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A right bleeder…

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 9:13 pm
by Spl@
VAL (unofficial) (fake VAL), a.k.a depressed graga rain, just got a two-week holiday for bleeding, having earlier been warned then kicked for the same (saying that he'd switch to humans and mess things up for them, then proceeding to do so).

He joins humans, usually aims somewhere near aliens (tending to miss them, and perhaps ‘accidentally’ bleed nearby team-mates or their buildings), and has been observed to take ‘a few extra shots’ at structures. He seems rather good at avoiding actual teamkill and basekill.

Bleeding was a little more obvious before the warning.

In this particular case, at least one distant turret was apparently targetted, and some shotgun shells were fired at the reactor after aliens in the vicinity had been dealt with by defences and other players; even going so far as to return and have more shots.

I'd originally set that to 5 days, but reviewing the shotgunning of the reactor persuaded me otherwise.

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 9:45 pm
by Lancer
Agreed on this, as he also spams, when muted admintests.

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 5:16 pm
by shitshitshit
And Now for Something Completely Different...

Player [granger]killer, begins in me, shooting at me when I'm running down the hall and when they attack me, a aliens to me, instead of shooting them easier to get me killed. Today was so vicious that it lied to the players. He began to vote, to kick me out because supposedly curse in Polish. Yesterday began two votes to get me to calm down and see what players falsely and voted "no".
Another player who keeps changing names started (today "RoveR) to tease me about the Poles racist texts. So I answer it the same for blacks. But that does not help, start voting and with childish N7Dragonfly, [granger]killer silenced me or throw from the server.
And yet all the time EpickDuuuuude which promotes Hitler and Nazism.
Weed saw everything so he does not deny!

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 6:53 pm
by Weed
shitshitshit wrote:And Now for Something Completely Different...

Player [granger]killer, begins in me, shooting at me when I'm running down the hall and when they attack me, a aliens to me, instead of shooting them easier to get me killed. Today was so vicious that it lied to the players. He began to vote, to kick me out because supposedly curse in Polish. Yesterday began two votes to get me to calm down and see what players falsely and voted "no".
Another player who keeps changing names started (today "RoveR) to tease me about the Poles racist texts. So I answer it the same for blacks. But that does not help, start voting and with childish N7Dragonfly, [granger]killer silenced me or throw from the server.
And yet all the time EpickDuuuuude which promotes Hitler and Nazism.
Weed saw everything so he does not deny!

Rover was lava and he was just arguing with you about poland.
don't rage to fast, he isn't a racist, he talk about every countries what he finds good or bad.
[granger]killer made a kick vote you for no reason at all and i
i voted F2 for you but there where to much F1.
btw epical wasn't there

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 6:59 pm
by MegaMedic
Nooooo shitshitshit, he's the best from the server!

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 7:04 pm
by shitshitshit
I know that there was a epicalduuude but he has already accumulated.
And who is this lava? Ban him or something.
Meanwhile, something about the flame>. <

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Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 7:17 pm
by iain
I told you in another thread shitshitshit.

If you have a new topic, MAKE A NEW THREAD!!!!!


Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 7:23 pm
by iain
MegaMedic wrote:Nooooo shitshitshit, he's the best from the server!

that is all