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Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 1:07 pm
Henzo! wrote: I agree all what red said, I should say same. He prolly kick someone for camping. And mute someone just for saying "No You!". Or just mute for joking...

EDIT: or noob vote spam How u can vote spam with only 2 votes/map?

I did votekick for EXCESSIVE camp. Admin if present canceled. So would I. Rules are rules.

"No U" is pathetic when it ALL You say. Poke is guilt if it. He has no arguments most of time.

PWNT is irritating if u see it all the time, especially, when ist PWNT everytime someone else from other team dies.

U both have no skill at all, therefore u cannot PWNT anyone.

Votespam is not 2 votes from one player. Its 2 votes from one player followed by 2 votes from another player and so on. Especially at the very begginning when certain ppl vote shitmaps containing command center. Were here to play, not vote mapchanges after it just loaded. That is votespam.

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 1:24 pm
by Redemption
Henzo! wrote:
Redemption wrote:ok

this is my reason for not giving grmg the lvl6

1) he gets way too hot headed.

2)he got me to kick someone on oppsing team for Md ret camping... which to tell you the truth i was sorry for the guy...

3) he would prolly kick and swaer for some idiotic reason like -r noob camp, or noob vote spam or something begining with ''noob''
I agree all what red said, I should say same. He prolly kick someone for camping. And mute someone just for saying "No You!". Or just mute for joking...

EDIT: or noob vote spam How u can vote spam with only 2 votes/map?
wellllll you can if a match (with asmy and muff on one team) ends the match in 5 mins while you spamed your two votes then next map you spam again...

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 1:28 pm
by Redemption wrote:
Henzo! wrote: I agree all what red said, I should say same. He prolly kick someone for camping. And mute someone just for saying "No You!". Or just mute for joking...

EDIT: or noob vote spam How u can vote spam with only 2 votes/map?

I did votekick for EXCESSIVE camp. Admin if present canceled. So would I. Rules are rules.

"No U" is pathetic when it ALL You say. Poke is guilt if it. He has no arguments most of time.

PWNT is irritating if u see it all the time, especially, when ist PWNT everytime someone else from other team dies.

U both have no skill at all, therefore u cannot PWNT anyone.

Votespam is not 2 votes from one player. Its 2 votes from one player followed by 2 votes from another player and so on. Especially at the very begginning when certain ppl vote shitmaps containing command center. Were here to play, not vote mapchanges after it just loaded. That is votespam.
hmmmmm. your so sure of yourself it's embarsing to see it. i know i can't spell propably but i try anyway. + i don't care if someone says ''uhhh you idiot spell fail noob'' to me. i just go on with my business.

+ if i'm losing i never quit... unlike SOME players who claim to be pro and go by order and honer and all that shit.

(i just slaged myself there didn't i? saying for honner and glory :P)

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 3:04 pm
your so sure of yourself it's embarsing to see it.

I am EXTREMELY sure of myself.

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 8:57 pm
by Redemption
hmmm makes me think of my 5 yr old brother and his test that he failed saying

''I WAS SOOO SURE OF MYSELF THAT I GOT THE BEST GRADE EVA!'' and it turned out to be a F

what a nice lad he was xD

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 10:07 pm
Redemption wrote:hmmm makes me think of my 5 yr old brother and his test that he failed saying

''I WAS SOOO SURE OF MYSELF THAT I GOT THE BEST GRADE EVA!'' and it turned out to be a F

what a nice lad he was xD

Sure. Another imaginary brother/sister of Yours.

Stupid example BTW. Thirdperson. My exgf was extremely sure of herself too. What this has to do with our discussion? Get real.

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:46 pm
by GLaDOS wrote:The thing U dont understand is - being an admin is not about POWER. Its about ORDER. I do not want to become an admin for "!mute Red".
It's /mute red, not !mute red -.- This is 1.2, not 1.1

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 2:05 pm
GLaDOS wrote: wrote:The thing U dont understand is - being an admin is not about POWER. Its about ORDER. I do not want to become an admin for "!mute Red".
It's /mute red, not !mute red -.- This is 1.2, not 1.1

It took me 6 months to, by accident of course, learn that !specme is /team s.

I wonder would would happen if i started to use binds for arm and rapidfire binds.

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 9:18 pm
by Redemption
yea... like we need to talk anymore about this

(nod lock this it's just another spam thered)

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 3:00 pm
by Nod_Nod_Nod
Actually I wont lock this... I see here a serious discussion, but if some harsh words (more than allready) will fall, I will stop it... But from what I read here its normal talk between angry and not angry fella..

More likely your latest post - "Yea... Like we need to talk anymore about this." Is pure spam.

And please stop SPAMMING at first, then asking for closing... Its not cool at all.. (spamming or offtopic)

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:37 pm
by Redemption
well since it's gone WAY off topic.
i thought it was only a good reason to lock...

if i was wrong then sue me :P idc i got nothing left to live for anyway