Basedestroy / Deconning

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Basedestroy / Deconning

#1 Post by ia » Thu Feb 09, 2012 2:11 pm

Hi guys, just wanna report a guy named "gmgl".
He decided to decon lot teslas for reson: " lag" and "spam", btw. there was no lag at all.
I thought spamming was allowed on RCZ.
Evidence (Demo):
Is this behavior valid? /callvote kick wasnt possible (admin imune).
Im just curious...
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Re: Basedestroy / Deconning

#2 Post by » Thu Feb 09, 2012 2:48 pm

ia wrote:Hi guys, just wanna report a guy named "gmgl".
He decided to decon lot teslas for reson: " lag" and "spam", btw. there was no lag at all.
I thought spamming was allowed on RCZ.
Evidence (Demo):
Is this behavior valid? /callvote kick wasnt possible (admin imune).
Im just curious...


1. GRMG.

2. I did remove the teslas.

3. I told him 2 times "stop spam build it will lag game, it will get zapped".

4. I told him also to put rets instead, but hes unwilling to learn.

5. Maybe now Ia u will understand:
a) excessive spamming of buildings causes lag in game, especially on open spaces.
b) a noob mara will zap kill one bilion of your teslas coz mara has bigger range than tesla.

6. Spamming is allowed, so is removing stupid shit which will lag game.

7. I will accept any decision coming from admins.

8. I will remove offending shit if I see it. Call it cleaning of the base.

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#3 Post by ia » Thu Feb 09, 2012 3:09 pm

So what ur trying to say is that u are some kind of "vacuum cleaner for shit"? You dont think that other players should have the option to build what they want? This would be more fair, dont you think?
Im not interested to ban you or kick ur ass but i will not accept unfair-play of "self-proclaimed gods".

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#4 Post by PPNL » Thu Feb 09, 2012 3:49 pm

I gave him premission to do it, since the gameplay was full of tesla's, it lagged the whole server like hell.
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Re: Basedestroy / Deconning

#5 Post by Lancer » Thu Feb 09, 2012 4:23 pm wrote:
ia wrote:Hi guys, just wanna report a guy named "gmgl".
He decided to decon lot teslas for reson: " lag" and "spam", btw. there was no lag at all.
I thought spamming was allowed on RCZ.
Evidence (Demo):
Is this behavior valid? /callvote kick wasnt possible (admin imune).
Im just curious...


1. GRMG.
Polak, all the same, right? Nod, grmg, ppnl...

2. I did remove the teslas.
nothing wrong with that

3. I told him 2 times "stop spam build it will lag game, it will get zapped".
Yep, they will get zapped, and before you know whole base is in smoke

4. I told him also to put rets instead, but hes unwilling to learn.
His decision to do so though

5. Maybe now Ia u will understand:
a) excessive spamming of buildings causes lag in game, especially on open spaces.
b) a noob mara will zap kill one bilion of your teslas coz mara has bigger range than tesla.

True, and true

6. Spamming is allowed, so is removing stupid shit which will lag game.

7. I will accept any decision coming from admins.

8. I will remove offending shit if I see it. Call it cleaning of the base.
Every player plays its game as he wants can solve it though if other people have problems with it too (/callvote denybuild X) for example.
Care to check out Jucaspel?
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#6 Post by » Thu Feb 09, 2012 4:31 pm

ia wrote:So what ur trying to say is that u are some kind of "vacuum cleaner for shit"?
Well boo hoo, I feel offended. Not.

You dont think that other players should have the option to build what they want?
If you want to build shit, go to PLAY>Create Game.

As for your argument - check this - i can spew rhetorical bullshit better than most, so:

Building like you build RUINS the game for other people. Do you not care for other people?

This would be more fair, dont you think?
Is it fair that you build armwalls interspaced with rets and thay causes your team to be ridiculed and lose in the end? Do you think the appreciate feeling this way?

will not accept unfair-play of "self-proclaimed gods".
You just did.

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#7 Post by ia » Thu Feb 09, 2012 6:36 pm

I didnt build arm-walls. (show me evidence)
I didnt said that im god. (show me evidence)

Question is: What IS "shit build". Is it what u think it is?
I dont wanted to offend you, if u feel so, im sorry.
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#8 Post by » Thu Feb 09, 2012 6:56 pm

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#9 Post by Nod_Nod_Nod » Thu Feb 09, 2012 8:01 pm

Lancer: From what I think PPNL isnt a Polak... Do you have problems with Polaks? o.O
The nodding of the head once to symbolize a greeting, cuz we white folk to damn lazy to open our mouths and speak up. Nods are also easier to shake off than a flase "hello".
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#10 Post by Lancer » Thu Feb 09, 2012 8:06 pm

It was a joke my przyjaciel!

And PPNL is dutch, like me :-)
Care to check out Jucaspel?

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#11 Post by Rotacak » Fri Feb 10, 2012 11:39 am

I didn't saw that video yet, but overall:

- admin can decon structures, if that causing SERVER lag = everyone start having big ping or he should make SD. If this is only FPS issue, then there is no reason for deconning others buildings.

- bad building, walls, rows etc. ale maybe unusefull, but are fun for both sides (if it is not in main base) - so if someone building somewhere out of base something unusefull, it is ok.

Sometime it is part of strategy to make low fps :)
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#12 Post by » Fri Feb 10, 2012 12:41 pm

Rotacak wrote:If this is only FPS issue, then there is no reason for deconning others buildings.
Not in this case.

[/quote]- bad building, walls, rows etc. ale maybe unusefull, but are fun for both sides (if it is not in main base) - so if someone building somewhere out of base something unusefull, it is ok. [/quote]

Sometime it is part of strategy to make low fps :)
Yeah, trample doesn't care second only maybe to 250 damage of luci.
Last edited by on Fri Feb 10, 2012 1:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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#13 Post by TheMuffinMann » Fri Feb 10, 2012 1:05 pm

My opinion:

Grmg has the right to decon your structures, IF he can REPLACE them with approprate structures, not lowering the base's ability to defend itself, thus meaning, he can happily interfere with your building, unless he just wants to harass your ass with criticism.
A signature, for me?

Stop it, you. :$
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#14 Post by » Fri Feb 10, 2012 2:27 pm

TheMuffinMann wrote:My opinion:

Grmg has the right to decon your structures, IF he can REPLACE them with approprate structures,

Which I do when its possible, but when I place a ret he removes it and builds tesla. So I remove tesla and build a ret. And thats useless for anybody.

not lowering the base's ability to defend itself
The point of me removing the useless buildings.

unless he just wants to harass your ass with criticism.
That is unintended and may seem I do it do fuck with him, but thats not my intention. I am cool, not raging when I do it. Ah and btw Ai - ret buildtime is shorter than tesla, I will always have time to remove tesla AND build a ret.

BTW from today, built by Ia:

Image Image Image

A short description: there are 6 (literally 6) rets near main entrance. 2 default rets. Find me a defensive structure here that is not tesla. This is the only base btw.

1. How hard is it to understand that this base will be eaten by ONE mara, you cant defend from behid the tesla (too tall), thus this building is detrimental to team trying to defend?

2. Spam is allowed.

3. To senior admins (past and present): Am I allowed to remove the usless stuff (tesla and its placemant) and replace it with usefull (rets and good placement)? I would like to know, so there wil be no need for Devius to do /buildlog.

4. I NEVER deconed (1.1 and 1.2), basenaded on purpose or bled base on purpose. NEVER.

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#15 Post by ia » Fri Feb 10, 2012 4:23 pm

1. We won on that map cause of the powerfull teslas ;)
2. You deconned some days ago lots of teslas and some of them by shooting them. I didnt count it but i think it was about 20 -25 teslas. But this was before the demo so: no evidence.

"I replace unuseful props with useful" - if you base ur behavior on that, the whole discussion will be senseless. If that were true, everybody could decon stuff he likes and argue in that way.
From now on, we should discuss more about "tolerance towards other players" and less about usefull and not usefull building. I think this would fix our problem here.

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