R Unlimited CZ Server Status

You were banned/kicked? Someone should be banned?

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R Unlimited CZ Server Status

#1 Post by Prophet » Tue Mar 02, 2010 8:47 pm

Hello Rota. As one of the few (if only?) admin on CZ server, I feel the need to update you on the situation there.

+ The server is doing well, considering the amount of people playing there, we have relatively few problems.
+ Hacks are never problem, I believe its because most hacks (at least most popular one, you know which one I'm talking about) do not work for 1.2 and 1.2 hacks haven't been developed or popularized yet.
+ The biggest problems is decon, one base nade in SD can screw over a team, especially since arm and medi etc are not rebuildable, I all can do is express my frustration and ban the deconner for 10 days.
+ Do /showbans if you'd like to see my current bans. I believe all of them are decons. Most recently anderson br, who was upset about being kick by vote (unfairly btw, but I cant cant cancel anyways) came back after 10 minutes and destroyed our nodes in SD, instant lose. I had to ban him 10d.

+I would like to have /buildlog and /revert this will allow me to stop many deconners from successfully ruining the game. If you're feeling generous, /cancelvote would be nice, lots of fights arise over building disputes (aka teamates fighting over where to put the reactor)
+Some players and I have been talking, and we would like to see some maps added to the rotation, examples: a2b1, overthehillb1, Arkadia, Paint 7, paint 8, paint 9 and others (I'll post them as they come to me.)

If you have any questions concerning your server right now, please feel free to post here, PM me, or catch me ingame.


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#2 Post by Rotacak » Tue Mar 02, 2010 10:28 pm

Well, with deconners will be problem. Because in 1.2 gpp is no buildlog and no revert. We need to wait for full version 1.2.

Now we need only more admins. If you know some good players whose should be admins, just tell me.

I added various admin rights to you, so check it.

You want to add maps to rotation? Not only on server? I don't think these are good for rotation.

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#3 Post by Prophet » Tue Mar 02, 2010 10:35 pm

Sorry I meant just to the server, not rotation.

Another map I'd like is 2D if you can find it. I'll keep asking around if any more maps are wanted.

I directed Sonno here because he is very mature ingame, he posted in the wrong section but I'm directing him to the right place.

EDIT: Too bad there's no revert, but I have seen some other 1.2 servers with revert, perhaps they have a modded admin.dat?

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#4 Post by Prophet » Tue Mar 02, 2010 10:46 pm

Hey, sorry for the double post but I did a bit of research, there is a mod that can add revert, if you're interested, here's the link:


I personally went to their test server and tried some of their commands, you can take the whole mod or just part you pick and choose, entirely up to you.


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#5 Post by Rotacak » Tue Mar 02, 2010 10:47 pm

I added all maps what you posted here (it need to change map - that will make new maps avaiable).

About revert: there is buildlog+revert patch, but that will need to compile new server from source codes. I wanted to wait for final version 1.2 before I will start making some changes.

But, maybe I will look at that before final version.

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#6 Post by Prophet » Tue Mar 02, 2010 10:48 pm

Thanks for the new maps :) It's not a big deal if you decide to wait until the final version. I'll work with what I've got.

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#7 Post by Fumbles » Thu Mar 04, 2010 11:26 pm

Hello, its me fumbles. Uh well i always play on your server and me and prophet are friends i guess :P i was wondering if i could fill an admin spot. Im not to crazy about banning all i would like is to be an admin who can have the right to mute players and cancel votes, like a security guard. Mostly because on your server many people vote spam like kick and change map every couple of seconds and sometimes its just too annoying or distracting. Sonno and me are both in DBD, I am the leader of the clan :) and it would be nice if you could visit dbdclan.at.ua and tell me what you think of our clan website. Well ill talk to you later hopefully. If you want to contact me my email is uaboyx@gmail.com :P
