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Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 7:52 pm
by Rotacak but building useless nodes is nothing idiotic.

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 8:30 pm
Rotacak but building useless nodes is nothing idiotic.
Deconning them to build a better base is not idiotic too.

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 8:53 pm
by Rotacak
Deconning anything what someone else builded in team is always bad. There is only very few situations when it must be deconned. In many cases it can be there where it is.

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 9:24 pm
Rotacak wrote:Deconning anything what someone else builded in team is always bad.
Sometimes it is, sometimes it is not.

In many cases it can be there where it is.
Again, sometimes it can sometimes it cannot.

I think we've been here (me and admins) - "noobbuilder+spam+farms" vs "me with ckit and rebuilding".

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 11:46 pm
by [{USATREM}] !Gunther!
Teh Server Rulez wrote:In short: play nice. That's all. We playing for fun.

You can lucispam, pulsespam, blasterspam, tyrant maul spam…

In other words - you can play freely.

You can't destroy your own base on purpose – ban.

You can't teamkill on purpose (when teamkilled player does not agree with that) – ban.
Rules are rules.

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 7:27 am
by iain
[{USATREM}] !Gunther! wrote:
Teh Server Rulez wrote:In short: play nice. That's all. We playing for fun.

You can lucispam, pulsespam, blasterspam, tyrant maul spam…

In other words - you can play freely.

You can't destroy your own base on purpose – ban.

You can't teamkill on purpose (when teamkilled player does not agree with that) – ban.
Rules are rules.
Exactly, Destroy not Decon. Deconning parts of the base in order to improve the overall base is one of the fundamental parts of the game.

I mean, think back to the original (limited bp) version of the game. If you had 5 rets and no bp left when you got to s2, then you would have to decon to make room for a DC. Then, once you got to S3 you would have to decon to make some teslas.

On this server we may have "unlimited" build points but this doesn't change the fact that as the game progresses there is a need to modify the bases to adapt to new circumstances.

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 2:53 pm
by iain
Just going to bolt it onto the end of this thread as it kind of applies. Just denied building rights for XPK for spamming flags for an entire game. Absolutely useless, and getting in the way of other players.

They tried to vote denybuild him 3 times before getting the message that they couldn't and just leaving the team. Why is he a level 4? He is just trolling all the time now? Cant he be moved down to level 3 at least?

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 3:00 pm
by [{USATREM}] !Gunther!
I really have no idea how people get level 4. There's no sign-up sheet or application. It's completely switched around; their rank is "Nice Player" but half of them seem to be not.

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 4:30 pm
by valentin54
Deconning anything what someone else builded in team is always bad.
Indeed that was bad when RCZ was still UBP, now we sometimes have 0 BPs due to many buildings. Then we have to decon useless stuffs or easily killable ones in order to build a better base. This happened some days ago on map Metro.

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 5:23 pm
by XPK
iain wrote:Just denied building rights for XPK for spamming flags for an entire game.
Here is the screenshot:
Map: atcs on ice
Time is like 12 mins.
Bps left: 814
Player count: like 4 players.
Situation: Alien side of bunker, 2 arms, 1 medi, 1 repater and 0 nodes. Like 12 flags. No aliens and no humans was there until 12 mins. I was there alone in the entire time.

Second denybuild:
Map: vulcano
Bps left: 760
Player count: 5
Time: 1x mins.
Situation before the denybuild: iain built useless second base on top of the map, with like 8 rets, 2 bases is useless if 4-5 players. But its not my problem. Of course he lost all his stuff when an advanced goon spotted his base. iain go to spec. Goon saw my ckit jet and was camping there, I built repeater from the air, goon killed repeater it like 5 times. Denybuild.
Absolutely useless, and getting in the way of other players.
Lie. None of my flag blocked any humans. Also you was specing you could have a demo and post it. Probably you dont post this because there is no blocking flag in the demo or anything else.

(After this, map tremor, iain was alien, he did nothing when we had a human deconner after sd who killed a node, and some useless stuff. But its not related.)

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 5:51 pm
by valentin54
Was here on Volcano - was on iain's side, XPK was building useless stuffs as always, for reason 'I wanted the goon to be occupied by my buildings, so that he does not kill our base.'

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 6:22 pm
by XPK
valentin54 wrote:Was here on Volcano - was on iain's side, XPK was building useless stuffs as always, for reason 'I wanted the goon to be occupied by my buildings, so that he does not kill our base.'
This is your words, I said nothing like this.

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 6:33 pm
val wrote:XPK was building useless stuffs as always
xpk wrote:Lie
Val: can build, has gameflow understanding.
xpk: can't build, doesn't have gameflow understanding.
I wanted
Goon didn't want.

XPK, get over it, either learn to build good (>forum>strategies> stickified "meisselis guide to h bases") or make a word template "denybuild by xyz.doc".

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 6:52 pm
by XPK
Trying to figure out what happens or what is good or bad based on your imagination instead of facts or real experience makes no sense and lead to wrong conclusion many times. You do this very often, it was clear to me when you argued about rants after you said you never use rant.

Aslo, I'm not the one who started this thread, I like to playing not chating.

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 7:52 pm
by valentin54
the invisible man and iain can approve that what I said was right. It wasn't MY words, but YOURS