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iMack and Crackdown's behaviour

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 5:59 pm
by Redman
Again, I found no proper category for this... WTF?

Player named Chtlul said he was kicked by iMack and Crackdown with reason "idiot", because he didn't want give them his evos. I hope admins will do something with this. I made screenshot when talking with Chtlul, if you need them I'll post them later (now I'm playing).


iMack said he did this, because he wasn't teamworking. I told him it's not reason for kicking and he said he didn't know about this. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?! Admin which don't know rules? You gave admin for someone like this, but don't want to give it to nice player like Quarko. It's just another admin epic fail on this server...

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 7:08 pm
by nooteh
I'd like to give admin to Quarko. But didn't want it yet. He said he will think about it.

I will take a look to the log about the kick. I know iMack is not probably mature enough, to be admin.

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 7:51 pm
by Rotacak
That is that "this server need more admins". Good admin is hard to find.

I suggest: one last chance for crackdown and imack. One more noob votekick/kick and they will lose admins.

Spectre, if you agree, tell it them.

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 7:56 pm
by nooteh
Yes, I told to iMack. CrackD0wn doesn't use instant messengers, so I hope he's going to read it here...

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 8:52 pm
by CrackD0wn
yea that was kinda childish from me

This was on R funserver CZ of which i am not admin
i am only admin on R unlimited CZ

Also i called vote the kick and it was 6-1

i just simply called vote since cht didnt understand the importance of teamwork wen i asked him for 1 evo so i could kill and protect base but instead he said to earn them ourselves but i said we would just be feeding since i was dretch vs s2

Therefore technically i did not admin abuse since i was never an admin on the server to begin with. If i was admin then i would have just done !kick if i wanted to not that i would since it would be admin abuse.

again i know it was childish/nubish of me and promise it wont happen again

unless someone else calls the vote and i still wont be able to do anything since i am not admin on the server

I'm a clean admin on servers that i have authority on.

Also red, if cht wanted he could have made the complain himself. You dont have to go around being everyone's saviour u knw.

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 10:04 pm
by nooteh
Mind your language. I don't understand nearly a half of your messages. You are not admin on R Funserver CZ, but it doesn't mean you can behave there like an idiot, but on R Unlimited CZ like a nice admin.

I again repeat that being admin means accept responsibility.

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 12:21 pm
by CrackD0wn
Spectre wrote:I don't understand nearly a half of your messages
You mean you dont understand half of my messages
you dont need the a in the sentence

also like i said before, i am a gud admin and dont abuse

i called a vote and everyone present did f1 except him ofcourse

so technically i didnt admin abuse since i wasnt an admin to start with

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 2:11 pm
by Rotacak
CrackD0wn wrote:i called a vote and everyone present did f1 except him ofcourse
That mean nothing. If it is not callteamvote, then other team voting F1 because he want to kick most of people from opposite team.

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 4:19 pm
by CrackD0wn
Rotacak wrote:
CrackD0wn wrote:i called a vote and everyone present did f1 except him ofcourse
That mean nothing. If it is not callteamvote, then other team voting F1 because he want to kick most of people from opposite team.
4 players in aliens team
3 player in human team

even if u subtract the human f1 vote tat means all people in the alien team f1 also

still doesnt matter

also some people in the opposite team like to keep trouble makers/ bleeders/tkers in the opposite team instead of kicking em out cuz it makes it easier for them

i've seen it many times

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 4:33 pm
by Redman
Also red, if cht wanted he could have made the complain himself.
He is too lazy or he wanted to report it to admin in-game. I prefer posting it on forum, more people will read it.

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 5:02 pm
by CrackD0wn
yea but the point is i didnt admin abuse cuz i wasnt an admin in the first place

get it?

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 7:17 pm
by Redman
Where I wrote you did abuse your admin rights? I'm just thinking players like you would better don't have them.

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 11:22 pm
by CrackD0wn
wat the hell are u talking about?

you dont make sense
better you let someone translate for u

jsut get this straight


Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 11:07 pm
by Quarko
Ok, everyone calm down. This server is entering a new era, era in which Quarko is now known as "Quarko, The lvl6 Admin".
Guessing from 2 first posts in this thread - this is exactly the miracle everyone was praying for and finally, here it is :D

There is one way to eliminate the primary cause of scandals like this - that way is to remove racial differences between aliens and humans. So the first thing I will do in my admin career - is make each and every player fully invulnerable. That way, all players will live in peace and harmony and can build the better society (I will talk about my 'communism in tremulous' plan later).

P.S. That strange-looking mushrooms feeled really great... Have to get some sleep now.

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 12:41 am
by CrackD0wn
lol communism in trem

that means mixed breeding which results in...

Mutated humans and hi-tech aliens 0.o