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Political Referencs

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 8:22 pm
by TheMuffinMann
Some things are okay to be said and some can be easily overlooked but the constant name-calling does annoy sufficiently.

I am not a Nazi, even if I am of German heritage.
Whatever my ancestors did is none of my business, whatever politicians who I did not elect do, that is none of my business either.

So please be so kind and stop scapegoating and other things.

I am a pacifist and actually do not support any deteriorating, selfcentered and foolish behaviour.

Thank you...

Btw: I did take that as a major offense.

Re: Political Referencs

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 8:48 pm
by zolk3ri
TheMuffinMann wrote:I am not a Nazi

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 8:49 pm
by epicaldude
[ ] ban/punishment
[ ] undo of previous decision / unban
[X] admin / [ ] user attitude adjustment

related to following bad activities in game:

[ ]base attacker: ( )kill RC/OM ( )killed important stuff ( )just bleed
[ ]team attacker: ( )killed with no reason ( )just bleed
[ ] glitcher: [ ]reached outside-map location [ ]others gameplay
[X] unwarranted ( ) long-ban ( ) kick (X) mute (X) other (cancelvote unmute)
...that was placed for allaged ( )decon ( )tk (X)other(incorrect language) ( )no-reason an (X)admin ( ) player
[ ] cheater: suspected [ ]aimbot [ ]wallhack [ ] /msg spam [ ]other

nickname: TheMuffinMan
level: [ ]dunno [ ] unregistered [ ]player lvl 1-5... [X]admin lvl... 6?
other info: new admin -

DEMO(s): got on request ; yalt has too he said
SCREEN(s): got on request

ON DATE: 2012-10-31, TIME: 21:30 (PL time) ON MAP: (irrevelant)
With teams count (A-H) : ~10-~10
-> They where discussing something, Muffin, Yalt, Invisible man, Unnamed
-> as I joined Muffin said he will mute everyone that makes political reference
-> so we started saying: democracy communism votes ballots consittution etc etc
-> invisible was muted
-> yalt was muted
-> interestingly, I was NOT muted :)
-> vote to unmute Invisible (by me) was canceled (by Muffin)
-> we talked some more
-> eventually Muffin unmuted invisible and yalt

Epical called unmute, so did few (1,2?) other players
We called Muffinman a Nigger for abusing power
Im checking if the Tyr in the Closet has opening in his reeducation schedule

well dunno.
People get really pissed (like 5-6 people expressed rage over how they where muted).
Are we sure Muffin is ready to be admin?
If yes then I really hope this was the last time, but from brief conversation in game and on IRC I am not sure do we agree that this actions where bad. I was looking forward for his administartion because I like CU| (at least CU|Ams) so maybe this can be just sorted out for the future.

Muffin: no one is accusing you of serving in Hitler's army you know, and even if someone did, why you care, milions of people accuse every one of us of being evil for say "being infidels" or "heaving sex without marriage" etc. Let them. What you care what other say. Also /ignore really works.

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 8:56 pm
by Redman

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 8:59 pm
by TheMuffinMann
Perhaps ignore won't work as I am having the console open permanently and need to fulfill my administrative duties.

On the other hand I do know that most of us are being condemned in some form daily, still this isn't an excuse to make obsolete remarks about ones heritage or similar. One or twice as a joke is amusing but a constant reminder of human incapability isn't needed. Is it?

I would not really call the mutes unwarranted but more or less a little too over the top. I still haven't calmed down. But didn't I warn you that these things seriously do offend me?

The namecalling: Nigger doesn't matter to me at all. I know my skin colour and I know that this is more colloquial than nazi. Especially if it is followed by historical references and similar. It is one thing to make a pun but another to make it a satire.

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 9:00 pm
by TheMuffinMann

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 9:03 pm
by Spl@
epicaldude wrote:[…] We called Muffinman a Nigger for abusing power […]

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 9:07 pm
by valentin54
was present there, Muffin just entered the game that he was called 'Nazi' by the invisible man.

I may understand that it hurts him, it's normal that he used /mute command on some players.

the invisible man was already warned before, but didn't stop calling Muffin nazi, do not say that invisible is the victim then.

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 9:26 pm
by yalt.
I didnt call Muffin a *nazi* and got muted too. We were just fucking around and all those words wasn't meant to offend. There is no reason to mute someone just cause he used the word *nazi* or *nigger*. >(

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 9:28 pm
by Redman

Code: Select all

*TheMuffinMann saying that WWII ended in 1965*
the invisible man: afaik it ended in 1945
the invisible man: started in 1939
yalt: muffin-mathematics X
the invisible man: nazi and doesn't know when the war ended!
the invisible man: trolol

Code: Select all

the invisible man: muffin
the invisible man: from 1 to 10, how offended you are?
TheMuffinMann: 11

Code: Select all

___VOTE____ yalt called a vote: (poll) build some swastikas to make muffin going RAGEQUITTING!

Code: Select all

the invisible man: why would you be offended by stuff like 'nazi' ?
the invisible man: not like you are a nazi
the invisible man: wait
TheMuffinMann: Because it is an offense.
the invisible man: are you?
the invisible man: oh fuck
Come on, they're all just jokes. They don't mean anything.

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 9:33 pm
by TheMuffinMann
That is your definition of a joke, but I have told you to stop it as they are offensive.

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 9:34 pm
by epicaldude
Redman wrote:

Code: Select all

*TheMuffinMann saying that WWII ended in 1965*
the invisible man: afaik it ended in 1945
the invisible man: started in 1939
yalt: muffin-mathematics X
the invisible man: nazi and doesn't know when the war ended!
the invisible man: trolol

Code: Select all

the invisible man: muffin
the invisible man: from 1 to 10, how offended you are?
TheMuffinMann: 11

Code: Select all

___VOTE____ yalt called a vote: (poll) build some swastikas to make muffin going RAGEQUITTING!

Code: Select all

the invisible man: why would you be offended by stuff like 'nazi' ?
the invisible man: not like you are a nazi
the invisible man: wait
TheMuffinMann: Because it is an offense.
the invisible man: are you?
the invisible man: oh fuck
Come on, they're all just jokes. They don't mean anything.

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 10:49 pm
by [{USATREM}] !Gunther!
I seem to recall a strange reaction by Val to swasikas made out of tubes a while back..

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 12:00 am
1. Making fun of nazis is funny IF it is funny.

2. Being called a nazi would probably be funny IF you picked a right person, but bare in mind that - most nazis were Germans and nazis were generally not "really nice people", so to a German being called a nazi might be offensive.

3. Some, but fortunately not all, Germans find being called nazi very offensive (kind of a reverse "never again" which the Israelis have). If you want to understand how serious that is, google what german national team did juts before the EURO2012. Or the german pope and his certain visits to certain places. Or EVERY german goverment since the Berlin Wall.

4. For some strange reason some people are taking stuff that happened 60+years ago really too far.

5. Making sfastikas is trolling and ofc trem-wise-stupid. Don't do it. It doesn't help the team.

6. Muffin - don't get offended, they found your button and are pushing it.

7. Most non-europeans don't get this "area" at all.

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 12:03 am
by valentin54
Not a strange reaction, a normal reaction I think. We can't joke about WWII, and especially about Nazis. My point of view.