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idiot piuska

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 8:02 pm
by CrackD0wn
right now on funserver i got kicked for aimbotting by these 2 noobs - piuska and rayman

i was on human and they were aliens

i had 9k in 2 min

Both of them kept sayin i was haxing since i killed noob rayman in the air and i kept owning piuska

final vote was 7 f1 - 4 f2

i knw i am good player but that doesnt mean i bot
if this keeps up then only noobs will come to the server since all the good players r being kicked by the fail noobs

the same thing happened with reflex last week wen some noob polish idiot tried to kick him twice

earlier today in the morning i got kicked for tking a bleeder. i was rant and this idiot i cant remember who the noob was but he kept bleeding me with mara so i tked him after he kept chasing me whereever i went. then he went basi and bleed me again so i tked him again. then he callvoted and vote jsut barely passed

so it would be gr8 if rota could gimme back lvl 4 again since noobs will always try kicking me for no reason since i always pwn them and they epic fail.

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 9:46 pm
by Quarko
Yeah, piuska is obusing kickvotes.
Today, after I killed him 5 times in a row, he started swearing about me using aimbot, then suddenly asked me to do '!admintest'. After I did it - he left. Now I realize that he probably tried kickvote me and failed.

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 10:19 pm
by CrackD0wn
oh and quark it gets better

yesterday i pwned his ass wen i was alone vs him and this other guy

both of them were s2 camping with rets and tesla around em. it was one of those layouts.

after i got s3 piuska tried to kick me with reason 'idiot' since i got s3. the other guy left after i killed him once and then i killed piuska fag a few more times then he left too

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 10:56 pm
by Quarko
Hm, I wonder how can we solve the problem with *this kind* of players...
Maybe move kick vote to level 2?

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 11:09 pm
by CrackD0wn
cant we jsut ban him for a month or so

tat'll teach him a lesson

also dont forget about |GoD|Rayman
he's a fag too

the other day he deconned the rc then left >.>

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 12:31 pm
by Quarko
Both solutions are wrong.

Vote kicking is not restricted in rules, so currently rules allow to vote-kick anyone on any reason. You can't ban him for that, but rules have to be changed some way.
Moreover, even that we know you, there is no proof you weren't using aimbot at that moment.

As about Rayman - no screenshot of decon => no ban. And being a 'fag' is not a reason to ban him.

So my final proposition would be to move vote-kicking and vote-muting to level 2 or even level 3. That way players would know that they will loose it if they vote-kick with no proof, or vote-mute with no reason.

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 12:33 pm
by Preddy
I have already banned Rayman on lagged for his effort to own server and kick other players cause he wanted to paly with his friend there. And I think Rotacak will agree only with a ban for a week or two, not more.

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 12:36 pm
by Quarko
for his effort to own server and kick other players
Ha ha :)

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 1:14 pm
by Rotacak
We cannot move !kick to level 2 or higher. First - they probably already have level 2 (Regular Player) and second - if there will be no admin and one idiot, then others with level 0-1 cant do anything.

Crack: I cant give you nice player, because you not acting like nice player. You awearing (yes, I know, others started swearing at you first) and changing teams or disconnecting if you losing. That is not again rules but it no reflecting behavior of nice player.

Quarko: If someone trying to kick admin (you) then it is notified in chat, so if piuska tried it, you shloud see it there. But he is probably big noob, who know what he tried to do.

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 2:20 pm
by CrackD0wn
rota i dont swear anymore. i had to do it that day cuz piuska was being a kurwa

all i want to do is play trem and then these noobs who suck and fail hardcore try kicking me for being gud

i dont disconnect wen i losing. where u get that from?

i play the game till the end and sometimes i have to abruptly disconnect cuz sometimes i am playin wen im not supposed to so wen i hear my mom coming i quickly quit trem

look rota u knw i dont use aimbot or hax
I dont decon or tk cuz im not fag lke piuska

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 2:22 pm
by CrackD0wn
Quarko wrote:Both solutions are wrong.
Moreover, even that we know you, there is no proof you weren't using aimbot at that moment.

plus i fail at using hax
i simply cant get it to run so i gave up tryin to use one

so basically u could say i am haxing since i AM A HAX!!! :twisted:

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 3:38 pm
by Preddy
Rotacak wrote: Quarko: If someone trying to kick admin (you) then it is notified in chat, so if piuska tried it, you shloud see it there. But he is probably big noob, who know what he tried to do.
It's something like: piuska tried votekick on immune player (Quarko)

By the way, Crack, you can't be polite here so don't be susprised Rotacak doesn't want to mark you as a nice player.

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 5:13 pm
by Redman
rota i dont swear anymore
noobs who suck
im not fag lke piuska

Back to topic:

Someone have to do something with piuska, maybe !denyfailvotes or something?
Vote kicking is not restricted in rules, so currently rules allow to vote-kick anyone on any reason.
So why admins are canceling all vote kicks, sometimes even polls?

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 6:10 pm
by CrackD0wn
Redman wrote:
rota i dont swear anymore
noobs who suck
im not fag lke piuska

Back to topic:

Someone have to do something with piuska, maybe !denyfailvotes or something?
Vote kicking is not restricted in rules, so currently rules allow to vote-kick anyone on any reason.
So why admins are canceling all vote kicks, sometimes even polls?
yea very nice >.>
i dont swear like fuck u bitch cunt face

everyone uses the word 'noob' in gaming. how is that a swear word? wtf?

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 10:17 pm
by Quarko
It's something like: piuska tried votekick on immune player (Quarko)
Don't know if there was such message. I did not notice it then, maybe it was just a coincidence.
So why admins are canceling all vote kicks, sometimes even polls?
Because, given that there is admin at server, it is much better option for admin to check the player that is being kicked first, and take actions himself. This way there is much lower chance of wrong kick.
everyone uses the word 'noob' in gaming. how is that a swear word? wtf?
Great, you have commented on 1/3 redman quotes :) 2 more to go.
And actually, your behaviour is not the topic of this thread. If you want to discuss you being white and fluffy - open the separate thread please :)