peter_pan /

You were banned/kicked? Someone should be banned?

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Is he retard?

grmg is retard
grmg is not retard
Total votes: 3

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peter_pan /

#1 Post by Henzo! » Tue Mar 29, 2011 4:05 pm

Ok, he tries to piss me off every time he saws me, all times i die he says PWNT, and says i started. He just says "i can say it whenever i want", yes that is true, but every time I die... He just tries to piss me off every time...
Here is condump highlihts:

Code: Select all

cool boy should have used a medkit against NurNurNur's poison
[A] NurNurNur: -PWNT-
pan_idealny was hunted down by the swarm
[H] pan_idealny: fuck
[A] NurNurNur: -PWNT-
pan_idealny entered the game
pan_idealny joined the humans
NurNurNur died
[H] pan_idealny: PWNT
[A] NurNurNur: No You!
[H] pan_idealny: PWNT
[A] NurNurNur: No You!
[H] pan_idealny: PWNT
[A] NurNurNur: No You!
[H] pan_idealny: PWNT
[A] NurNurNur: No You!
[A] NurNurNur: xD
NurNurNur renamed to peter_pan
[A] peter_pan: XD
peter_pan felt the full force of CE's lucifer cannon
[A] peter_pan: -PWNT-
[A] peter_pan: -PWNT-
[H] pan_idealny: wa afk
ZBelgian was machinegunned by pan_idealny
peter_pan renamed to NurNurNur
[H] pan_idealny: PWNT
[A] NurNurNur: No You!
[H] pan_idealny: PWNT
[A] NurNurNur: No You!
NurNurNur was zapped by a tesla generator
[A] NurNurNur: -PWNT-
NurNurNur was machinegunned by pan_idealny
[H] pan_idealny: PWNT
[A] NurNurNur: No You!
NurNurNur was machinegunned by CE
[H] pan_idealny: PWNT
NurNurNur was zapped by a tesla generator
[H] pan_idealny: PWNT
NurNurNur was zapped by a tesla generator
[H] pan_idealny: PWNT
[A] NurNurNur: No You!
NurNurNur was chaingunned by Charlie_Rocks
[H] pan_idealny: PWNT
[A] NurNurNur: Yes, me...
NurNurNur was mass driven by CE
[H] pan_idealny: PWNT
NurNurNur was caught in the fallout of CE's lucifer cannon
[A] NurNurNur: -PWNT-
NurNurNur was chaingunned by Charlie_Rocks
[A] NurNurNur: -PWNT-
[A] NurNurNur: -PWNT-
[A] NurNurNur: -PWNT-
[H] pan_idealny: PWNT
[A] NurNurNur: pan stfu
[H] pan_idealny: no
[A] NurNurNur: yes
[H] pan_idealny: i can say pwnt wheneve i like :D
[H] pan_idealny: just like u said :D
[H] pan_idealny: are u aware of the fact
NurNurNur was caught in the fallout of Charlie_Rocks's lucifer cannon
[H] pan_idealny: PWNT
[A] NurNurNur: Yes, me...
NurNurNur felt the full force of Charlie_Rocks's lucifer cannon
[H] pan_idealny: PWNT
[A] NurNurNur: No You!
[A] NurNurNur: No You!
[A] NurNurNur: -PWNT-
[A] NurNurNur: -PWNT-
NurNurNur felt the full force of Charlie_Rocks's lucifer cannon
[H] pan_idealny: PWNT
[A] NurNurNur: No You!
NurNurNur was machinegunned by JeremiasBR
[A] NurNurNur: -PWNT-
NurNurNur was machinegunned by pan_idealny
[H] pan_idealny: PWNT
[H] pan_idealny: lol
[A] NurNurNur: -PWNT-
pan_idealny was hunted down by the swarm
[A] NurNurNur: -PWNT-
NurNurNur was grilled by Guys's flamer
[H] pan_idealny: PWNT
[A] NurNurNur: No You!
NurNurNur was grilled by Guys's flamer
[A] NurNurNur: -PWNT-
[H] pan_idealny: PWNT
[A] NurNurNur: pan stfu
pan_idealny was bitten by SaLiH
[A] NurNurNur: -PWNT-
[A] NurNurNur: -PWNT-
[A] NurNurNur: -PWNT-
[H] pan_idealny: PWNT
[A] NurNurNur: pan stfu
ZBelgian was zapped by a tesla generator
NurNurNur felt the full force of CE's lucifer cannon
[H] pan_idealny: PWNT
NurNurNur felt the full force of CE's lucifer cannon
[H] pan_idealny: PWNT
[A] NurNurNur: pan stfu
NurNurNur couldn't escape pan_idealny's grenade
[A] NurNurNur: haha
[H] pan_idealny: PWNT
[A] NurNurNur: pan stfu
NurNurNur felt the full force of Charlie_Rocks's lucifer cannon
[H] pan_idealny: PWNT
[A] NurNurNur: pan stfu
[H] pan_idealny: as u said it onec
[H] pan_idealny: i can say pwnt
[A] NurNurNur: i said once
[H] pan_idealny: whenever i want
[H] pan_idealny: so
[A] NurNurNur: u know
[A] NurNurNur: dont try to piss me off
[H] pan_idealny: whenever u die
[H] pan_idealny: u get
[H] pan_idealny: PWNT
[H] pan_idealny: :D
[A] NurNurNur: ok if u want ban then go go go
[A] NurNurNur: i stoppped
[A] NurNurNur: allrdy
[S] Myrzi: what mean PWNT?
[H] pan_idealny: dunno
[A] NurNurNur: pan just stfu
NurNurNur felt the full force of pan_idealny's lucifer cannon
[H] pan_idealny: PWNT
[A] NurNurNur: stfu pan
NurNurNur was chomped by TEAMMATE smU[dragoon]Ca's Dragoon
[A] NurNurNur: yay
NurNurNur felt the full force of Charlie_Rocks's lucifer cannon
[H] pan_idealny: nurnur
[A] NurNurNur: yes what peterpan
[H] pan_idealny: is feeding as a granger all time
Private message: stfu dont try to piss me off
sent to 1 player
Private message: stfu dont try to piss me off
sent to 1 player
NurNurNur renamed to peter_pan
[S] peter_pan: haha
[H] pan_idealny: condumped
Dumped console text to shit.txt.

I cutted most parts off, like other ppl chat. I didn't edit words.
Can someone ban grmg?
Thi signature is f****d up...

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#2 Post by Nod_Nod_Nod » Tue Mar 29, 2011 4:44 pm

First of all, I wont ban him, becouse what he did wasnt bad, and you didnt actually vote for - mute... Youre closer to banning here (joking... Only muting for longer time).

What I found is more bad about you:
[A] NurNurNur: pan stfu
pan_idealny was bitten by SaLiH
[A] NurNurNur: -PWNT-
[A] NurNurNur: -PWNT-
[A] NurNurNur: -PWNT-

Now its harder part... Do you think its funny? You try to report someone, while spamming as much as him! What are you? 6yrs old? Dont you know that you can ignore someone!? Dont you have normal life? Please...

Grmg is at fault too, but he didnt do that so much (he did it to make you angry, you do it for life...).
The nodding of the head once to symbolize a greeting, cuz we white folk to damn lazy to open our mouths and speak up. Nods are also easier to shake off than a flase "hello".
"Person nods at you", or your direction, "you nod back"
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#3 Post by » Tue Mar 29, 2011 4:49 pm

Hahahahahahahahah :D

Im laughing my ass off :D

Ok, listen up Poke.

I told u ONCE, some time ago, stop saying PWNT after anyone from opposite team dies, coz its irritating - having no skill at all - u cant PWN anyone. U didnt. U said that U'll say PWNT whenever u want to. Fine. But u see, there's a catch. So can i. U stop - I will stop. Otherwise be prepeared to get pissed off a lot, coz ull "die" to Your own weapon.

We have no more ping-pong like this with Red. He "annouced" his moral victory, let him have it.

You should stop to.

BTW. According to this:

You should be banned for feeding h team with grangers all time.
Cant prove it, tbh, but U know what u did and so do I.

EDIT- it is spam in practical terms, Nod's right. But I dint do it to spam. I have it binded tho.
Last edited by on Tue Mar 29, 2011 4:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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#4 Post by Redemption » Tue Mar 29, 2011 4:53 pm

look i voted f2 on retard part... just a word of advice poke.

just ignore him. think of a 5 yr old balbering about something you know very well. say like 1+1=2 right? just think that he is 5 yr old that is saying 1+1= 100 ok then just laugh to yourself and not comment on it on trem.

that's what i do. i just make everyone laugh and ease up the tempers or just laugh to myself and ignore it.
take this fear from me...
before it consumes me whole...
take this fear from me..
before it consumes my soul...

i am dyslexic so plz have sympothy for me plz

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#5 Post by Iltavuo » Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:06 pm

Please use private messages next time grmg when you want to teach someone a lesson like that. That way you won't be annoying everyone else on the server. I won't say what you did is the correct way to handle this, but I've to admit I too dislike people who just have to spam some colourful bind every time they die/kill someone.

Also, I don't see why Henzo is posting these condumps where he is spamming more than the person he is reporting. Appart from this one case, I'm not sure if I've even ever seen grmg use binds before.

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#6 Post by GLaDOS » Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:52 pm

*Cough cough*

I've said this before and I will say it again. If you don't piss others off, then they won't piss you off.

Don't call Pan_Idealny Peter_Pan. That pisses him off. If you both be quiet and leave eachother alone (Verbally xD) then there won't be an argument.

I don't care who started it. If you don't like it, then call a vote to mute. Or better still, use /ignore. It's there for a reason.
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#7 Post by » Tue Mar 29, 2011 6:12 pm

Iltavuo wrote:Please use private messages next time grmg when you want to teach someone a lesson like that.
but I've to admit I too dislike people who just have to spam some colourful bind every time they die/kill someone.
I'm just "not_nice" enough to go after them. Silly to get into arguments with them too.

I'm not sure if I've even ever seen grmg use binds before.
True. Thats first thing i binded since my beggining of 1.2.
GLaDOS wrote:*Cough cough*

I've said this before and I will say it again. If you don't piss others off, then they won't piss you off.
When someone punches u in face it ok. But when You hit them back - its pissing off. Im not the Bibleguy to just accept certain stuff from certain ppl.
Don't call Pan_Idealny Peter_Pan. That pisses him off. If you both be quiet and leave eachother alone (Verbally xD) then there won't be an argument.
Actually no. It doesn't. I even made a research into what Peter Pan really is like. Turns out we have a lot in common.

Directly from wiki:
Peter is mainly an exaggerated stereotype of a boastful and careless boy. He is quick to point out how great he is, even when such claims are questionable (such as when he congratulates himself for Wendy's successful reattachment of his shadow).

Peter has a nonchalant, devil-may-care attitude, and is fearlessly cocky when it comes to putting himself in danger. Barrie writes that when Peter thought he was going to die on Marooner's Rock, he felt scared, yet he felt only one shudder run through him when any other person would have felt scared up until death. With his blissful unawareness of the tragedy of death, he says, "To die will be an awfully big adventure".

In some variations of the story and some spin-offs, Peter can also be quite nasty and selfish. In the Disney adaptation of the tale, Peter appears very judgmental and pompous (for example, he called the Lost Boys 'blockheads' and when the Darling children say that they should leave for home at once, he gets the wrong message and angrily assumes that they want to grow up). Nonetheless, he has a strong sense of justice and is always quick to help those in danger.

In the 2003 live-action film, Peter Pan is sensitive about the subject of "growing up". When confronted by Hook about Wendy growing up, marrying and eventually "shutting the window" on Peter, he becomes very depressed and finally loses the will to live.

No amount of: noob, loser, peter, stfu, nou and silly stuff like this will get me EVER moved.
PWNT is what irritates me. But it also pisses Poke off, so I'll use it if he uses it too.

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#8 Post by Nod_Nod_Nod » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:44 am

Ok finished...
The nodding of the head once to symbolize a greeting, cuz we white folk to damn lazy to open our mouths and speak up. Nods are also easier to shake off than a flase "hello".
"Person nods at you", or your direction, "you nod back"
