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Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 8:18 pm
by XPK
valentin54 wrote:the invisible man and iain can approve that what I said was right. It wasn't MY words, but YOURS
Nope. Check log and you will see.

I said something about keeping top alien player busy with ckit more interesting than spectating. (But without the context it make not much sense.)

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 8:59 pm
by valentin54
(But without the context it make not much sense.)
Even with the context of this game..

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 9:04 pm
by [{USATREM}] !Gunther! ... c&start=40

I wonder if people should start doing this?

Proof not only for the those blaming but for those getting blamed.
Or just lots of screens.

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 9:14 pm
by XPK
valentin54 wrote:Even with the context of this game..
Yes, because it was not related with the game, it was an answer in the chat to a line what you might missed. So it's no related with this thread.

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 10:30 am
by iain
XPK wrote:
iain wrote:Just denied building rights for XPK for spamming flags for an entire game.
Absolutely useless, and getting in the way of other players.
Lie. None of my flag blocked any humans. Also you was specing you could have a demo and post it. Probably you dont post this because there is no blocking flag in the demo or anything else.

(After this, map tremor, iain was alien, he did nothing when we had a human deconner after sd who killed a node, and some useless stuff. But its not related.)
I don't know why you keep sticking your head in the sand. If your structures weren't a pain and blocking people, why did your team try to vote deny_build you 3 times before you even got outside? Rota can check that.

Then they tried to deny build you in the further maps as well.

You know what? You accused me of lying in game, and now on here as well. I've setup autorecord now, the next time I see you do it in game... All you've done here is piss off another admin, congratulations! Next time you misbehave...


Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 9:23 pm
by XPK
iain wrote:I don't know why you keep sticking your head in the sand. If your structures weren't a pain and blocking people, why did your team try to vote deny_build you 3 times before you even got outside? Rota can check that.
Lets check, how many different players and the reason. You probably talking about a player with N7 prefix, who after fed aliens to goons, start to ragebleeding the 2 corner flags not on our base.
Then they tried to deny build you in the further maps as well.
Second map was atcs on ice, where none saw the flags. Nobody was there.
You know what? You accused me of lying in game, and now on here as well.
I'm not the one who came here to start/restart this thread and writing false informations about blocking flags. Also, I was not complaining about the denybuild in the game.

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 12:36 pm
your team try to vote deny_build you 3 times
Then they tried to deny build you in the further maps as well.
Is there more to discuss after this XPK?

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 7:24 pm
by epicaldude
Well XPK ( O_O ? ) sure builds strange stuff

but sometimes it "works" e.g. distracts aliens or something I guess

Image Click Image to Enlarge Image Hosting

Image Click Image to Enlarge Image Hosting

Image Click Image to Enlarge Image Hosting

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 8:46 pm
by Spl@
epicaldude wrote:Well XPK ( O_O ? ) sure builds strange stuff

but sometimes it "works" e.g. distracts aliens or something I guess
Those particular builds do have some use in allowing a better view of the maze – for MD snipers…

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 1:58 am
by TheWolfKiller
Hmm...I'm no admin (we know who's fault that is :P)
but i have to say, XPX has been a bit...out of sorts lately...annoyed easy, building iffy...just kinda not focused...
And really...if gunther doesn't know how people get level 4...I'm still wondering...

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 12:29 pm
by XPK wrote:Is there more to discuss after this XPK?
Answered already. Logs are not here. I already saw untrue statement about blocker flags.
TheWolfKiller wrote:annoyed easy, building iffy
Lol @ annoyed! Post screenshot. You just angry because that corner egg + bamboo killed your rant 2 weeks ago, that was not my stuff btw. :D

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 1:09 pm
by iain
XPK wrote: wrote:Is there more to discuss after this XPK?
Answered already. Logs are not here. I already saw untrue statement about blocker flags.
TheWolfKiller wrote:annoyed easy, building iffy
Lol @ annoyed! Post screenshot. You just angry because that corner egg + bamboo killed your rant 2 weeks ago, that was not my stuff btw. :D
Allegedly untrue. There is no way currently of proving it either way but I stand by my statement, and the things that everybody else is saying aren't really backing you up as a decent builder.
I know and you know that you were being a dick, built shit structures and were being a pain in the arse. I wasn't actually going to post here again but you just keep on going and going and going.

Hopefully if Rota comes on here and actually reads this thread he can verify the logs and that people did try to denybuild you which you were also adamantly denying (despite there being no way of you knowing). Personally I would hang you out to dry and let the users decide what to do with you, which would probably just end in a lot of vote kicks and bans for you.

Luckily for you its not up to me. Just go back on the server, play the game and stop making up stories and blaming other people for your bullshit trolling.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 2:28 pm
by [{USATREM}] !Gunther!
epicaldude wrote:Well XPK ( O_O ? ) sure builds strange stuff
Nothing so strange about that; I take advantage of that troll map all the time.

Now Wolf says XPK builds "iffy" and is annoyed easily...why keep this up. Mindless talk back and forth. If XPK didn't do it, then he needs to prove other people wrong. If XPK did even more bad building, then it should be reported and not "well...there was this one time.."
Wolf wrote:if gunther doesn't know how people get level 4
Well I don't. It's a mystery.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 3:27 pm
by XPK
iain wrote:I know and you know that you were being a dick, built shit structures and were being a pain in the arse.
I know my buildings blocked nobody and hurt nobody and you know this too, because you was there. And you probably have a demo and screenshot since you was spectating at least 5 mins.
iain wrote:Just go back on the server, play the game and stop making up stories and blaming other people for your bullshit trolling.
You are the one who came here and post bs about blocker flags without a screenshot.

Reports without screenshot/demo should be ignored, wasting of time.

Also I don't think level 4 need to be immune to denybuild.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 4:19 pm
by Rotacak
I dont see anything wrong here. Maybe screenshots will prove something else, but node circles and crate towers are ok.