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Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 6:56 pm
And his fucking annoying bind.

"Sorry bro i'm pro"


and btw: is there a way to /ignore someone permanently?

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 7:38 pm
by Pikachu
I dunno, I'd love to be able to turn of the chat sounds on ignored players though. I'd probably use ignore a whole lot more lol...

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 8:38 pm
F1 on Pikas' idea

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 9:34 pm
by nalf
Pikachu wrote:I dunno, I'd love to be able to turn of the chat sounds on ignored players though. I'd probably use ignore a whole lot more lol...
That would be easy, perhaps even configurable by a client variable. I've been very busy lately, but if more people like this, I could make a patch for it some time.

BTW, there is also "cg_teamChatsOnly", which ignores global chat, that can come in handy too.

Re: Weed.

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 10:14 pm
by Weed wrote:And his fucking annoying bind.

"Sorry bro i'm pro"


and btw: is there a way to /ignore someone permanently?
using a bind is abuse?
it was just a new bind that i tested when i killed someone, relax it was a joke.

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 7:42 am
by Fang152
I know who you're thinking of ignoring grmg, but if you continue trolling on the server as you usually do you may not hear the warnings of the admin and won't even know why you got kicked. Just be careful okay? :D

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 8:47 am
From the top of my head:
Blade (my-curent-skill-level-troll-who thinks he's better, but he's not, with admin rights)

Cute Granger Female (a crosbreed between emo-child and a girl-wannabe, can't stand "it's" way of speaking)

WolfKiller (he talks and talks and fucking talks all time and then talks some more, STFU already, best part is "if you don't stop telling me to STFU I'm gonna quit your team" hahahaha :D)

lamefun (when he doesn't stop his conspiracy theories about java script and freedom of speech, besides this he's a kickass dude nowdays, did I mention no bleed of eggs? :D)

lava "the nab" croft ("oh yeah I'm good, I'm so fucking good, really good, I'm good" etc. etc., unfortunately he has annoying habit of namechanges everyday)

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 9:03 am
by Fang152
Is that it? You're posting to whine about other players because they talk and name change... I think you need to go find the reasons that we have a forum for before you come back (Hint: It's not for whining about other players just because you suck a little :wink: )

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 9:04 am
by Fang152
And on that happy note, I think its time to stop this topic.

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 9:14 am
by Lancer wrote:From the top of my head:
Blade (my-curent-skill-level-troll-who thinks he's better, but he's not, with admin rights)

Cute Granger Female (a crosbreed between emo-child and a girl-wannabe, can't stand "it's" way of speaking)

WolfKiller (he talks and talks and fucking talks all time and then talks some more, STFU already, best part is "if you don't stop telling me to STFU I'm gonna quit your team" hahahaha :D)

lamefun (when he doesn't stop his conspiracy theories about java script and freedom of speech, besides this he's a kickass dude nowdays, did I mention no bleed of eggs? :D)

lava "the nab" croft ("oh yeah I'm good, I'm so fucking good, really good, I'm good" etc. etc., unfortunately he has annoying habit of namechanges everyday)
(Lancer/Reaper :D)
Fang152 wrote:And on that happy note, I think its time to stop this topic.
No, this is his opinion, if we block it, fuck freedom of speech in his granger behind.

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 9:49 am
by Fang152
Roger that. We'll let him bitch a little more :)

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 10:10 am
by TheMuffinMann
Let's see...

I have heard tons of people bitch around about Lava, still Lava does not give a fuck... Do you detect a difference?

You're trolling yourself with your own attitude and Lava just reacts spontaneously, while you create whole structures and hypotheses! in your minds, so as to be able to rage about your own insolence.

That note aside...

So far you are the one that rages most of the time with your constant cussing and complaining...

After every second or third death you're either saying fuck you or similar offensive term.

You have been warned often enough... and I will warn you again... You are neither the owner of the server, nor are you deserving of any special treatment.

Behave and stop this nonsense... Or at least rage in a more sophisticated way...

You may be Polish, tend to be drunk a lot, but we aren't responsible for your fucked up life on this behalf. We are trying to play a game and enjoy ourselves, but I highly doubt that anybody enjoys reading every second or third command line be filled with some random nonsensical swear word...

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 10:24 am
TheMuffinMann wrote:So far you are the one that rages most of the time with your constant cussing and complaining...
Yeah I rage a lot lately.

random nonsensical swear word...

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 10:24 am
by Fang152
Muffin you used a lot of big words. My mind is befraggled :?

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 11:15 am
by Vriess
Yeah grmg! Smash those trollfucks.
