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Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 10:10 pm
by mystache
If you have to get your 'being a somebody' from administrating a Tremulous server, then I guess you just gave the perfect reason why you should not be an admin. It's exactly the same 'being a somebody' that makes people like Epical Dude pay for an administrative status. Not to mention that all those 'nobodies' on the server are actuall the people that give your administrative status any kind of value. You just said that everybody who is not an adminstrator is basically a nobody. Way to go.

I don't have to be impartial since I do not have an administrative status.

So first you accuse me of complaining and hating, and then you bring up a situation where you yourself started to complain and hate against me because I use a certain weapon?

Do you need a shovel? It might help you to dig faster.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 10:16 pm
by TheMuffinMann
People look up on admins, or at least should, besides that... If I commit a crime, people will notice and are more likely to shout out in case of it. If you do something... Change of Qkey and IP and you're done...

Yes you don't but this just makes you seem less professional.

As far as I know the Term noob is coined to be calling someone inexperienced at handling something. Newbie - Newcomer and has been decided by vast amount of people that it is not to be considered as an offense. So if I call you a flamenoob I am calling you either inexperienced at using a flamethrower or just cheap because you're using a flamethrower.

Please, I might need a shovel to find the purpose of this discussion!

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 10:20 pm
by mystache
Your proof is me calling someone who was actively trying to kill the reactor with a rifle a moron?

That's even shittier proof than I had anticipated. Seems like you don't need that shovel after all.

The term you were looking for is newb or newbie. Noob or n00b is a negative term. Before using difficult words it might be smart to actually know the meaning of said words.

This leaves the question of all your proof concerning my behaviour and the question of you making an error today, but being unwilling to admit said error.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 10:22 pm
Muffin wrote:The difference is simple... I am an admin, you're a nobody with thousands of nicks...
He was referring to you mystache, not everyone that plays on this server.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 10:26 pm
by TheMuffinMann
On one hand.
So I can call you mentally retarded because you continue this pointless debate?


It's still funny to see you raging at every minor grammar, spelling and linguistic mistake while you yourself sometimes make a lot of mistakes in that field too.

Where have I denied here that I have never made a mistake?

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 10:33 pm
by Redman
Apparently Racism is allowed, talking is not?
Notice that TheMuffinMan actually did not tolerate the racism (hence the warning for Mint14) and Lava Croft wasn't muted for "talking" but for insulting, especially that he had been warned to watch his language.

In my opinion, the thread itself is pointless, since its topic is derived from flawed and emotionally-driven deductions.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 10:48 pm
by Rotacak
Just a small notice: Racism and insulting is not reason for mute/kick/ban until it will turn into spam/abuse:

You can't repeatedly abuse on purpose (swearing, vote or bind spam, blocking, teambleeding…)

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 11:14 pm
This is not about racism Rota.

It's not about the "nigger-nazi once per game is ok, but two niggers-nazis per game is spam" and similar.

This is about: "I can do whatever the fuck I want and you can't ban/kick/mute me, because you have to stick to rules more than I do".

It's about attitudes. Epical and few other retards are spewing their bullshit here and ingame and nobody does a fucking thing to punish them ACCORDINGLY to their misdeeds because nobody wants to "abuse" admin rights because admins have to stick to the rules more than regular players.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 11:15 pm
by mystache
A clear answer to a simple question. I will not frequent this server anymore, but thank you for the reply.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 11:21 pm
by Spl@
Lava, Muffin, just for the record – I was about this far →…← from muting both of you for a while, let things cool down… fortunately, it got sorted out.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 11:24 pm
by epicaldude
mystache wrote:I will not frequent this server anymore, but thank you for the reply.

Spl@ wrote:Lava, Muffin, just for the record – I was about this far →…← from muting both of you for a while
With me "gone" still haters gonna hate, now eachother ;)

So hard to resist using my admin commands, my manhood grows each time I use it :o
let things cool down…
You know what instantly would cool things down?
No one using mute (vote nor command) nor any other command unless necessary for the game play.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 11:39 pm
by Spl@ wrote:It's about attitudes. Epical and few other retards are spewing their bullshit here and ingame and nobody does a fucking thing to punish them ACCORDINGLY to their misdeeds because nobody wants to "abuse" admin rights because admins have to stick to the rules more than regular players.
Well. He finally got the ban which had been coming his way for a while, and if he continues, well, we'll see.

This little spat between Lava and Muffin would seem to be related to epicfail and his trolling. Muffin cancelled that vote while I was going to leave it alone (and maybe unmute the player a few minutes later? Don't know).

There's a certain sensitivity to some words and phrases at present, and while we need to get past that, we also need to make sure that people are happy to play on this server.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 11:57 pm
we also need to make sure that people are happy to play on this server.

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:32 am
by [{USATREM}] !Gunther!
The rules state:
RCZ Rules wrote: mute
If someone spams a lot of rubbish to chat or he's abusing too much. One more time: If too much! Not once, twice or 10 times, but only if it's repeated and too much. Be prepared: he may begin to decon after mute.
If someone says "negros be hitting white folk and their fluffy bunnies (insert more crap here)" and spams consistently, then a mute vote could be considered. But if used once or twice, then it is not needed.

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 10:14 am
by mystache
Just to end this thread with a recap: As long as one does not 'spam', as the rules state, there is no limit to the racism and/or bigotry one can express.

That's pretty awful.