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If You really want it - u will get it.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 11:37 am
So. Im playing nintendo_fuckmap. 3 losernoobs in humans, Pokecamper in aliens with me and Meeee. H of course go repeatedly for graycamp. I drech them all time, eventually they learn that 3ckits cant kill dretch so 2 of them take rifles. I kill ckit all time, rifles go into gray. I fuckaround needlesly, rc move to gray :/

Fine, i go goon and proceed to eat humans exiting from gray untill we get s3 :D. Meanwhile Meeee spams acid around exit.

Some stupid fucknoob yells u cheat i cant get out, i cant play. Sure i do cheat and u cant get out.

Pokecamper, him liking camping in gray too, tells me to decon stuff around teleport exit. No, fuckoff.

I get votekicked, coz some loser_camp_noobs do not understand - we cant get in, You cant get out.

Now my question is:


Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 2:43 pm
by sindarus
until noobs disconnect and admin connect

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 3:24 pm
by Nod_Nod_Nod
Bring names... And comdump... Told you once... For bad votes we can ban too... There must be clear reasoning behind votes... Remember... Give us names, proofs and they will feel wrath...

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 6:52 pm
by GLaDOS, this is why me and Fleet don't want you to be L6. You get a bit TOO abusive towards other players. Sure, I'm not perfect, but I don't randomly swear at people and insult them.

OT: Nintendo_land_b2 is the worst map ever made. I do agree with you about grey room camp.

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:42 am
GLaDOS, this is why me and Fleet don't want you to be L6. You get a bit TOO abusive towards other players. Sure, I'm not perfect, but I don't randomly swear at people and insult them.

OT: Nintendo_land_b2 is the worst map ever made. I do agree with you about grey room camp.
Actually, to be clear on certain things.

As a regular player, a normal one - i votekick, or rather have votekicked ppl ONLY if they EXCESSIVLY camp or spam (wepons-wise or text wise). I ONCE wanted to kick pmr/press for being usless, before i realized he was playing with touchpad. I apologized to him afterwards. Mea culpa.

And just to be clear - ABUSE is when u have POWER and You're the ONLY one who makes a decision. Votekick is not abuse. Well within a rules for a regular player. Admins have THEIR rules to follow.

And2: I do NOT swear RANDOMLY at RANDOM ppl. Fu towards Ams isnt aggresive. Its "fu and i still play". No hard feelings on both sides i can assure u. None of us at certain level cares about irrelevant stuff like this.

If L6 is not gonna happen JUST because i SWEAR - i will CONFORM. More players here is good. Rota knows whats good for rotagames. That ill respect as a buisnessowner.

And3: Just dont expect ANY amends towards spinless ppl like Henzo or Redemption. I wont be verbal with them anymore, fine with me - but - i have my opinion about their spirit "ingame_wise". I just wont adress it anymore.

As i wrote before - i might be tough to talk to - but i am FAIR ingame.

And4, about nintendo: How much would it cost to make TWO r_ubp_cz servers? One with shitmaps in rotation and one without. Ie. Top 30 ppl in ranking or just by OPINION based skill. Exact criteria are irrelevant now. Moneywise Rota could post in. Or pm at least.

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 8:02 am
by Rotacak
About rotation: that can be changed, but nintedoland is not in rotation. Its possible to post on forum "I suggest to add/remove this to/from rotation" and we can see.

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 12:46 pm
by GLaDOS wrote:
GLaDOS, this is why me and Fleet don't want you to be L6. You get a bit TOO abusive towards other players. Sure, I'm not perfect, but I don't randomly swear at people and insult them.

OT: Nintendo_land_b2 is the worst map ever made. I do agree with you about grey room camp.
Actually, to be clear on certain things.

As a regular player, a normal one - i votekick, or rather have votekicked ppl ONLY if they EXCESSIVLY camp or spam (wepons-wise or text wise). I ONCE wanted to kick pmr/press for being usless, before i realized he was playing with touchpad. I apologized to him afterwards. Mea culpa.

And just to be clear - ABUSE is when u have POWER and You're the ONLY one who makes a decision. Votekick is not abuse. Well within a rules for a regular player. Admins have THEIR rules to follow.

And2: I do NOT swear RANDOMLY at RANDOM ppl. Fu towards Ams isnt aggresive. Its "fu and i still play". No hard feelings on both sides i can assure u. None of us at certain level cares about irrelevant stuff like this.
Okay, fair enough but I will be watching you closely. wrote:If L6 is not gonna happen JUST because i SWEAR - i will CONFORM. More players here is good. Rota knows whats good for rotagames. That ill respect as a buisnessowner.

And3: Just dont expect ANY amends towards spinless ppl like Henzo or Redemption. I wont be verbal with them anymore, fine with me - but - i have my opinion about their spirit "ingame_wise". I just wont adress it anymore.
Ok. Good. Make sure you put this into action.

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 3:00 pm
by Henzo!
grmg, u got kicked by a reason, and i have a name, im not a pokenoob, if u still call me that or deconner, i will call u (when u named pan) peter_pan or grmg.noob... That's goin out of hands... He got kicked, cause he started to annoy every ppl. I can't remember who were playing, exect Meee[official].

How this ends, I hope nobody gets ban...

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 3:22 pm
Henzo! wrote:grmg, u got kicked by a reason, and i have a name, im not a pokenoob, if u still call me that or deconner, i will call u (when u named pan) peter_pan or grmg.noob... That's goin out of hands... He got kicked, cause he started to annoy every ppl. I can't remember who were playing, exect Meee[official].

How this ends, I hope nobody gets ban...


I got kicked becouse WE built h in. Meeee and I. He built i camped exit with goon. We got from s1 to s3 this way. And spinless noobs decided that i we cant get in their base is fair but if they cant get into ours its not fair. So they starded to yell stop, let us out, destroy acid around exit, we cant get out.

See. If u go for "u_cant_get_my_base" like gray or command center in paintmaps (U Poke always go for command center) - dont expect ANYTHING else from me than denying You mapcontrol.

Lamevote btw.

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 5:22 pm
by Henzo!
Ok... I agree, grmg.
I said "decon" cause they cannot get out, IS THAT FAIR? Just asking... :roll:

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 5:34 pm
Henzo! wrote:Ok... I agree, grmg.
I said "decon" cause they cannot get out, IS THAT FAIR? Just asking... :roll:
Ingame wise them graycamping and us blocking exit from gray is only mapcontrol. We compressed their presence to gray only.

Real-life_wise: U asking to decon acid is not fair. Its just U. Like I would ask them to decon rets in gray. SURE.

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 6:51 pm
by Redemption

this is my reason for not giving grmg the lvl6

1) he gets way too hot headed.

2)he got me to kick someone on oppsing team for Md ret camping... which to tell you the truth i was sorry for the guy...

3) he would prolly kick and swaer for some idiotic reason like -r noob camp, or noob vote spam or something begining with ''noob''

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 7:27 pm
Look. Building another team in the base is NOT against the rules. It's part of the game. If you don't like it, GO TO A DIFFERENT LIMITED BP SERVER.

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 8:52 pm
Redemption wrote:ok

this is my reason for not giving grmg the lvl6

1) he gets way too hot headed.

2)he got me to kick someone on oppsing team for Md ret camping... which to tell you the truth i was sorry for the guy...

3) he would prolly kick and swaer for some idiotic reason like -r noob camp, or noob vote spam or something begining with ''noob''

1. Lol. Sure.

2. Yes - exactly as You described it : I GOT You to do it. I didnt MADE You do it. And You, being a easily manipulated noob, were all to happy to callvote, coz at that moment it SUITED You. Think first than post.

3. To repeat myself - Rotas rules are Rotas rules.

The thing U dont understand is - being an admin is not about POWER. Its about ORDER. I do not want to become an admin for "!mute Red".

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 9:03 am
by Henzo!
Redemption wrote:ok

this is my reason for not giving grmg the lvl6

1) he gets way too hot headed.

2)he got me to kick someone on oppsing team for Md ret camping... which to tell you the truth i was sorry for the guy...

3) he would prolly kick and swaer for some idiotic reason like -r noob camp, or noob vote spam or something begining with ''noob''
I agree all what red said, I should say same. He prolly kick someone for camping. And mute someone just for saying "No You!". Or just mute for joking...

EDIT: or noob vote spam How u can vote spam with only 2 votes/map?