I'd like to point out a few key thing's in Epical's demo.

55:46 and onward is a bit of fun stuff.

I think I like 58:15~ the most though.

Saw it a few times.

What was XPK doing along the left Human wall, just waiting there, running back to check alien side, and then...what? Running back to the same spot on the wall to check...something? Radar doesn't reach that far.
That was exactly my conclusion.

Since this isn't the USA, we are innocent until proven guilty, this is why I waited till end to make up my mind (of course still due to further observations)
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#7 Post by [{USATREM}] !Gunther! » Thu Jul 19, 2012 11:19 pm

Since this isn't the USA, we are innocent until proven guilty
Offtopic: Actually, that's part of our original constitutional laws, and it's used very heavily to the fact that our legal system is now trash. Sort of like the end of Monopoly, where you actually want to be sent to jail. (three meals a day, recreational activities, schooling, etc)
And then if you pay off a doctor to get a statement saying you are mentally unstable, you can now live out the rest of you life literally like you're in a hotel.

On-topic: Closely reviewing the demo's will lead to a conclusion. Unfortunately, this is all the demos we have.
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#8 Post by XPK » Thu Jul 19, 2012 11:23 pm

55:46 and onward is a bit of fun stuff.
55:27 - Blue dot leaving human base. -> So he will come from tunnel.
What was XPK doing along the left Human wall, just waiting there
When? Post timestamp. And btw, i usually dont attack human base when less than 5 evos and all others dretch.

FYI: left wall at human entrance was a special place, booster was there in the first 40 mins...

59:20 - Few evos and want camper humans to come out. So can't count blue dots -> rant checking both side permanently for jets.

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#9 Post by Spl@ » Thu Jul 19, 2012 11:28 pm

Oh look. Killed again. Back to the tent…

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#10 Post by XPK » Thu Jul 19, 2012 11:43 pm

You should post what you see on this demo, because i see nothing special.

Check for example 2:50 - dretch outside, attacking and trying to kill from behind. Wallhack should notice the dretch.

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#11 Post by Redman » Thu Jul 19, 2012 11:55 pm

Can anyone explain to me how could XPK possibly use wallhack to see if humans have left their base? You know, with all this PVS and stuff which prevents one to see contents of a room/hall unless they're actually there, it just seems a bit unlikely.

XPK wrote:If humans have 3 players in the team and 3 blue dots on the base nobody attacking. If 2 blue dots on human base 1 in the tunnel. Wow!
Also, if you don't know the trick, then you definitely should not be investigating hacking cases. Play the game a little bit longer, ask some experienced players for tips, you're a newbie.

That's my opinion.
Last edited by Redman on Fri Jul 20, 2012 12:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

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#12 Post by [{USATREM}] !Gunther! » Thu Jul 19, 2012 11:59 pm

Redman wrote:
XPK wrote:If humans have 3 players in the team and 3 blue dots on the base nobody attacking. If 2 blue dots on human base 1 in the tunnel. Wow!
Also, if you don't know the trick, then you definately should not be investigating hacking cases. Play the game a little bit longer, ask some experienced players for tips, you're a newbie.
If you'll watch my demo, I actually did that. Rant still came back when I did.

Examples from Sp@'s demo:

2:27~ Sees through wall on bunker, aims, and is ready for when the dretch comes around the corner.

3:35~ Sees Marauder though bunker, and taunts it a bit.

4:47~ Sees Marauder through barricade and backs off before it comes out.

If Spl@ thought that someone was botting, and outright kicked him, then there's some serious business going on. Serious. Business.
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#13 Post by Redman » Fri Jul 20, 2012 12:15 am

2:27~ Sees through wall on bunker, aims, and is ready for when the dretch comes around the corner.
He noticed that the dretch has ran somewhere on the bunker. Since stuff doesn't just vanish, he expected the dretch to come back, so he aimed at the bunker.
3:35~ Sees Marauder though bunker, and taunts it a bit.
How do you know that he's seen it? I think he just heard the footsteps or was afraid of a dretchstorm.
4:47~ Sees Marauder through barricade and backs off before it comes out.
What was he supposed to do? Run straight into an alien outpost? Sounds like a suicide to me.

I still think you're a newbie, sorry.
If Spl@ thought that someone was botting, and outright kicked him, then there's some serious business going on. Serious. Business.
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#14 Post by Rotacak » Fri Jul 20, 2012 6:55 am

I did not saw demos yet, but if he is O_O from 1.1, then he is very good player and many players called him aimbot etc. but it was not true.

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#15 Post by Iltavuo » Fri Jul 20, 2012 9:52 am

I didn't watch Spl@'s demo yet, but the other one didn't convince me from him being a wallhacker. It's pretty useless to look for one in trem anyway, aliens have their radar and a good player is able to predict where others hide or go after he loses the sight of them. Wallhack is fairly useless in trem in any case.

From what I've seen, XPK is a good player so he should be able to predict where enemies come from. And you have to take those demos with a grain of salt, watch any random demo and there will be points where it will look like the player is wallhacking.

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