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Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 5:37 pm
by TheMuffinMann
Now, Val...

Once more your terminology is a little... rough...

It is one thing to try to make sense and another to try to destroy a person solely with words. Surely swearing etc can be fun, but it proves to be of no use.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 5:39 pm
by yalt.
EpicalDude -> lvl1
Muffinmann -> lvl6

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 5:41 pm
by TheMuffinMann
Nobody will be happy with this...

Epical will try to shove the blame on me.

And you won't be happy as I can still "abuse"

Either way, I'll be done with this soon.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 5:43 pm
by TheMuffinMann
Only thing I can propose...

Epical shall never be able to acquire an immunity status on this server.

and I'll happily take the level 0

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 5:43 pm
by valentin54
Why demoting muffin ? he is not a bad admin.

Epical shouldn't even play on the server anymore.. Check the report sections, either they are about epicaldude's constant trolling by other players, or they deal with "admin abuses" by epicaldude..

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 5:48 pm
by yalt.
Muffin kickbanned me a few month ago for fake reason (rota confimed this). Also he overacts alot these days. A little bitchslap would help him calm down. But i dont want to digg up that flamewar again.
" Epical shall never be able to acquire an immunity status on this server. " Would be no problem if he changes his behavior.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 5:50 pm
by TheMuffinMann
I am aware of my overacting and I am trying to keep calm.

Yet provided the constant disparities, nonsense and idiots roaming the server I tend to slack off at that part.

Perhaps I have kickbanned you for an inappropriate reason, but perhaps you should try to startle me a little less. It might help too, you see?

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 1:26 am
by Nod_Nod_Nod
yalt. wrote:Muffin kickbanned me a few month ago for fake reason (rota confimed this). Also he overacts alot these days. A little bitchslap would help him calm down. But i dont want to digg up that flamewar again.
" Epical shall never be able to acquire an immunity status on this server. " Would be no problem if he changes his behavior.

But its yar part why he is off the edge again.

Muffin whatta happenzor? Ya forgot we are the ones who someplayers name sweepers? Ya know we dun have to argue about everylittle shit with them..

And thirda thingy - Why do you think we got Invisibility? If you want to pursuade Epical or Yalt into good creatures I think you are dummiest one. If you dont want to pursuade them - simply change nick :D.

You are going too emotional on game... I do the same only when imma drunk... xD

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 9:06 am
val wrote:Once more, Epicaldude looks for trouble and then complains just after reaching his aim..
Epicaldude, open your eyes, everyone hates you. That's a fact.
If your only aim is to get admins demoted (thats why you report them) then don't start bothering them. You just feel bitter after getting muted, thats why you go for a report. That's bad, you deserve these mutes. As I said lately, I think you should get a new look at yourself, really, because either you have a mental disorder or you're more stupid than any other human being.
Epical shouldn't even play on the server anymore.. Check the report sections, either they are about epicaldude's constant trolling by other players, or they deal with "admin abuses" by epicaldude..

Why demoting muffin ? he is not a bad admin.

Why do you think we got Invisibility?
You've got mute, kick and ban too, but:
1. The rules are too open to interpretation for people who want to push the boundaries for their own amusement.
2. Nobody here has the balls to take a decisive action to stop idiots like EpicDipshit from happening all over again.
3. He trolls, he spams, he annoys ingame, so..
4. He gets muted by Muffin. You now discuss if Muffin is a good admin. What the fuck is wrong with you?
5. Does shit like this gonna be tolerated in T2? T2 forum has 2 months and you've already seen the "linux owns your fascist nigger" by Epical.

Muffin wrote: constant disparities, nonsense and idiots roaming the server
The prevailing "be tolerant" way of thinking is not the best way to MANAGE the server players. Good luck in T2 when you'll have 100 times more active players.

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 3:14 pm
by Nod_Nod_Nod
Grmg it is not about balls. He just walks around the "acceptable" line. If we take big measures at once we will be abusing, and if we do nothing, we are bad. Belive me or not - We can do alot, but remember - besides Muffin and splat - all other admins are new. You saw how long is training of new admin so :P

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 3:55 pm
Nod_Nod_Nod wrote:Grmg it is not about balls.
Agreed, poor choice of words on my side.
It's not about balls, it's about tolerating stupid bullshit from a idiot troller who, on any other server or forum would be permabanned long fucking time ago.

He just walks around the "acceptable" line.
You allow him to interpret the rules in his favor.

If we take big measures at once we will be abusing
...abusing the rules, but not common sense. Be precise :)
, and if we do nothing, we are bad.
You are not bad admins. In fact I think most admins here are rather good admins and most reasonable players would agree. BUT: you do tolerate bullshit in your turf and you do nothing to stop it.

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 6:27 pm
by epicaldude wrote: BUT: you do tolerate bullshit in your turf and you do nothing to stop it.
No, wrong, "bullshit in your (game's) turf" would be to fuck around rules and cause in-game harm to team.
Example: push friendly riffle into ele shaft to die.
- once I did that for lols, and was kicked - do you see me complaining? No.

When any players are muted while not-spamming I try to unmute and/or report here; Did that for yalt, invisible redman (afair) or XPK, and others :)

I hope our chat with Muffin will result in using mute only when really needed. Once in past half-year I seen flooding guy and I'm not objecting when after many warning and mutes/unmutes he got banned.

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 7:03 pm
epicaldude wrote:I try to unmute and/or report here; Did that for yalt, invisible redman (afair) or XPK, and others :)
Redman is like you, zolker or lamefun.
Xpk is as far as I remember a total idiot, even compared to you.
Can't really tell anything about yalt.

Anyway, idiots defending idiots in your example, not really relevant.