Kicked: NurNurNur (whiner)

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Moderator: Nod_Nod_Nod



Total votes: 4

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Kicked: NurNurNur (whiner)

#1 Post by Henzo! » Tue May 10, 2011 2:38 pm

Ok here is condump:

Code: Select all

NurNurNur called a vote: (poll) jettards go fuck your moms
Acid Tube built by Powa
vote: vote cast
[A] * NurNurNur Have Voted Yes *
[A] (Powa): uz valim ,D
[H] +|- Mr.Egg: Eat this Shit !
+|- Mr.Egg was pounced upon by Harfaxos's Dragoon
[A] (Powa): nur nur jen kempi na base
[H] rachele: I think the same of maruder
[A] (Powa): a nic nedela vocas
Vote failed (2 - 6)
[H] +|- Mr.Egg: Jettrds go fuck NurNurNur mom :D
[A] (Harfaxos): kaslu na ne...
[A] (NurNurNur): cant get out of base
[A] (Harfaxos): nejdu po jettardech
[H] +|- Mr.Egg: he want this shit :O
-->rachele called a vote: (poll) nurnurnur is a whine
Acid Tube built by oscar
[H] rachele: whiner
vote: vote cast
[A] * (NurNurNur) Have Voted Yes *
Vote passed (6 - 0)
[H] +|- Mr.Egg: Eat this Shit !
[H] +|- Mr.Egg: Eat this Shit !
[H] +|- Mr.Egg: Eat this Shit !
[A] oscar: stop the polls already
[A] NurNurNur: what is whipe
+|- Mr.Egg should have used a medkit against NurNurNur's poison
[H] rachele: whiner
[A] NurNurNur: PWNT
[H] rachele: you complain too much
Acid Tube built by oscar
[A] NurNurNur: No You!
[A] (Harfaxos): kdyz nebudeme krmit..
&#91;A&#93; &#40;Harfaxos&#41;&#58; mozna to zvladnem<--
Acid Tube built by oscar
rachele was pounced upon by Harfaxos's Dragoon
+|- Mr.Egg was pounced upon by Harfaxos's Dragoon
&#91;A&#93; NurNurNur&#58; pwnt
Harfaxos was lasgunned by Stiflers Mom
&#91;A&#93; NurNurNur&#58; lol
--&#91;H&#93; rachele&#58; nurnurnur 6 people voted you are a whiner
+|- Mr.Egg was pounced upon by Harfaxos's Dragoon
&#91;H&#93; rachele&#58; please stop complaining
&#91;A&#93; NurNurNur&#58; No You!
&#91;A&#93; NurNurNur&#58; ok
Hive built by oscar
+|- Mr.Egg was pounced upon by Harfaxos's Dragoon
&#91;H&#93; +|- Mr.Egg&#58; !!!
&#91;A&#93; NurNurNur&#58; if jettards get kicked
Powa was lasgunned by Stiflers Mom
&#91;H&#93; +|- Mr.Egg&#58; STFU!
Seol connected
&#91;A&#93; NurNurNur&#58; if stliffer gets kicked i will stop d0h
Seol entered the game
Booster built by oscar
rachele called a vote&#58; Kick player 'NurNurNur' for 'whiner'
vote&#58; vote cast
&#91;A&#93; * NurNurNur Have Voted No *
&#91;H&#93; rachele&#58; I voted no
&#91;A&#93; NurNurNur&#58; omfg
&#91;A&#93; NurNurNur&#58; dudes
&#91;H&#93; +|- Mr.Egg&#58; ^^
&#91;A&#93; &#40;Harfaxos&#41;&#58; no
&#91;A&#93; NurNurNur&#58; rachele
&#91;A&#93; oscar&#58; seriously...
&#91;A&#93; NurNurNur&#58; u gonna geban
&#91;H&#93; rachele&#58; i dont want u to be kicked
&#91;A&#93; Powa&#58; nur nur..blocked position in to alien team..
&#91;A&#93; NurNurNur&#58; rachle gonna get ban
&#91;H&#93; rachele&#58; but u whine too much
&#91;A&#93; oscar&#58; don't kick him...
Indrid Cold connected
Vote passed &#40;7 - 5&#41;
ban&#58; NurNurNur has been banned by console duration&#58; 30.0 minutes, reason&#58;
vote kick &#40;whiner&#41;--
Srsly, I don't understand that shit language what harf and powa spoke...
Omfg those n00bs I wanna ban them all, better solution is: I make my own server with my own rules! (it not gonna work, I can't get in online -.-)
Thi signature is f****d up...

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#2 Post by Rotacak » Tue May 10, 2011 2:54 pm

I dont get it.

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#3 Post by Quarko » Tue May 10, 2011 2:56 pm

"I'm gonna go build my own theme park! With blackjack and hookers! In fact, forget the park!" (c)Bender

But personally, if I was there I'd probably warn and then mute you :D

Filtered condump:
NurNurNur called a vote: (poll) jettards go fuck your moms
[A] (NurNurNur): cant get out of base
[H] rachele: whiner
[A] oscar: stop the polls already {not the first poll here}
[A] NurNurNur: what is whipe
[A] NurNurNur: PWNT
[H] rachele: please stop complaining
[A] NurNurNur: No You!
[A] NurNurNur: pwnt
[H] rachele: nurnurnur 6 people voted you are a whiner
[H] rachele: please stop complaining
[A] NurNurNur: No You!
[A] NurNurNur: ok
[A] NurNurNur: if jettards get kicked
[H] +|- Mr.Egg: STFU!
[A] NurNurNur: if stliffer gets kicked i will stop d0h
rachele called a vote: Kick player 'NurNurNur' for 'whiner'
Also I suspect there are 5 more minutes of whining before this condump.

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#4 Post by Nod_Nod_Nod » Tue May 10, 2011 3:31 pm

I wont kick rachele, only warn him - you will get more kick, bans or so for spam and whine, ofc if you do so.
The nodding of the head once to symbolize a greeting, cuz we white folk to damn lazy to open our mouths and speak up. Nods are also easier to shake off than a flase "hello".
"Person nods at you", or your direction, "you nod back"

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#5 Post by GLaDOS » Tue May 10, 2011 5:09 pm

You WERE and ARE whining -_-

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#6 Post by Henzo! » Wed May 11, 2011 7:06 am

GLaDOS wrote:You WERE and ARE whining -_-
Whiner (is what I understand):

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Thi signature is f****d up...

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#7 Post by Redemption » Wed May 11, 2011 8:17 am

I'm gonna go build my own theme park! With blackjack and hookers! In fact, forget the park!" (c)Bender

this i know so well because i for one have the whole 4 seasons + the new episodes like beast with a billion backs :)

nice one.

and henzo you SHOULD stop whining and think twice before saying things.

hell when i first met you i was so gona mute your ass but i didn't...

take this fear from me...
before it consumes me whole...
take this fear from me..
before it consumes my soul...

i am dyslexic so plz have sympothy for me plz

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#8 Post by Quarko » Wed May 11, 2011 8:25 am

There you go:
