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Deconner,... [RUS]Mafia, 1.2, 2011-08-31

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 10:00 am
by r4sh
First of all, hello RC Unlimited, this is my first post.

I actually did not want to register here but the following incident made me to do so:

I don't know how the map is called but I actually do not dislike it. So I joined the human team and moved reactor to a saver/better place. After RC was up, [RUS]Mafia joined the team and deconstructed my nicely built RC and moved it to a -not that bad- place outside the default base.

I thought, ok, let him do so, he is not a bad player. But as his buildtimer ran out he deconstruced it again and moved it back to the place, where I had built it before.

I thought, ok, maybe he realized that the RC he built was not that good and that my place was just better (wich is the default case nwuhahaha...), but just as his buildtimer ran out he deconstruced it again. So I teamkilled him to stop his trolling.

To go sure I made screenshots of this incident. If it was necessary I would upload them.

This is not the first time I have problems with [RUS] guys. But the "time has come" to post their trollings (in this case only [RUS]Mafia).

So what is your opinion about that and your experiences with [RUS]. Let me know :!:

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 10:41 am
by Lancer
Welcome r4sh to the forums!
Even though you didn't want to register, i hope to see you more here.

The Russians eh, yeah they can be a trouble sometimes - paint/nintendo/deathrun spam, if they are bored some of them go on a tb/tks spree.

Never heard of this though... In this case a demo is better, post the screenshot then i will warn mafia about it, if he's doing it again.

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 10:45 am
by Nod_Nod_Nod
I dislike them anyway. Lets ban all RUS, GERMAN and POLISH People. (damn I categorised myself in that...)

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:10 am
by Rotacak
Sad. I liked when Russian mafia playing on server (I never played with them, but saw them on gametracker always in early time).

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:02 pm
by r4sh
1. Image
2. Image
3. Image

edit: the screenshots are a bit confusing. Some things are duplicated
(lancer... ur ESC saxophone player disturbes me :? )

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 2:45 pm
by Lancer
Rotacak wrote:Sad. I liked when Russian mafia playing on server (I never played with them, but saw them on gametracker always in early time).
It's alot early there, so they are early on :P
edit: the screenshots are a bit confusing. Some things are duplicated
(lancer... ur ESC saxophone player disturbes me )
Good, my job is done :-)
No really, i will speak with him about this, if he understands me...otherwise i will use primitive talk
RC gone - BAD
RC there - GOOD
You RC gone - BYE


PS: Done, he said 'ok', so i guess it's good :P
I dislike them anyway. Lets ban all RUS, GERMAN and POLISH People. (damn I categorised myself in that...)
Thats not nice mr Ahole, lets just ban 1 polish guy and leave the rest.

(No really, don't ban anybody :P)

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:19 pm
by Nod_Nod_Nod
You are nothing so Im closing this thread :p