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Deconner POKEMON

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 4:21 pm
19 march around 4-5pm
quote from condump+highlights

Paradoxon was pulse rifled by UnnamedPlayer#1
Paradoxon was caught in the fallout of Powa's lucifer cannon
tim connected
KrisK felt the full force of Powa's lucifer cannon
person was machinegunned by Zethomas
tim entered the game
tim joined the aliens
UnnamedPlayer#1 was bitten by Paradoxon
Zethomas was bitten by [{USATREM}] !Gunther!
Honey Fox was mass driven by Nelson
a connected
UnnamedPlayer#1 disconnected
Machinegun Turret DESTROYED by Pokemon
Medistation DESTROYED by Pokemon
Telenode DESTROYED by Pokemon
Medistation DESTROYED by Pokemon
Machinegun Turret DESTROYED by Pokemon
Machinegun Turret DESTROYED by Pokemon
a entered the game
Telenode DESTROYED by Pokemon
Machinegun Turret DESTROYED by Pokemon
Machinegun Turret DESTROYED by Pokemon
Telenode DESTROYED by Pokemon
Pokemon disconnected
Machinegun Turret built by stoffl
Reactor DESTROYED by Pokemon

Zethomas should have run further
Powa fell fowl to gravity
a joined the humans
Paradoxon was lasgunned by cool boy
stoffl was bitten by tim
Zethomas was bitten by tim
Machinegun Turret DECONSTRUCTED by a
macrel cxds fell fowl to gravity
]/condump pokemondecon
Dumped console text to pokemondecon.

If u want condump file ill add it.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 4:26 pm
by Redemption
can you put condump file on so we know EXATLY what happened? and how it happened?

it said pokemon disconnected then it says RC deconed by pokemon.

+ do you know it was him? and did you kick him? i'll come online and see what happened and get his side of the story and post it here for more info for the admins.


Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 4:32 pm
A whole bunch of not so black man saw it.
Check server logs.

Decon is decon.

EDIT: attachments?

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 4:36 pm
by Redemption
ok grmg first things first:

this is saters side of the story.

he basenaded to show lanac how retarded he was and was a joke. (i know it's not allowed)
+ when he deconed the RC he was moving but he lagged out.

and those facts are prolly in the console logs. he just said you can ask lanac.
+ isn't it normale to move RC to top place on rotcannon? if it's not then correct me plz.

that is all thx

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 4:46 pm
by Henzo!
Ok, here comes my version...

I were skype with lanac, andI said him "come to unlimited, come pls" etc..
He came, and I told him to spec me. Then i basenaded with 2510 credits.
Much stuff went down, after basenade, i disconnected.

Rc:: No, i didnt decon rc, it destroyed in base nade...

NOTE: This was first and last time, i see, game is still on and humans have big changes. I'm really sorry about this what happened. Please don't ban me, I will never do that again. Originally it was a joke, I just wanted to make show. Me and lanac laughed alot to that. But i know, all ppl think im stupid, and they hate me.

MuffinMan have seen me few times, just like Redemtion, when i really am pissed off, but i still continue gameplay, like normally. Decon is not for "calming down". I don't decon, cause I don't want to get banned. I love this server, so it will be worst thing in trem, if I get banned. US server is full of fags...

BTW, That was my (long) story.

And also, sorry of my bad english, I'm finnish, so i can't spell all right.

--Editing if needed--


Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 4:48 pm
by Battle[GR]
Redemption wrote:+ isn't it normale to move RC to top place on rotcannon? if it's not then correct me plz.
I occasionally move the RC there, alongside the second floor of H base.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 4:51 pm
by Henzo!
BTW, humans won that game...

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 4:56 pm
Decon is decon.
None cares if it 4 fun or not.

BTW: U naded rc, but one nade cant kill rc, so the rest of base killed it when exploding.
BTW2:Its not possible to kill that many stuff with ONE nade.

BTW3: Actually there are more fags here then on US or EU. Skill is high there. UBS is more fun than 150bp thats all.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 5:15 pm
by Nod_Nod_Nod
Ok Henzo going on hiatus then... He will be back after 2-4 days... (be happy its this low... You said it openly... Dont ask any admin to unban you either...)

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 5:36 pm

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 6:28 pm
Henzo! wrote: US server is full of fags...
Thanks, I am a faggot:(, i play US1 server for a while now (also rcz) because I want to get my skills up, since most of RCZ has no skills.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:10 am
by Lanac
He didnt throw one nade, he throwed about 10 nades.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:04 am
by Redemption
LOL everyone is going vs henzo am i the only one that is defeneding him? XD

just as a matter of BTW did anyone else notice that you can edit condumps?

i've used this to my advantage in the past with GhosOfSparta to get him banned but i would never do it now.

but it could be used to grmgs advantage.

p.s. this is over and i just wanted for you to know that you can edit the condump...
if he want... don't make henzos ban longer because of this... it has happened before.

that's all.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:30 am
by Henzo!
Lol, i trhow nades with 2510 credits, not just one...

Ok, grmg, i know who aru... pan_ide[cant remember]
U were not at trem at that time, but u hav econdump, so u must be pan.

Lanac, i agree.
PPNL, i don't agree, ur not fag..

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:43 am
Redemption wrote:LOL everyone is going vs henzo am i the only one that is defeneding him? XD
Misery loves company.
just as a matter of BTW did anyone else notice that you can edit condumps?
Ya. I edited condump to get him banned. I admit.
I also edited server logs. Mitnick is a noob compared to me.
i've used this to my advantage in the past with GhosOfSparta to get him banned but i would never do it now.
I'm a bitch, but this is fucking preposterous. You just admited to being a liar. Cellingcat is right about u. Go "rape" another 5yo.
but it could be used to grmgs advantage.

p.s. this is over and i just wanted for you to know that you can edit the condump...
if he want... don't make henzos ban longer because of this... it has happened before.

that's all.

I already admited to it.