zolk3ri - Triggerbot

You were banned/kicked? Someone should be banned?

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#16 Post by Nod_Nod_Nod » Fri Feb 03, 2012 7:43 am

Sorry Gunther but ams words are better than demo. There are people which you can trust and there are those who you cant trust. Ams was admin here long time before you.

Yes you need proof to ban someone, but ams is proof himself. He is playing a lot more than everyone here.(just someties hes incognito) Knows this server, and how it exist.

But you said that you have aimbot, you created it and was using on official. Then how can you prove that you arent using it here?

Gunther proteting people not knowing whole situation may be dangerous.
Did you know that Zolk3ri is banned from Official ->PERMABAN. Same with their forum. So its kinda understandable to watch people like that.

That doesnt means that we will kick you or ban in instant. What you did there is one case, but if you do it here, we wont be different than official admins.

case closed
The nodding of the head once to symbolize a greeting, cuz we white folk to damn lazy to open our mouths and speak up. Nods are also easier to shake off than a flase "hello".
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#17 Post by zolk3ri » Fri Feb 03, 2012 11:50 am

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#18 Post by Nod_Nod_Nod » Fri Feb 03, 2012 12:38 pm

I trust other admins. They can be wrong. Ams was here admin long before you could imagne. And you know what? He didnt get demoted any way. He just wanted to stop being guy -"which is responsible".

So you are oppresed becouse you arent cheater? You said by yourself "I was using aimbot" in game. So dont try to say something which isnt true. You made one and you were like "Oh God, Ive Got An Aimbott.

Youre banned from forum for trolling people. But being banned show us what a person can do. We are admins, we do not forget, we sometimes may forgive, expect us to do something, not exatcly give you a cake but...(whatever)

Sorry but on this server Bot = Bot. Idc care if it is aimbot, triggerbot, cheatbot or cleaningbot.
The nodding of the head once to symbolize a greeting, cuz we white folk to damn lazy to open our mouths and speak up. Nods are also easier to shake off than a flase "hello".
"Person nods at you", or your direction, "you nod back"

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#19 Post by [{USATREM}] !Gunther! » Fri Feb 03, 2012 1:52 pm

Here in the US of A, we have something that has set us apart from other countries for a long long time.

Innocent until proven guilty.

Technically speaking this server isn't even on the same landmass as US1.
It's all "on the other side of the waters" as the saying goes.

I was banned from the Bat Cave server for 2 weeks because I whooped them silly and obviously being the trolls they were by the way they acted and spoke, they wanted to ban me for "hacking".

Of course Ams doesn't want to be admin because people notice you when you're an admin.

Now let's speak hypothetically
How do we know that Ams isn't the hacker, and we are continually sent on wild-goose-chases to other people.
People say "oh he's trusted" or "I've known him for forever", but you all you've ever seen is what's on YOUR screen and not what he's seeing on his screen.
The ZT hack has been released for 1.2
It's been out for a while or so I've been told.
And of course someone could port the old THZ hack also.
Now all a coder has to do is update the VMS's every once in a while.

I suppose nobody remembers the Redfusion incident a while back.
Has Redman been banned?
How do we know he hasn't ported it to 1.2?
That was clear solid proof. He found a way to hack the server itself.
But no ban?

Now we have one person, who apparently doesn't even want to come over and defend his case, saying that someone is hacking.
We run different server files, different server itself, different side of an ocean.

I say when we get proof on THIS SERVER, then it's up for grabs.
Says in rules "clear case of hacking".

Like above example, I was banned because horrible "aim-challenged" noobs couldn't beat me. Now if trusted person also playing on that server said "hey, he was banned on our server cause we said he was botting!! Ban him too!" then why don't all the servers just make some sort of ban list and synchronize every ban across about 20 1.2 servers.
If it's such an important thing to Ams, then why can't he speak for himself?
Last night we had over 20 guests on the forums.
People are still looking for bots.
Our forum posts labeled "aimbot" or "hacking" still come up in Google searches.
And we're sitting on one case with no proof except for something that happened on one other server and only one person who won't defend the accusation.
But maybe zolk3ri isn't too afraid to get back on the server?
If he's clean, why should he avoid the server?
He's defending his case, and I see no one else saying "He bot" on this forum.
You go ahead and ban him if you want.
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#20 Post by grmg.pl » Fri Feb 03, 2012 2:21 pm

[{USATREM}] !Gunther! wrote:Here in the US of A, we have something that has set us apart from other countries for a long long time.

Fortunately You are not an example of "what US of A has". Good for US of A.

How do we know that Ams isn't the hacker

We know that coz CU-Ams has been playing trem for at least 5 years (my first recollection of him). We know that coz he never deconned or cheated. We know that, coz we know players that can be trusted thanks to their flawless reputation gained over YEARS of playing.

[{USATREM}] !Gunther! wrote: Question 4:
If you has bot, where can I get it?!? O_OJk..

Your reputation just got less flawless.

I suppose nobody remembers the Redfusion incident a while back.
Has Redman been banned?
Redman didn't use aimbot.

If it's such an important thing to Ams, then why can't he speak for himself?

He doesn't have to.

He's defending his case, and I see no one else saying "He bot" on this forum.
Hes not defending. Hes baiting people to spread confusion.

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#21 Post by [{USATREM}] !Gunther! » Fri Feb 03, 2012 5:22 pm

I think a few things need to be clarified for your sake. 

And I'm not bothering with quote-boxes. I'm on tablet. 

"Fortunately You are not an example of "what US of A has". Good for US of A."

And unfortunately for you, I live smack-dab in the middle of the continental US. 
Where was it you lived again hmm?

"We know that coz CU-Ams has been playing trem for at least 5 years (my first recollection of him). We know that coz he never deconned or cheated. We know that, coz we know players that can be trusted thanks to their flawless reputation gained over YEARS of playing."

Get inside the circle, and no one will doubt you. 
It's been done since the Egyptians, the kings of England, the mobs of Chicago, the mobs of Ireland, and the United States Senate. 
Once you get trusted, people stand by you. 
People are sheep, flocking after the shepherd, the wolves after the Alpha male. 

"Redman didn't use aimbot."

He used a modified client to gain access to player positions, spawn count, stage number, map effects, and other console activities. 
Things that not even Rotacak himself can see. 
You don't need to have an aimbot to hack everything else. 
Why get caught with god-aim when you could have everything else at your fingertips?
He did what a normal bot does the long way. 
But he made his own client, not using the standard one. 
So that is a hacking program, because apparently you can't readily access that information in that format without his program. 
Everything in the above list (map effects, spawn count) is determined "hacking" by this server last time I checked, and anyone using a program to gain such information can be banned. 

"He doesn't have to."

So you will vouch as his spokesperson?

All I've seen from you is "hack this" and "hot that", but no proof. 
I speced him and he sucks. 
Rant is horrible. 
Mara is crap. 
Only good thing he can do is pounce, and once mastered in 1.2 you become the God of Aliens. 
Knockback+damage don't mix well. 
You can't use an aimbot to make a near-perfect bunny-hop pounce down a hall, unless you've got a "wall-aimbot". How can you bot a pounce over a ledge? Or dodging a Luci shot?

All those things I saw from him and you can't bot that. His Mara was useless. And if he was using a auto-zap-hack, then why was the zap missing things if it "auto-fires"?
Noob Dretch, he bunny-hops while going down a hall at human. Easy target. 
If there's one thing a bot has trouble with, it's trajectory. You can hack a MD or rant claw, but hack a nade throw? Or granger spit? Can a bot predict where a Dretch is going to be and fire a fully-charged Luci shot at it? 
You try making one that'll pull it off. 

"Hes not defending. Hes baiting people to spread confusion."

Now once in that above statement did I say "he's so so not hacking"?
I didn't. 
Could he be hacking?
Yes, he could. 
But from what I've seen he is flawed. Goon pounce is all in the brain, along with goon snipe, rant charge, Luci shot, and nade. 

You continually sound like an incompetent child. You side with a claim of hacking, but you are not willing to back it up, or to demand a ban. 
You sound like you are whining, about a matter long past and on another server. 
CU|Ams's record may be "clean" in your eyes, but your "record" is not. I've had the liberty of looking through a few things since I've been admin on this server, and one of them is some bans as a result of an angry action on your part. 
You seem to enjoy trolling an admin on this server, namely me. Disagreeing with what I say, and the logical and civilized behavior behind it, and finding ways to insult me behind my back. 
Say what you please, I can't catch that. 
But I can catch a name in a ban list and a useless reason behind it like "noob hacker" or "aimbotter". 

I am not defending zolk3ri. 
If you think that I know him somewhere else, or that I've what I've said just cause he sounds like a nice guy, you're dead wrong. 
It doesn't matter who they are, even if you charged Ams himself with hacking, or someone said you were hacking also. 
We can change the name of the accused to anyone you like and it does not make a difference because that person is "innocent until proven otherwise". 
What we've got is a ban from a previous experience on an alleged "hacker and aimbot" reason, on a completely different server. 
This is not US1. 
We don't run it like a monarchy or a mob where the well-known and ones who have developed or donated a sum of money or are "friends" get top admin. 
We admins on this server are no better than any other player. It isn't a title, or some medal to be worn and flashed around. 

Let me repeat myself, because I love doing that. 
I'm not siding with either one on this matter. 
If he's hacking, then you can show us proof and then he can be banned or whatever you want done to him. 
But if you can't get something on him on THIS server besides a "trusted source", then be quiet, play the game right, or go to some other server that he isn't on. 

I've had my full say, and quite frankly it is incredibly stupid to keep trying to reason like this. And this post is just too long period.
@Nod: Say what you please, do what you want with him, I can't do a thing about it. 
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#22 Post by Redman » Fri Feb 03, 2012 5:58 pm

zolk3ri wrote:I killed him
Since ams was playing on the opposite team, how could he be sure that zolk3ri is triggerbotting?
IMHO a demo would be much better than assumptions, even if they're ams's.

@offtop (explaining Gunther why "no ban")
I suppose nobody remembers the Redfusion incident a while back.
Has Redman been banned?
How do we know he hasn't ported it to 1.2?
That was clear solid proof. He found a way to hack the server itself.
But no ban?
He used a modified client to gain access to player positions, spawn count, stage number, map effects, and other console activities.
So that is a hacking program, because apparently you can't readily access that information in that format without his program.
Everything in the above list (map effects, spawn count) is determined "hacking" by this server last time I checked, and anyone using a program to gain such information can be banned.
Spawn counts, stage number and stuff like that is sent to all clients as a configstring (configstrings on WolfWiki) which is public information that can be viewed using configstrings command (which works in every quake3-based game client). Tremulous developers screwed up by making stage related configstrings available to all players. The vulnerability was fixed (a bit) in 1.2, where you can't view other team's data. Massive configstrings abuse on Funserver 1.1 was Rotacak's own damn fault, because instead of applying a patch (from either KorX or 1.2) he just spammed on the forum.

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#23 Post by grmg.pl » Fri Feb 03, 2012 7:31 pm

[{USATREM}] !Gunther! wrote:And unfortunately for you, I live smack-dab in the middle of the continental US. Where was it you lived again hmm?
Well spoken, that argument will win the masses.
Christ Almighty.

the mobs of Chicago, the mobs of Ireland, and the United States Senate. 
Remind me where do You live exactly? :D

He used a modified client to gain access to player positions, spawn count, stage number, map effects, and other console activities. 
And he used that to cheat? Come on. And BTW I'm not a fan of Redfusion.

I am not defending zolk3ri.

Of course not, You are just explaining that:

I speced him and he sucks. 
Rant is horrible. 
Mara is crap. 
Only good thing he can do is pounce, and once mastered in 1.2 you become the God of Aliens. 
Knockback+damage don't mix well. 
You can't use an aimbot to make a near-perfect bunny-hop pounce down a hall, unless you've got a "wall-aimbot". How can you bot a pounce over a ledge? Or dodging a Luci shot?

All those things I saw from him and you can't bot that. His Mara was useless. And if he was using a auto-zap-hack, then why was the zap missing things if it "auto-fires"?
Noob Dretch, he bunny-hops while going down a hall at human. Easy target. 
If there's one thing a bot has trouble with, it's trajectory. You can hack a MD or rant claw, but hack a nade throw? Or granger spit? Can a bot predict where a Dretch is going to be and fire a fully-charged Luci shot at it? 
You try making one that'll pull it off. 

Now once in that above statement did I say "he's so so not hacking"?
I didn't. 
Could he be hacking?
Yes, he could. 
But from what I've seen he is flawed. Goon pounce is all in the brain, along with goon snipe, rant charge, Luci shot, and nade. 

CU|Ams's record may be "clean" in your eyes, but your "record" is not.
The logic of this statement is truly JWBush like.

You seem to enjoy trolling an admin on this server, namely me.
1. The vibe I'm getting from You is somewhere between "you have no idea who you are talking to mister" and "i am talking right and you are talking wrong, coz im talking right". I don't like that vibe. Don't expect me to STFU.

2. I will not accept stuff like "give me aimbot, jk" and defending the cheater, especially from admin.

finding ways to insult me behind my back. 
Care to give an example of me insulting You behind Your back?

"innocent until proven otherwise". 
He did it once, he'll do it again sooner or later. Like with deconers.

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#24 Post by valentin54 » Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:19 pm

Got his bot.. Tried it, and I must admit I tried it 5 mins on RCZ too. It's like.. awesome, I gave it to Nod too.

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#25 Post by TheMuffinMann » Mon Feb 20, 2012 11:33 pm

Fucking bots...
A signature, for me?

Stop it, you. :$

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#26 Post by valentin54 » Mon Feb 20, 2012 11:58 pm

Just ban him.. He got banned on both official servers.. When he gave his bot download link on tremz IRC, Redman was here too.

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#27 Post by grmg.pl » Tue Feb 21, 2012 1:52 am

[{USATREM}] !Gunther! wrote: I say when we get proof on THIS SERVER, then it's up for grabs.
Says in rules "clear case of hacking".

And we're sitting on one case with no proof except for something that happened on one other server and only one person who won't defend the accusation.

I have 7 demos of the cunt (BTW not only him, IMO, but no proof here) botting. I'll post them if someone wants it.

But maybe zolk3ri isn't too afraid to get back on the server?

He either has dynamic IP and can't be banned or

If he's clean, why should he avoid the server?

Hes not clean, he should be permabanned.

and I see no one else saying "He bot" on this forum.
You should be made level -1 for defending stuipic cunts who will get what they deserve. Yes Zoltan thats you.

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#28 Post by [{USATREM}] !Gunther! » Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:02 am

I'm quite sorry that reading is not on your high list of "things to do while I'm on this forum"
If you'll remember, I specifically said I wasn't defending him and him only, but the "innocent until proven guilty" ideal.

Well now you have your proof, I've seen the bot in action, it's incredibly good, so now grmg.pl, you can use your brand-new just-received-today admin level to ban zolk3ri.

And while you're at it, you can ban all the people that got his bot, and all the people they gave it to, and all the people zolk3ri gave his bot to previously.

That aside, unless we update the server files, we're hosed, because since there is a rapidly growing topic about a working triggerbot, now Google searches for "tremulous triggerbot" will bring them here, and they will contact any of the people that can get/already have this bot, and they can hack too.

Then once they have the hack they can set up a website for it, and all we need is a couple of coders that just so happen to play this game, and ta-da, it's updated to every new pk3 we throw on this server.

Congratulations, thank you all, including myself, for showing the Tremulous world where and whom to get a bot from, by posting a topic about banning someone for using a working bot.
Now I go rage quietly somewhere else....
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#29 Post by grmg.pl » Tue Feb 21, 2012 11:03 am

[{USATREM}] !Gunther! wrote:Congratulations, thank you all, including myself, for showing the Tremulous world where and whom to get a bot from, by posting a topic about banning someone for using a working bot.
Now I go rage quietly somewhere else....

Yes, Gunther, its OUR fault. God, I can actually FEEL you're from "smack dab of USA".

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#30 Post by zolk3ri » Tue Feb 21, 2012 1:15 pm

You have proof of me playing like a boss. Great job! Keep it up! :P
Could you please upload those demos of me playing or if it sounds better: hacking?

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