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Rotacak Advertising Trem 2?

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 1:05 pm
by TheMuffinMann
Recently I have been getting more complaints by other players that your advertising of Tremulous 2 has been annoying quite some players.
Even though it may be only during sd it still does bother quite a lot of people and has caused them to leave the server.
Most of the players have chosen to live with it, but this advertising is going a little too far.

You're advertising for something that does not exist. Of course I cannot denounce you or deny your right to do it, but I am just trying to say that advertising a game, which is going to be released in SEVERAL years, this early will surely result in less people be willing to buy the game.

It makes you seem too greedy and makes the Unlimited server seem to be just a mean to persecute your selfishness.

I am only saying what I have heard and what I partially feel like it seems to be. You gross of more people with the way you treat the Unlimited server than you would win people that would purchase the game.

Advertising is nice, but not at least every 30 minutes during a critical moment of the game for a thing that only exists on pen and paper. (Not even Alpha!) that's the issue.

I'll leave it up to you, whether you change anything or simply not do anything.

I have my idea about you and I can live with it. It won't alter my administrative duties on Unlimited.

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 2:01 pm
by Rotacak
You mean this:
Sudden Death!
Tremulous 2:
Instead of this:
Sudden Death!
Well, that is really evil advertisment and I have only one answer: Haters gonna hate.
does bother quite a lot of people and has caused them to leave the server.

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 2:44 pm
by Redman
Well, that is really evil advertisment and I have only one answer: Haters gonna hate.
This is the attitude that will sooner or later destroy the server's playerbase.

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 4:29 pm
This is the attitude that will sooner or later destroy the server's playerbase.
I would meditate LONG and HARD on what Redman said. Not about the spam issue ("" every 30mins is acceptable, its not 10 lines of sales copy anyway) but about the ATTITUDE.

There are 200-500 regular players max. 90% of them has facebook account, say with 100 friends. There is something like "pay with social post instead of $", there is something like "pay with a tweet instead of $". If you want to use them, well....

Don't get me wrong, I agree with most of your T2 ideas (might not agree with some, but generally "you're more right than wrong") BUT "I don't care what you think"/"I know better" attitude is very bad one to have when comes to advertising and product design.

EDIT: Poll is badly formulated. T2 doesn't need MUCH advertising inside the community. It needs MUCH advertising outside it.

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 7:36 pm
by Rotacak wrote:"I don't care what you think"/"I know better"
I said that? I said "Haters gonna hate.". There will be always someone, who will say bad things on anything, no matter what you will do. If someone will quit game due this SD message - tell me, who it is? Valuable player? Tremulous lover? Hardly. Probably it is bored player, whose seeking reason for quit (btw, there was, or still is, advertisment for - nobody ever complained about that). Hardest thing on developing something for people, is this "hating". It happen everytime and it hurts very much. But I am already experienced with that, so it can not hurt me or change my mind or my goals.

But it is interesting situation. When I spending time with developing mods, bugfixing qvm, uploading maps, solving another problems (lags, low memory) and paying for server hosting - everything is perfectly ok. But when I will dare to add one thematic line of text to the game, suddently is everything forgotten... I think this is right thing for meditation.

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 8:07 pm
by Iltavuo
I barely even notice that advert. Greedy? Come on. The server is what, at least four years old and Rotacak has worked on it a lot. Now he added a barely noticeable link to a Tremulous 2 site, that appears only once per thirty minutes, if the map even reaches sudden death. That's greedy?

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 12:22 am
by [{USATREM}] !Gunther!
Seriously, how in the world is this an problem? I'm all the way with Rotacak on this one, haters gonna hate. Its less than a 5 second pop-up advertising a real legit sequel to this dying game. If one or two people want to leave because the SD screen is too long, show 'em the door.

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 3:23 am
by yalt.
Advertising is nice, but not at least every 30 minutes during a critical moment of the game for a thing that only exists on pen and paper. (Not even Alpha!) that's the issue.
Ever played Bad Company 2, TF2 or other modern games? Those are mostly full of ads that popup every 10 min. Sometimes even with stupid banners so in this case its tolerable. Most of *you* guys are just too spoiled.

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 12:10 pm
by TheWolfKiller
[{USATREM}] !Gunther! wrote:Seriously, how in the world is this an problem? I'm all the way with Rotacak on this one, haters gonna hate. Its less than a 5 second pop-up advertising a real legit sequel to this dying game. If one or two people want to leave because the SD screen is too long, show 'em the door.

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 4:25 pm
by Redman
People aren't used to ads in Tremulous because the game is free (as in freedom). I wouldn't have anything against the ad if the game at least had a solid expected release date.

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 5:03 pm
by TheMuffinMann
Then be so kind. Lock this topic, delete this topic. Do whatever you wish with it.

Re: Rotacak Advertising Trem 2?

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 11:22 pm
by epicaldude
I really do not get what is the problem here, at all.

What others said.

On the haters:

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 2:21 am
by TheWolfKiller
Yeah, it's a bit early for an ad, but i don't see why muffin is so put out by it.
It appears for 3 seconds, and goes away. If there was an ad running down the side of my screen i would be annoyed.

If i was rota, I'd wait another 6 months before an ad, but hey, I'm not rota.

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 12:28 am
by Spl@
TheWolfKiller wrote:Yeah, it's a bit early for an ad, but i don't see why muffin is so put out by it.
It appears for 3 seconds, and goes away. If there was an ad running down the side of my screen i would be annoyed.
I don't like it either. It's in-your-face hijacking of an informational message.

Also, I've found myself playing/watching rather less of late despite no less free time. Somewhere between this and the number of mid-game quitters…

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 1:21 am
by epicaldude
Spl@ wrote: It's in-your-face hijacking of an informational message.