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Admin-issues 1.0

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 9:16 pm
by TheMuffinMann
Hmm, I figured I'd post a slight admin-update as people seem to regard our actions as either invisible, unjust or whatsoever.

As currently addressed by some player, admins seem to favour particular players over others.

Most certainly it seems so, sometimes it is so, but often players do not realize the issues with particular players.

To mention a few scenarios:

Players with a dynamic IP cannot be that easily kicked/banned by level 6 admins, especially as they tend to be enraged at that moment and will start exploiting the dynamic IP for further destruction.

Another is that particular players have acquired a rather negative prestige. (I am missing the term here x.x) Those players are usually treated a little harsher than others, as they are known troublemakers and usually do not need further warning/trialing.

With this matter sorted, I'll continue to further issues.


I have heard this phrase a lot and usually it isn't anywhere near abusive. Usually players do not perceive whole truths or even a whole situations, they're busy with the game, discussion or have recently connected.

standard scenarios involve this:

A: Offends B
B: Retaliates
A: Persists and implements threat
B: Reacts and offends as well
C: Rants at A and B
A: Ignored C and insults B further
B: ...

You get the story...

As this proceeds, usually player A and B get the warning and under circumstances a mute.

sometimes player B complains about the warning, as they haven't done anything, although they continued the discussion etc.

This falls under the category of Abuse (Spam!) and Do not be an idiot.

Further issues are feeding and vote-kicks (GRMG!!!)

Feeding is an old issue with Tremulous and has cost its fanbase a couple of players/members.

In particular new players are prone to feeding as they do not grasp the concept or have similar issues (AGE!)

Some details in regards of this matter.

1. You have been a new player yourself
2. New players tend to idle around inside the base or do nothing...
3. Communication is essential
4. Talk to the new players, honestly... Do not just rage about them
5. Be nice in general, it helps improve the atmosphere

Votekicks... Nobody likes being kicked...

This is a shout out especially to our ragers, GRMG.PL in particular!

A vote kick is not used for kicking players you DO NOT like... It is used to kick people that cannot be dealt with otherwise... e.g. you at times.

Either way... Please read the rules... They are important. VAL! GRMG! VRIESS!...

As this probably will not do justice...

It is important referring to said reputation...

Stop being idiots... Especially you, vriess...

So far you are known for swearing, ban-evading, threatening, deconning and teamkilling. Just about every rule you can break... Still you come back with predictive Alias (Colourschemes etc)...

So you have no right to call us/me an abuser, when we just happen to kick you for whatsoever reason...

We have plenty, most of them recorded...

A closing message to some people:

It may be worth mentioning that admins are neither for nor friend in regards of rules.

We as players may be nice to you etc, but we are obliated to judge and evaluate according to rules and proof necessary.

Some people may consider this funny, or may not even be interested in this, but this is an update from my side of admin experience from the past weeks.

I thought it might be nice to share with some of you the issues we admins have at times.

Feel free to comment.

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 9:38 pm
by Vriess

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 9:52 pm
by Weed
Finally, Muffin you can explain very well (:


Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 11:05 pm
A vote kick is not used for kicking players you DO NOT like... It is used to kick people that cannot be dealt with otherwise... e.g. you at times.
I don't kickvote ppl because I don't like them, I kick them for persistent pussy-bullshit behavior (Fedora loser- camps all time, jetcamps all time, nothing else, proturk - stupid nabfucker, who builds like shit all time, camps all time and bleeds on purpose)

Last vote from me with "-r feeder" was a year ago.

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 7:48 am
by MegaMedic wrote:
A vote kick is not used for kicking players you DO NOT like... It is used to kick people that cannot be dealt with otherwise... e.g. you at times.
I don't kickvote ppl because I don't like them, I kick them for persistent pussy-bullshit behavior (Fedora loser- camps all time, jetcamps all time, nothing else, proturk - stupid nabfucker, who builds like shit all time, camps all time and bleeds on purpose)

Last vote from me with "-r feeder" was a year ago.

You can't kick people for "camping, jetcamps". This is not something ilegal.

You meet camping in all games. What are you going to do? Kick noobs from all games?

Jetpack is not something illegal in Tremulous. All noobs use it. But not all maps is good for jetpack.

Build like shit? "/callteamvote denybuild [name]". This is not a reason to kick.

Also everything what happen in a team like: Bleed, TK, - you must use callteamvote.

If is something like decon spawns and RC/OM, then you callvote so everyone can see it.

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 8:15 am
You meet camping in all games. What are you going to do? Kick noobs from all games?
I'm not referring to the situation when some dude or part of the team camps. I'm referring to the situations (note the plural) when ENTIRE h team camps ALL time. This is kickable. Ppl like shitshitshit - this is a mega camper.
Jetpack is not something illegal in Tremulous. All noobs use it.

I use jetpack to, but it doesn't mean I camp with jet ALL time and stop only to reload lasgun.

Build like shit? "/callteamvote denybuild [name]". This is not a reason to kick. Teamvote fails 50% of the time (1-1). Kickvote is after failed denybuild.

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 10:05 am
by TheMuffinMann
-> Rules are rules. They apply for the mass as well as the individuals!

This meaning that camping, even if the whole team camps, is allowed.
-> Design flaw!

Build like shit?
-> Do it better!

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 10:59 am
by Lancer

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 3:52 pm
by [{USATREM}] !Gunther!
There will always be players that grief. If they came for trouble, they'll get it back.
And simple mutes for complaining suffice.

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 5:07 pm
by Pikachu
About jetcamping etc, imo if the game or map allows for such a scenario then those are to blame and not the person who exploits the situation. The solution then would be to fix the game or map instead. If a person enjoys camping who the fuck are we to say he/she shouldn't be able to? That just leads to moral relativism and rather than enjoying a game you get into shitty political disputes. It's much better to fix the core issues that lead to it.

And yes, a team deciding to camp can be a tactically useful maneuver for them. Deal with it.

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 7:03 am
by mystache
Comment: We have the right to call any admin anything we like, as long as it's within the rules. Assministrators will always be crybabies.

Comment: Naming 3 completely irrelevant trollnoobs in this thread only gives them more glory than they deserve.

Comment: You can make any problem you encounter as big and important as you like. This thread is an example.

Comment: Most of the people raging about wanting (jet)campers kicked are exactly the type of (jet)campers they rage about. Life is tough sometimes.

Closing comment: Make your behaviour and playstyle a showcase of what you think should be the standard. If you are already doing this, then G' save us all.

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 8:54 am
by TheMuffinMann
Comment: Only Lava pulls off those comments...

Comment: Nobody forced you to comment and exhalt them even more ;)

Comment: Some problems e.g. you won't go away by simply asking...

Comment: Hepta-goon-camping at every possible base entrance makes camping almost a must... (Just sayin'... -.-)

Closing Comment: I'll just bear those words in mind... Lava Croft: Good player with a bad attitude.

Post Comment: Which one would you recommend: Q1, Q2, Q3, Q-Live, Q-Wars?

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 11:49 am
by mystache
Imitation remains the highest form of flattery.

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 1:24 pm
by Fang152
Imitation remains the highest form of flattery.