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zolk3ri - Triggerbot

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 2:10 pm
by qwe1
CUAms kicked this guy for using triggerbot. Just told ya, u fuckers!

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 2:18 pm
by zolk3ri
I knew it. Although I've been kicked for using aimbot and not triggerbot. It's not the same, not even close.
Anyway, the problem is, you can't actually prove it. Tip: next time record a demo, thank you sir.

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 2:22 pm
by qwe1
Ask Ams, hes our *prove*

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 2:22 pm
by zolk3ri
qwe1 wrote:Ask Ams, hes our *prove*
Who can't prove it and hasn't recorded me, yeah, right!
I find it funny you have time for all this. I hope you won't leave me, fruity.

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 2:32 pm
by qwe1
Who cares, u are a damn cheater so BURN IN HELL!!!11.

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 2:33 pm
by zolk3ri
qwe1 wrote:Who cares, u are a damn cheater so BURN IN HELL!!!11.

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 2:40 pm
by qwe1
and u dumbfuck started a false kickvote against me DUMBASS!

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 2:48 pm
by zolk3ri
qwe1 wrote:and u dumbfuck started a false kickvote against me DUMBASS!
So did you. That makes us even!

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:19 pm
by qwe1
no. i called a votekick cause u cheat, thats all. i dont reply anymore. waste of time.

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 5:53 pm
by [{USATREM}] !Gunther!
Ok hold on you two.

Let's step back and look at all the facts.
For the sake of typing: zolk3ri=P1
And qwe1=P2

So P1 has apparently developed his own working kick-butt mod for Tremulous.
P2 is acting like a troll in this situation, and he just joined the forums.

P1 has developed mod-->could be hacking?
Maybe so but:
MAYBE he just good player.

Question 1: P1(or zolk3ri), was AMS spectating you when he called the vote, or on spectators team at all?

Question 2:(more like for general public) So, hackers are always sorta...dead silent right??
Not a word?
So would a hacker actually report on the forums and IN THE RIGHT PLACE? (thanks btw)

Question 3: "Anyway, the problem is, you can't actually prove it. Tip: next time record a demo, thank you sir."

Does anyone else find that line extremely interesting??

Conclusion: No proof, only banned for 30 minutes, please no more noob name-calling; everybody stfu and just play game. >.<

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 6:43 pm
by zolk3ri
[{USATREM}] !Gunther! wrote:Ok hold on you two.

Let's step back and look at all the facts.
For the sake of typing: zolk3ri=P1
And qwe1=P2

So P1 has apparently developed his own working kick-butt mod for Tremulous.
P2 is acting like a troll in this situation, and he just joined the forums.

P1 has developed mod-->could be hacking?
Maybe so but:
MAYBE he just good player.

Question 1: P1(or zolk3ri), was AMS spectating you when he called the vote, or on spectators team at all?

Question 2:(more like for general public) So, hackers are always sorta...dead silent right??
Not a word?
So would a hacker actually report on the forums and IN THE RIGHT PLACE? (thanks btw)

Question 3: "Anyway, the problem is, you can't actually prove it. Tip: next time record a demo, thank you sir."

Does anyone else find that line extremely interesting??

Conclusion: No proof, only banned for 30 minutes, please no more noob name-calling; everybody stfu and just play game. >.<
Answer #1: No, I killed him with a mass driver then he told me I am using my "aimbot" again, then called a vote to kick me out.

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 7:16 pm
by [{USATREM}] !Gunther!
Haters gonna hate. :roll:

Your "aimbot again?"
Oh brother.. >.>

Question 4:
If you has bot, where can I get it?!? O_O


Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 7:18 pm
by [{USATREM}] !Gunther!
Hehe qwe1 is banned. ^^

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 2:41 am
CU_ams word is proof in itself. Apparently You need to learn who he is.

You cheat in any way you get a ban.

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 3:51 am
by [{USATREM}] !Gunther!
No proof=no proof.

One persons word is not enough to ban someone WITHOUT DEMO.
Key words there at the end.

If we had a good demo, then we could consider it. Right now he was either pissed or had a bad run-in a while back.
According to zolk3ri, CU|Ams got his face blow off with an MD, and APPARENTLY, that's enough to kick him.

@zolk3ri: If it happens again, post, and we'll see what the heck is going on.
Maybe record demo with /record and posting that might help.