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Crepes L4 App

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 3:17 am
by Crepes
Seeing as how most of my apps on the forum don't work, and most of the admins grab me by my shoulders and scream at me LVL44444!!!! I am applying for it. Lvl four, garebear (gareth) hasn't said specifically lvl 4, but he supports lvl 6 so im just going to assume. . . . . But lots of other admins have said go for lvl 4 instead of level 6. I only want it mostly because of the 'friend politics' where a guy kills me 10 times, callvote kick, everyone f2s. i kill him once to get out of the base, he callvote kicks, and everyone f1s. I mean i'm not going to end up with Epical Syndrome, where i become an ass-bag or a dipshit because i think "Ohhhoohooo im invincible fuck all ya'll" So hopefully you admins will do your little holding hands and communicating mentally and decide.
P.S. If you don't like me, or think i'm immature please comment. I enjoy these and strive to work towards them (note, work towards not always complete :wink: )

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 10:10 am
by TheMuffinMann
Most of the admins suggested you to be level 4?


Once again your reasoning is flawed... You cannot do right by doing wrong.

I cannot vote yes to prevent you from "fucking" things up...

I will not vote yes until you can assure us and have proven to us that you will finally stop this constant teamkilling...

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 1:19 pm
by Crepes
Lolwut? I don't tk. . . .EDIT::I only tk when ABSOLUTELY NESSECARY. Like i dont basekill unless blocking the way out of base. That was 1 instance i was talking about. Normally Glameow isn't on.
Uhm. for the admins lets see.
Lizardwithhat: I think he deserves lvl4 immunity but not 6. Crepes, prove yourself call votes, when necessary report to online admins when you see something.
Battlegranger: I agree with Lizard - lvl4 for now
Gunther: I'm 100% all in for level 4.

Lvl 6? Soon perhaps.
Garebear is all in for lvl 6, so im just going to assume again for the lvl 4.
Lancer#2: Crepes is a nice player, and i think he has some ability's, but still.

I think it's too soon, so a level 4 would be more appropriate.
So next time you think "Oh crepes sucks let me post shit about him." Actually look. And same with Iltavuo, i said CHECKED GAMETRACKER for a reason. Not trying to bitch, but it would help if people would actually read the application. Like how i said if its too early comment? No one did (although i get this vibe man. . .) so yeah. I've done my research.

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 1:51 pm
by Weed
No, you act like Trenak to me.
I see you spamming with your Binds like "FAP FAP FAP" "NO"
btw 15 is an immature age.

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 1:56 pm
by Crepes
Umm, i dont have those binds. The only binds i have are my When the slay3r comes a slayin noone is safe and my i should have slayed you but i am tired today? Tremor has the Fapfapfap binds and the NO. And thanks for saying im immature. Don't you think i realize that and i try to work on it? Im 15. its not something i can change. Thats why i tried to erase crepes and be Slay3r, because i wanted to act more mature. No2, why is it that you can have your friend in trem, you guys are both really good buddies. He applies for admin, he gets it, and whoosh. all of a sudden hes a prick. Always happens except for megamedic. He's the only admin that has been friendly to me, except for garebear. I mean seriously. Muffin is kinda nice to me i guess, but i haven't seen him very much. Weed, we used to be friends before you came admin. now your a dick. Dafuq?

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 2:09 pm
by Weed
Crepes wrote:Umm, i dont have those binds. The only binds i have are my When the slay3r comes a slayin noone is safe and my i should have slayed you but i am tired today? Tremor has the Fapfapfap binds and the NO. And thanks for saying im immature. Don't you think i realize that and i try to work on it? Im 15. its not something i can change. Thats why i tried to erase crepes and be Slay3r, because i wanted to act more mature. No2, why is it that you can have your friend in trem, you guys are both really good buddies. He applies for admin, he gets it, and whoosh. all of a sudden hes a prick. Always happens except for megamedic. He's the only admin that has been friendly to me, except for garebear. I mean seriously. Muffin is kinda nice to me i guess, but i haven't seen him very much. Weed, we used to be friends before you came admin. now your a dick. Dafuq?
I saw those bind with your name yesterday.

Keep in mind that i don't have nothing against you.
if you think like that then you are wrong.
it seems to me that you are begging for that admin lv, the same like trenak did.
we were friends before? i don't know you at all but i see the way you are acting. come talk on IRC if you want know more about me (: .
Peace out man, i don't want to start a war...

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 4:33 pm
by TheMuffinMann
Both of you, don't behave like little children! :|

Crepes, I am on a lot, you just don't notice me on that often. Same counts for Iltavuo and Splat.

Level 7 are invisible for a reason.

This aside

Please reread your comment on my questioning. You seem as if I had offended you severely and believe that I am out to get you...

As aforementioned. Teamkilling will never be a solution and this is an offense either way you phrase it!

Teammate blocking? DO NOT kill.... There is a reason why I kicked Yalt and others for teambleeding / killing.

It annoys the fuck out of people, unless you know them quite well and they can handle a joke. Otherwise, just don't.

I know how you feel, I have been fifteen myself and surely you want to be persistent, you believe that you can mature by will and all of this, but you can't...

Splat and Iltavuo are our oldest admins, you rarely hear them talk.
Then Gareth and Gunther afterwards...
Now we have already reached the below 21 mark...
But guess what?... We don't have any admins below 16 (afaik)

This is not to be taken personally, not in the slightest.

You have legally (I suppose) applied for level 6 / 4 and I am just commenting on it, just as I am supposed to. Where is your issue with this?

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 7:16 pm
by Fang152
In all honesty Crepes, I see that you really are bent on becoming admin - Congratulations!

But you asked me in-game whether 1 month was an applicable waiting time to re-apply the obvious answer is NO!

Just listen to the the comments and try to take them on board and reapply when you think you are ready (no less than 4 months).

If you follow that I'm sure you will get admin some day :)

Good Luck!

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 8:16 pm
by Crepes
To Muff (please read all of this!!) : Sorry if it seems like i was pissed off. That's just my no.1 pet peeve, people not using logic. No. 2, dafuqs about the constant TKing? I was talking about 1 instance!!!! Sorry if i made it seem like you were out to get me, but afaik you have always put a "No." on admin app commenting on how i am immature. There are many things within my personal life that i would rather not share that could make me mature. Just don't stereotype and generalize about all below 15 year olds. Gareth and Gunter are oldest admins? So using logic they would know most about the server and certain people, and they will MOST LIKELY have more experience than you. So might you check out their views on me? Idk Gunters views about me but Gareth was one of the very first people i have met on Trem, so he knows me the best. He also supports my l6, so just try and look at it from his P.o.V. He has known me for about a yr+. Also Pankkakes, was an admin (he got demoted) he was also one of the first people. I know him irl, and he also agrees that i would be a good cantidate for admin. I'm just saying. My closest friends, who are both admins, who have known me longer than you, know me irl, all support me. I feel like this admin thing is becoming an Elitist clan, where if your not known, or your not buddy-buddy with the admins, you can't possibly get in. BTW Muff, i like you. You actually seem like a polite person, with lots of respect for everyone. Thank you for being nice :)
To Weed: Glad we (kinda) sorted things out ;)
To Fang152: That was app for lvl 6
Again not trying to bitch muff, or act like you have it out for me blah blah blah. . . just saying the truth.

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 8:17 pm
by Fang152
Can I say lol?

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 8:19 pm
by Crepes
No. No you may not.

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 8:30 pm
by Fang152

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 11:38 am
by TheMuffinMann

I am not trying to stereotype anybody. It is a matter of fact that people in their teens have mood swings etc.

In regards of you sharing certain aspects of your personal life that could make you mature. Bear in mind that everybody has had some sort of negative experience in their teens. I, as an example, have been abused, neglected, molested, threatened, mobbed etc, yet I am not trying to make this become a show.

This is a game, bear that in mind.

Some sort of superficiality is necessary to administrate well.
We aren't there to analyze every single thing there is, but we're there to clean up the mess and watch over people.

With your constant nagging and persistence you will not get that far.

I honestly have nothing against you, I just express my opinion freely.

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 4:36 pm
by Crepes
So is this a yea or a nay?

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 5:00 pm
by Redman
Crepes wrote:There are many things within my personal life that i would rather not share that could make me mature.
Crepes, I don't think you're getting the idea of maturity very well...