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Pinking/Pent/Forever/Whitestar - Deconner, troll, etc

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 12:51 am
by Teh Matt

Code: Select all

ban: pinking has been banned by console duration: 30.0 minutes, reason: Geo88 called vote kick (deconer)
pent connected
pent entered the game
[S] pent: gay map
[H] Teh Barto: Good Game!
[A] Teh Matt: Good Game!
Geo88 disconnected
[S] pent: which faggot selected this map?
[S] pent: u mad bros?
pent disconnected
pent connected
pent entered the game
Teh Matt called a vote: Kick player 'pent' for 'FUCK OFF, SERIOUSLY'
whitestar entered the game
Vote passed (3 - 1)
ban: pent has been banned by console duration: 30.0 minutes, reason: Teh Matt called vote kick (FUCK OFF, SERIOUSLY)
pent has been kicked by console. reason: Teh Matt called vote kick (FUCK OFF, SERIOUSLY)
whitestar has been kicked by console. reason: Teh Matt called vote kick(FUCK OFF, SERIOUSLY)
forever connected
forever entered the game
forever called a vote: Kick player 'Teh Matt' for 'u mad?'
Vote failed (1 - 3)
[H] forever: brb
[H] forever: mat? u mad?
[H] forever: but honestly bro
Vote failed (1 - 1)
callvote: you have already called the maximum number of votes (2)
[H] pet4a: omg
[H] pet4a: idiots
[H] forever: why idiots? :( you sound mad
forever was machinegunned by TEAMMATE pet4a
[H] forever: I asked if ur mad
[H] forever: you could said yes? :>
... Somewhere in here he deconned the rc and the humans lost the game
New game...
Overmind DECONSTRUCTED by forever
Barricade DECONSTRUCTED by forever
Acid Tube DECONSTRUCTED by forever
forever was squished
Acid Tube DECONSTRUCTED by forever
Anyways, if any admins are on, you may want to do something about his IP. I'm sure any player on can confirm this. If nothing else, he should be ip-banned for deleting his qkey to avoid bans.

Maybe they aren't the same person, but their style of speech and actions seem identical. And the timing doesn't seem too coincidental...

- Teh Matt

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 12:38 pm
by valentin54
First it is a MAD guy. I know it is one one my clan mate, because 'U mad bro' ? is pure MAD.

I Think I know this guy thanks to the way he speaks, I'll try to know who it is.