ADmins missing

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ADmins missing

#1 Post by CorSair » Sun Jun 27, 2010 8:48 pm

Today, in1.2 server, there has been great number of all sorts of deconners.

Sorry for not putting pics of proofs but....

One in alien team was getting kicked because console shown that he destroyed the hives, tubes, etc. And he didn't even touch the eggs, thus he was blamed with no reason. But someone named OptionX, deconed the eggs, thus destroying all. And I checked, who took the eggs.

Then one game, mister A (don't remember names,) thought that mister B was deconing stuff, but we were, in alien team, picking few armories and stuff along. Eventually he was bit in bad mood, and decided to destroy reactor in middle of sudden death.

I usually like to play in 1.2 Unlimited, but since the admins were missing, the games weren't even worth to play.

So, i'm just askin, can there be bit more admin activity?

(hopefully right place to put this topic too.)

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#2 Post by Rotacak » Sun Jun 27, 2010 9:02 pm

Yes, we need more admins. Just dont know where to get them. There is app: ... ke-request

I will try to do something with that.

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#3 Post by Nomad » Mon Jun 28, 2010 10:21 am

Is that u, CorSair ? That one from KorX. If yes, i can say: u would be good admin :wink:

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#4 Post by Iltavuo » Mon Jun 28, 2010 7:10 pm

Would be nice if there was an irc channel for contacting the admins/discussing stuff. That would at least raise my ability to respond into these things. Also the chatter there might bear some helpful/interesting ideas. Prophet has pretty much stopped playing there, seen him once in the last three/four weeks or so(doesn't mean that he isn't on more often, but..). Actually, the only one of the 1.2 admins I've seen on regularly lately has been !dax. Maybe the others are just having a short/long break.

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#5 Post by Quarko » Tue Jun 29, 2010 6:47 am

Ghm.... I wonder... How hard it is to make some !contactadmin command that sends an email or irc message to someone...

Generally, sending email is very easy if the protocol is unencrypted (I'm guessing has some SMTP server).
Sending IRC message would be even easier.

So, If someone provides me info on what sources to hack (for 1.2 version I mean) - I can do both (or one of them) in this weekend.

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#6 Post by Rotacak » Tue Jun 29, 2010 9:33 am

Irc is described here: I am online often, but for big discussions wait to evening :)

Quarko: irc messages from trem would be good. 1.2 using default sources, oficially compiled. Revision is... 2022
