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Level 7 Admin?

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 3:26 pm
I'm not sure where to apply for L7 admin. Since TheMuffinMann requested here on this forum, I thought it would be appropriate to apply here.

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 6:08 pm
by ani

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:11 pm
Anyone else think I deserve LVL 7? =O If not, why not?

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 4:59 pm
by ani
i didn't say you didn't deserve it i said this is not appropriate to post here.

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 7:26 pm
I wasn't complaining. I just want to know if I should have lvl 7 admin.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 3:12 pm
by Nod_Nod_Nod
You can go ask in adminsection... I mean your APP in comments... All admins will recive email concerning this matter

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 7:51 pm
I don't think you are ready for the level 7 admin, you are not that much online and you have been admin for a short while.

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 1:27 am
by dax
well, i voted no.
glados is nice person and i haven't anything against him but i don't think he is enough ok to be lvl7. of course it's only my point of view, and don't think people really cares.
btw, in my honest opinion the admin should be a person which cares of server, and mainly for the matches. he must respect players and should do all the best to make matches funny for both the teams, well his team.
there are a lot of admins which don't care of players that want keep playing and consider draws annoying, all they want is stop a boring/laggy/whatever match, but it's only their consideration, they must think can be players which enjoy the current game also if they don't like. and there is a rule to cancelvote also if there are more agreed to stop it because who are still playing have a kind of priority.
i don't see him (like other admins) doing it.
some days ago, there was a map with a tunnel, i forgot which map was, well he was sitting on a medi near the wall and he was massdriving aliens as human. it's almost ok, not a good behavior as an admin but ok.
he was with a different nickname, and the matter is that he was considering medi his personal stuff, and he were feeling right bleed players that were between he, behind ret and medi, and aliens.
he on purpose was bleeding players that he consider were blocking him. ironic nope? he was just camping on a medi and noobshooting aliens with md, that's all. he should say sorry everytime he accidentally hit a mates instead of be angry, yes he was angry too.
that was the first time i said i don't care you are admin, bleed one more time and i kick you.
his answer was just caml down dax, instead of say ok sorry i was busy in real life and, for example, i cannot use 2 hands. idk i'm using my sick imagination how can be gone.
well, sorry glados, i repeat i consider you mainly a nice person.
i hope you don't have a grudge against me.
of course i can consider an isolated incident, but i can't forgot.
don't answer me with get a life, i have more than a real life and i know it's only a game but also if it's only a game it need mutual respect.
with this post i hope i fixed the head of the bleeders which annoy me when i do cancel a noob vote, like draw and changemap at half match, and go on.

ps: @admins remember for every service message in game use /a


Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 7:21 pm
dax wrote:some days ago, there was a map with a tunnel, i forgot which map was, well he was sitting on a medi near the wall and he was massdriving aliens as human. it's almost ok, not a good behavior as an admin but ok.
he was with a different nickname, and the matter is that he was considering medi his personal stuff, and he were feeling right bleed players that were between he, behind ret and medi, and aliens.
he on purpose was bleeding players that he consider were blocking him. ironic nope? he was just camping on a medi and noobshooting aliens with md, that's all. he should say sorry everytime he accidentally hit a mates instead of be angry, yes he was angry too.
that was the first time i said i don't care you are admin, bleed one more time and i kick you.
his answer was just caml down dax, instead of say ok sorry i was busy in real life and, for example, i cannot use 2 hands. idk i'm using my sick imagination how can be gone.
I admit, that I was a bit angry that day, but that day (prior to playing) was relatively bad. I was just in a bad mood. The Cookie Monster (who I admittedly bled) was blocking me and flaming me without saying sorry. I only killed him ONCE accidentally.

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:56 am

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 10:23 am
by Nod_Nod_Nod
PPNL stop with that useless spam... You can spam once... Ok... Twice... Ok... But in every topic!? Goddamnit

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 1:39 pm
ok ok nod i won't spam

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 1:01 am
by dax
you say one time tk, one time bad day, it's like if you are allowed to do this, once you kill a person, what do you will say to police? it's just the first time?
the example is excessive but is the same thing.
i remember cookie was angry, as admin you must be more responsible.
i'm not saying anything happens shoot ur balls and squeeze ur butt, i admit i'm not a saint but ur bleed was continuous, the game has been partially affected from u, i'm quite sure we lost (yes same team) all the bottom medis for cause of u.
i hope my shit english don't been as impediment to understand my point of view.
see ya bb.

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 6:32 pm
by Nod_Nod_Nod
Dax im not that purrfect but I lvl upped after getting lvl 7... Consider it like that - higher lvl, more responsibilitys and higher danger of falling... Dont look at all his bad sides only...