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Deconner/Teamkiller Lol1o{*0*}

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 5:13 pm
by Crepes
I dont have any dumps or screenshots, but the player Lol1o{*0*} came into the game around 10:30 Central time. He Tked pretty much everyone on the team, then acted like it was an accident. He then proceeded to deconstruct (helpfully not badly) and place human base inside of the little hole in atcs. He was helpful from then on out, then, when we couldn't win and couldn't get any credits, he got frustrated. He tked me, then when i shot him in the head ONCE, he tked me again then deconned reactor. He left and joined the Official trem server (IDK if it was euro or usa) and played there. I joined to copy his name down, then left.
IDK what kinda ban he should get if you guys think my story checks out, but he is just rude, i mean we coulda won that! :?

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 6:18 pm
by Spl@
A kick team-vote would have been appropriate. As it is, not a lot can be done.