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Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 1:15 pm
by nooteh
Well I joined funserver last night and saw around 6 ppl there... Everyone was building, when I connected, a tyrant told me "NO KILLING, BUILDGAME" I asked him "or what?" he told me: "me" (rant) I asked him: "What if I join aliens?" and he didn't answer...

Well I was normally killing aliens, because this stupid nintendo's missing some textures so I could see almost nothing.

They kept saying NO KILLING OR KICK or sth else... The fun part was they wanted to kick me, but they have already voted twice :D (delay probably, checked showbans, no one was vote kicked) after a while Shade of coffee tried to kick me, he failed.

I warned him of course. Actually I was intentionally attacking to warn another stupid who'll only try to kick me to prevent kicking a regular players.

I was mining some eggs, etc. There were mostly Shade of Something and Shade of Coffee was building a jail of bamboo and bricks. It was quite big. I let it alone all the time, but when they've started to insult me again, I naded, lucied, psawned it all... Shade of Coffee was nearly crying :lol:

I hope he understood the point at last.

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 1:18 pm
by nooteh
Oh I almost forgot...

shade of coffee tried to team kill me by pain saw in the next map... So I warned him:

1) team bleed

hasn't stopped... so I was running to medi and over the whole base (it was quite funny)

2) team bleed, next ban

he finally understood and quit the game... Level of sense = zero.

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 2:49 pm
by ramos
Ther are many types of players in trem in wich 2 categories are big :
1. builders
2. fighters

By having 999 bp and new buildings scould satisfy the first builders category and the fighters are satisfied by kiling and usig mines, but if buildegames continue to kick fighters that is bad cause 75 percent of tremulus comunity are fighters , a builder wil always come back at server cause of the new buildings and the bp but a fighter kicked for a buildgame its hardly ike he is going back

Say no to the builgames :)))) they can build in war to

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 3:44 pm
by pmd
they can build in war to
in war u cant build chess :(

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 7:47 pm
by sindarus
what mean

personal player?

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 8:30 pm
by Quarko
perfectly pwned lamers

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 9:15 pm
by sindarus
= feeder and noob... etc ?

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 9:20 pm
by Quarko
lol, kidding xD

If you ever see some short word or sequence of letters that's part of some special language, you can always check what it means on this web page:

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 9:30 pm
by vcxzet
Quarko wrote:You are playing on Funserver. You are following Funserver rules. Funserver rules say *nothing* about buildgames. So your vote has *no* power.

If someone does not want a buildgame - he will kill and then rape you (or if you are unlucky - in opposite sequence), and nothing would stop him.

If, however, you would try to kick the guy that killed you during your so called 'buildgame' - I will personally ban your account for violating the Funserver rules.

If you want to make a buildserver - go make it yourself and stop whining.

P.S. Oh man this guy is annoying.
it is ok to kick ppl if the majority finds it annoying. how is it against the rules :D

For example you connect to funserver and you find rotacak building a statue. Would you kill him repeatedly when he is trying to complete it?
what would you say if he asked you to stop?
Probably you would stop :) (or become an hero and get kicked)

But it is ok to annoy a non admin when he is building. right?


Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 6:20 am
by Quarko
I would kill him on sight without a second thought. Probably would not rape him after that (just because of moral principles).

But looking at your message I can say that if you ever qualify for an admin - I will definitely vote no.

Admin plays the game as any other player. He can't kick nobody if that guy is not breaking the rules. So If you think that having admin rights makes you super-powerful then sorry, but you are a total newbie. If I found a server with admins behaving like that - I would leave it at once.

Or do you want everyone to worship on godly admin powers?

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 8:05 am
by Rotacak
When jumppad was added, I tried to use line speed with granger ( ) but humans started to kill me and destroying my jumppads, so I had to give up.

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 9:04 am
by Quarko
Oh my god! Why didn't you ban them all? You could've just turn on the god mode and ban them all to finish your jumppad!

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:09 am
by ramos
sindarus wrote:what mean

personal player?
ppl = people

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 2:22 pm
by loldretch
Hmmm... Personally i'm dont like "buildgames", but...
This is Funserver, right? So if many players have fun there when building crap, and when one player ruined their buildgame i think its not right.

Also that buildgames can be useful for build experience, new build strategies or something else, dunno. I'm really surprised how many people likes it. I like build in "ordinary" game, if someone dislike it - (s)he can find other FPS game like CS or Left4dead or something... :P

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 6:28 pm
by vcxzet
Rotacak wrote:When jumppad was added, I tried to use line speed with granger ( ) but humans started to kill me and destroying my jumppads, so I had to give up.
because killing a granger/ckit needs a lot of skill, they shall dictate how awesome they are