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the}{thing / ted mayers / affairs(?) - admin level 7 abuse

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 11:26 pm
by epicaldude
Level 7 admin:

- Last month abusive !rename into "dipshit" (lol? :) I do not mind calling me whatever but !rename is not what admin should do from my regular nick to this)

- Today priv message spam to distract my game - now this starts to go a bit over line as it affects gameplay, especially when senior admin has no rate limit and msg take half screen (yes you can /ignore but again this is not something senior admins should do)

Also maybe 3 months ago message spam (as I reported on forum) but it was (probably) Affairs, not sure if they are same person (I think that probably NOT.. so just mentioning it btw. And I do not mind much, it is a done topic about the 3 month ago)

Pictures in a moment.

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 11:28 pm
by Rotacak
It was amin "the thing". He was demoted right now.

I didnt see your first report.

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 11:38 pm
by epicaldude
Rotacak wrote:It was amin "the thing". He was demoted right now.
Thank you.

Well since Im anyway uploading images.


So demoted to level 2 you say, kk.
Case closed then[/img]

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 1:13 am
by [{USATREM}] !Gunther!
Ok, I was IN that game.
Where was Thing??
If you had problem, why not send admin message with /a?

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 1:36 am
by epicaldude
[{USATREM}] !Gunther! wrote:Ok, I was IN that game.
Where was Thing??
If you had problem, why not send admin message with /a?
I did send admin message with /a ;
Btw TheThing = Tac Mayers as it says in his profile.
With /a - funny because then also the admin-abuser got this message. Next A6 disconnected and instead Tac Mayers connected few seconds later.

While this alone is not definitive prove, willlThe}{Thing say it was not him?
I do not think so since I have more evidence and I think Rota has too.

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 3:10 am
by [{USATREM}] !Gunther!
This is....really strange.

I must have been AFK when /a message came in.

What profile?
How do you know it's Thing?

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:13 am


Lolz :D

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 7:03 am
by Rotacak
I checked logs, it was him.

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:36 am
by The_ThInG
OMG! this is one way to ruin my day...
and its my fault... i copyed my qkey to a few places...
so its like this... i got a copy of the qkey and autoexec.cfg (where i keep some of my name binds) on the office PC ... my home pc and the Laptop i own...

And i think some of my co-workers at the Office *Decided* to ruin my day...
I have removed the qkey from there... and i wont be copying it there... ever again... :!:

Now the problem is ... how do we solve this..?
Come on people you know me... i wouldn't spam in such a retarded way...
If i wanted to go rogue ... i'd just start banning people... all that the pictures show is... some one unexperienced enough to use admin...
i wonder how by some miracle someone didnt start banning or kicking people...

And how do i further proove my innocence in this matter?

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:57 am
by epicaldude
The_ThInG wrote: so its like this... i got a copy of the qkey and autoexec.cfg (where i keep some of my name binds) on the office PC ... my home pc and the Laptop i own...
And i think some of my co-workers at the Office *Decided* to ruin my day...
I have removed the qkey from there... and i wont be copying it there... ever again... :!:
Now the problem is ... how do we solve this..?
Come on people you know me... i wouldn't spam in such a retarded way...
And then magical unicorn appeared?

Your coworkers know how to change nick,
bind /m to spam quickly,
and use admin commands to be incognito admin,
and knew just the right time (when I left to go to IRC to call Rota) to reconnect and change name/identnity?

Month ago when you confirmed on IRC you did abused !rename admin commands, was it your coworker too? Did he steal your laptop and used it to tell Rota on me (I throw a nade AFTER game was over) because it was the discussion in which you (or your evil coworker) admited your abusive use of !rename.

All the times when you said, as level 7 admin,
in game "you are going to destroy me" and "you hate me" and all that,
was that your coworker too?
(not actual quote but if you insist I might dig into my screenshots/logs ;)

Because that is going for months (and I do not care, except when you start to do it while abusing admin).

Does your evil co-worker share your hatred of me, wish to "destroy me"? How luck that he got hold of your key then.

Wow that is a really bad ass bully coworker you have there.

Are you the only one that can see and hear him?

Could you give us email to your parent or guardian? :)

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 10:56 am
by The_ThInG
epicaldude wrote:
The_ThInG wrote: so its like this... i got a copy of the qkey and autoexec.cfg (where i keep some of my name binds) on the office PC ... my home pc and the Laptop i own...
And i think some of my co-workers at the Office *Decided* to ruin my day...
I have removed the qkey from there... and i wont be copying it there... ever again... :!:
Now the problem is ... how do we solve this..?
Come on people you know me... i wouldn't spam in such a retarded way...
And then magical unicorn appeared?

Your coworkers know how to change nick,
bind /m to spam quickly,
and use admin commands to be incognito admin,
and knew just the right time (when I left to go to IRC to call Rota) to reconnect and change name/identnity?

Month ago when you confirmed on IRC you did abused !rename admin commands, was it your coworker too? Did he steal your laptop and used it to tell Rota on me (I throw a nade AFTER game was over) because it was the discussion in which you (or your evil coworker) admited your abusive use of !rename.

All the times when you said, as level 7 admin,
in game "you are going to destroy me" and "you hate me" and all that,
was that your coworker too?
(not actual quote but if you insist I might dig into my screenshots/logs ;)

Because that is going for months (and I do not care, except when you start to do it while abusing admin).

Does your evil co-worker share your hatred of me, wish to "destroy me"? How luck that he got hold of your key then.

Wow that is a really bad ass bully coworker you have there.

Are you the only one that can see and hear him?

Could you give us email to your parent or guardian? :)
Yes yes... was expected out of you... and this doesnt concern you... also you have done a good job at reporting this... ? oh and its pretty simple to know how to spam /m once you know how to make multiple binds... doesnt take knowledge of admin commands to do this...

That was something else... about the rename stuffs oh and back then i only had my qkey at my home PC... sooo.... you cant really guarantee that its safe even there...
Also epical.. i hate you.. but.. would'nt really spam you to hell...

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 11:09 am
by epicaldude
The_ThInG wrote:Also epical.. i hate you.. but.. would'nt really spam you to hell...
So the co-worker that stolen your qkeys,
and plays and knowns tremulous and binds and all,
also happens to hate me as you do,
also happens to call me "dipshit" exactly the word that you use,
and exactly the word "dipshit" to which you !renamed me month ago and admited it on IRC to Rota,
so he stealys your qkey,
joins game,
notices me even thou I was actually under different nickname,
but he uses /listplayers to find me
and then he spams me (while I am under other nickname) using your exact choice of insults.

Hey maybe next it will turn out all this bullshit excuses above are also your co-worker?
Did he "stolen" your forum passwords too, with the qkey?

This epical story above is likely to be true. I once had such a co-worker too.
While I was the good guy chasing villains, my co-worker "Robin" turned evil and put some sand in pudding of the class-mate that I happened to hate.
But it was totally him, not me!
The kindergarten lady never believed me and I had to sit in the corner for my co-worker wrong doings entire after noon :< I know how you fell bro.

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 11:23 am
by The_ThInG
epicaldude wrote:
The_ThInG wrote:Also epical.. i hate you.. but.. would'nt really spam you to hell...
So the co-worker that stolen your qkeys,
and plays and knowns tremulous and binds and all,
also happens to hate me as you do,
also happens to call me "dipshit" exactly the word that you use,
and exactly the word "dipshit" to which you !renamed me month ago and admited it on IRC to Rota,
so he stealys your qkey,
joins game,
notices me even thou I was actually under different nickname,
but he uses /listplayers to find me
and then he spams me (while I am under other nickname) using your exact choice of insults.

Hey maybe next it will turn out all this bullshit excuses above are also your co-worker?
Did he "stolen" your forum passwords too, with the qkey?

This epical story above is likely to be true. I once had such a co-worker too.
While I was the good guy chasing villains, my co-worker "Robin" turned evil and put some sand in pudding of the class-mate that I happened to hate.
But it was totally him, not me!
The kindergarten lady never believed me and I had to sit in the corner for my co-worker wrong doings entire after noon :< I know how you fell bro.
You can take your conflict hungry ego away from this topic... beliave it or not.. stuff like this happens... and im not really againts getting demoted... i just wanted to represent my *CASE* as to what happened... ok? i dont want people to remember me as the *Good idioticly bad admin* ... seriously... now... the fact is clear... it wasunt me... and im fine with lvl 2... thats all i want people to know... and im not really that much online *busy again* so.. let the topic progress... let outher people have a say... i think you had enough of your examples pointed out...

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:17 pm
by Lancer
I didn't see a rename done by thing, as i was there too.

Troller gets trolled, now he's mad?
Wat the hell is this btw?

We all know epicaldude is an ass, now he's the victim, now it's all bad and stuff.

I'm done here, fuck this.

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:19 pm
by Rotacak
The_ThInG wrote:That was something else... about the rename stuffs oh and back then i only had my qkey at my home PC... sooo.... you cant really guarantee that its safe even there...
So, it was your coworker or no?