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A kick for no reason

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:10 pm
by nalf

Just for the record, WS||Sononbitch called a poll vote for "kicking" bloodychemist just before that.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:28 pm
by [{USATREM}] !Gunther!
So wait, you didn't get kicked, but the guy from the annoying "WS" clan did?
And you're reporting for him?

If he has a problem with being kicked, then he can report it on forums. Apparently he was SOME sort of "NOOB", because the vote passed 7-2.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:35 pm
by Lancer
For the record:

Bloody Chemist = zolk3ri.
And he got a new bot.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:59 pm
by nalf
[{USATREM}] !Gunther! wrote:So wait, you didn't get kicked, but the guy from the annoying "WS" clan did?
And you're reporting for him?
I don't see a reason why it shouldn't be reported and why only the victim should report. When someone breaks the rules, he should be punished no matter who reported and who was the victim. I don't want to discuss WS||* here, and I think it's not even appropriate in this case. IMHO rules should apply and protect all equally. If WS||... was annoying, he should have been kicked when he does something bad and with a proper reason, and not just for fun.

I think the game would be much more pleasant if people cared not only for themselves but also for others. If someone calls a kick vote with a reason "noob", that's no reason - all should automatically vote no. And perhaps call a new vote with a proper reason, if there is one. And if someone misbehaves, everyone should care and report it. Not just think "it wasn't my problem so I don't care ...", or even "let's kick him, that'll be fun ..."

Don't take it wrong, I'm really annoyed by certain people who just insult others, troll, spam and generally disturb the game. But the rules should protect these people to, if appropriate, not just punish them. Otherwise people will lose respect in the rules, seeing that they are biased. On the other hand, when a trolling person sees that the rules not only punish him but also protect, he'll get more respect for the rules and has a better chance of reforming his behavior to earn more of that protection.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 10:34 pm
by [{USATREM}] !Gunther!
Lancer wrote:For the record:

Bloody Chemist = zolk3ri.
And he got a new bot.

No wonder his aim was so...really really good.. >.<

Ok well, reban—life goes on.
(BTW Lance, how do you know?)

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 1:21 pm
by valentin54
Gunther : I told him.

Actually, I was playing on N7 clan server as alien, with 3 other ULTRA members (ok they aren't skilled, but well).

I killed his base and he still had Reactor + arm&medi, we came (4 drethchs) I was wallwlking and he killed 4 of us without missing anyone.

At this moment I didn't think to record it, but when I said 'I know you are aimbotting' he answered 'DUDE it's not aimbot' and didn't finish his sentence.. he got kicked before.

I already told him he was using an aimbot, and he replied the same.. DUDE it's not an aimbot, it's a Triggerbot.

Wtf >.<.. He used to be banned Perma, he came back and I was the only one caring.. He's always kicking people for fun (Even me) and I would say that Redman (a.k.a invisible man) works in his idiot game too.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 5:19 pm
by zolk3ri
I had my own reasons to call a vote against that guy, if you do not believe me, then read logs. Also, the vote passed and it was not just me who voted against him, that is the thing you should never forget.

Val, yeah, you are so right. I have never missed. You want to know why? Because you dumb dretches came to me in a straight line. Do you really expect me to miss? Anyway, I love when people with no programming skills keep commenting on stuff that requires some. For example, I have to use ziptool in order to purify the PK3, in order to hack. Nalf is changing his PK3 and I have already 10 of them. Do you really think that I am purifying it just to hack for 5 minutes? Man, you should really think before posting, because you are one of the many reasons homo sapiens species are pathetic. Oh, you also have to prove it that I have hacked.

Oh and what does it mean: "He got a new bot."? Seriously. People, just think for a second. It will not hurt, trust me.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 5:33 pm
by Redman
nalf wrote:Just for the record, WS||Sononbitch called a poll vote for "kicking" bloodychemist just before that.
Just for the record, WS||Sononbitch (better known as Falcon) called at least two real kickvotes (an even more mute votes) against bloody chemist before, that passed. I didn't see anyone caring about that.

Too bad I don't keep logs.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 6:15 pm
by valentin54
bloody called a vote to kick Falcon the same day, BEFORE falcon did this one.

PS : Topic turning to WWIII

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 7:07 pm
Zoltan, bet me some $ that nobody working in your school speaks english.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 7:49 pm
by zolk3ri wrote:Zoltan, bet me some $ that nobody working in your school speaks english.
Here it comes the proven point.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 8:04 pm
by nalf
Redman wrote:
nalf wrote:Just for the record, WS||Sononbitch called a poll vote for "kicking" bloodychemist just before that.
Just for the record, WS||Sononbitch (better known as Falcon) called at least two real kickvotes (an even more mute votes) against bloody chemist before, that passed. I didn't see anyone caring about that.

Too bad I don't keep logs.
If I had seen it, I'd have cared. I hate when people do that.

Zolk3ri, if WS||Sononbitch kicked you, you should have reported it, it's no excuse for you kicking him back. He would have been banned and wouldn't have bothered you, or anybody else. Same as in the real life: If someone robs your house, you don't go and rob him back. You go to the police, get him busted, and he'll not rob any more. If people just resort to vendetta, like you do, we'll get anarchy, and the only losers will be the people who came to play the game.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 11:18 pm
nalf wrote:You go to the police, get him busted, and he'll not rob any more.
You're explaining this to a whore who got banned from here, US1 and EU for botting, yet he comes back and bots again. Well, thats gotta be a trem-irony :D

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 1:08 am
by Forty-Two wrote:
nalf wrote:You go to the police, get him busted, and he'll not rob any more.
You're explaining this to a whore who got banned from here, US1 and EU for botting, yet he comes back and bots again. Well, thats gotta be a trem-irony :D
He admits the evil deed! Seize him!

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:30 am
by [{USATREM}] !Gunther!
Forty-Two wrote: wrote:
nalf wrote:You go to the police, get him busted, and he'll not rob any more.
You're explaining this to a whore who got banned from here, US1 and EU for botting, yet he comes back and bots again. Well, thats gotta be a trem-irony :D
He admits the evil deed! Seize him!
I second the motion.

And seriously, Ziptool is already available to the public, has been for a while.
Like it takes alllllll niggghhtt to purify a simple 300kb~ pk3.
If it does, you have ultra slow computer and I suggest you throw it in your neighbor's pool.

I also second's point, and still wonder to myself: "Why is he still on forums, and why don't we just ban him on every server and forget about it..."