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Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 3:01 pm
by ramos
hy rymo ! i hope i dont own you money right? =)))) just kidin

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 9:48 pm
by shturts
==Troy== wrote:
shturts wrote:|NUKE| lol i joined
Nuclear union for killer eggs or something similar. I know that clan, they are quite childish and do not have any good potential to be a respectfull and large clan in the future.

and jal and shturts, whats the point of joining dead-birth clans? Why not try a teeny wheeny better and get into a stable well-known clan?
i like the unknown ones, it's always nice cause it's more of a family than an organization, everyone knows everyone better and it's fun, cause i like helping them get started sort-a thing

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 11:08 pm
by ==Troy==
thats actually the point. New clans are a complete mess, they are either a fast-collected group of noobs, where noone knows anyone else, and new members are being picked up on principle "wanna join?". Or just a fun group like sparta.

On the other hand a well-formed group of people, which announce themselves as a clan when they have got a stable organisation and they know each other, and every new member is being picked by judgement of the group and a certain set of rules.... is a completely different story.

And that kind of clan will stay, be stable, self-sufficient and a completely well-rounded community.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 11:55 pm
by shturts
I still believe a smaller group of people have an easier time getting to know each other properly and well and hence have a little more fun, and thats all i care about, i wanna have fun and help the people out as much as i can. it's also easier to move up ranks in a smaller clan because you've been there longer it also means the bonds between people grow stronger, i just like being with a group of friends i know very well, like Sparta, we all know most of the basic things about each other fairly well now, but yeah, everything i have to say has already been said.

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:34 am
by Jalaco
also troy why do you care? what if I leave AHs and join some other clan just for the tag? you don't join a clan to be respected or because it will last till kingdom come.y ou join a clan to have fun, meet friends, scrim other clans (that according to your standards might be considered still-born) just overall have more fun. if a clan dies in 3 weeks but you had a blast in it it wasn't bad or wasted time, it was good and anyways its not even your business...

\\^// Jalaco \\^//

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 6:14 am
by ramos
the clan / tag dose not make you jalaco , its important how you play not just to hide behind somme tag ! :wink:

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 6:20 am
by shturts
which was prettymuch what he said ^.^'' but in a slightly harder to understand way, i think he means, he doesnt join a clan just for the tag so you can be respected

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 9:07 am
by ==Troy==
Ill explain.

for example NT. It is quite small and well-organized clan. I think it is about 5 to 10 members in total. They are well-known as a skilled and mature clan in trem community. If you are going to join them, you will have fun, playing in scrims, or not if you dont want to, you are going to be recognized on other servers, and not taken as another n00b.

Take this as an example:

When I see LoD, TMT or any other similar clan, I am preparing for things such as decon, immature behavior, whining and just noobish perfomace. I do not listen to them, I do not waste creds on them by sharing and I do not give them any backup, because there is no point.

If a member of NT joins, I know what I can expect from him, which is a mature and highly skilled gameplay. If you have him as a backup, or if you are backing him up, you will gain a lot more advantage than on your own.

The clan tag is not just only "some" tag to show everyone else that you are in "some" clan and you are 1337. It is a tag that shows what everyone can expect from you. If they know that the clan does not take n00bs, they are very strict in the choice of mature members and etc. they will "respect" you. And respect does not mean saying "hello" or admire your presence on the server, it means that you are going to be taken seriously, and your opinion WILL be taken into account.

as for you jal and shturs. I dont care. I really dont care which clans you guys join. I am just trying to explain the difference between them, but it will not bother me if you will not listen to this, and most probably you won't, arguing that the new n00b clan is really more fun than anything.

As a final conclusion : it is better to be a lower member in a good clan, than a head admin of a single-man clan.

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 11:08 am
by ramos
well sparta had a good start ( not as a clan but resembling) me , soultcer and ripleflesh , we was not realy skiled but not noobs as well ower rules was very simple : sharing/teamwork/no feed , but with time more people have joind , thats ok we dont put price at skil(that much) but more at teamwork and fairplay , recently i saw @sparta that i dont know ( nightmare@sparta , C.J@sparta , Arti@sparta , and so on )
here is a list of remaining sparta members , the others we will not reconise as sparta :


5.Casty@sparta ( unfortunatly he left sparta )







Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 2:09 am
by shturts
I hate to say it troy, but your logic makes sense -.- but I insist on atleast trying to reform and build up NUKE it's a silly name yes but i still wanna give it a try, see if i can help turn em into something else before i quit and look for a better one such as NT as you said but yes. I agree with you, you are a very persuasive speaker i was kinda expecting whatever you said to make sense and pretty much smash my argument though. how old are you btw, you sound very mature and adult-like

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 2:21 am
by Jalaco
troy... did you hear anything I said? I didn't join this clan for respect or so people would say "oh look AHs he's got to be good!". I joined it to help them out and have fun. I'm not a "head-admin" I'm just a member in a starting clan and I hope this clan survives and becomes a good clan... just so I can rub it in your face =P. but back to serious I didnt and probabley wont ever join a clan just because then people will think I'm good and respect me. If they do well who cares and if they respect me or disrespect me because of my tag and only my tag then their idiots... unless! I'm in their clan thats different I share evo's and stuff with spartans and AHs'.

\\^// Jalaco \\^//

Hopefully done this multi-postial rant =\

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 7:30 am
by ramos
OMFG :shock:

Its Wonder woman ! All man on dek !

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 9:07 am
by ==Troy==
Jalaco wrote:troy... did you hear anything I said? I didn't join this clan for respect or so people would say "oh look AHs he's got to be good!".
==Troy== wrote:And respect does not mean saying "hello" or admire your presence on the server, it means that you are going to be taken seriously, and your opinion WILL be taken into account.
Jalaco wrote:I joined it to help them out and have fun. I'm not a "head-admin" I'm just a member in a starting clan and I hope this clan survives and becomes a good clan... just so I can rub it in your face =P. but back to serious I didnt and probabley wont ever join a clan just because then people will think I'm good and respect me. If they do well who cares and if they respect me or disrespect me because of my tag and only my tag then their idiots... unless! I'm in their clan thats different I share evo's and stuff with spartans and AHs'.
The tag gives you a headstart on a new server or with an unknown to you players. Your later perfomace might change it, but only for those who know you.

Ever joined a new server? I wonder if you felt the same thing as I did, when noone listens to you shouting that the base is being raped, or when you try to move to a 100% sweet spot and being kicked for decon etc. It is just a one-man game.
Or even, ever had a 1/group of people in your team which just ignore you? They do whatever they want without bothering to ask or even react on your actions?
It will force you to play on a single server, where you are well-known, otherwise even the votes you call will not pass.

And as for the reasons why you joined, all what was said above is a general case. No matter who and why you joined, the consequences will be similar.

And shturts, well, goodluck there, NUKE is not a "negative" clan, they are quite new, but they were taken neutrally by trem community, so you have a chance there.

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 1:59 pm
by shturts
actually there have been quite a few times when no one is listening to your advice when it makes alot of sense, no one listens to my strategies either, even though most of them are O.K. and there is always that one person that's just so ignorant (or doesn't speak english =P) and does their own thing, bringing the entire team down, when the keep feeding even when you tell them not to, that's the worst especially when they actually try, you kinda say "yeah nice effort but stop feeding please, we dont want to bring them up a stage" then they go out and start feeding again, then the enemy gets s3 and they're still feeding and i finally yell at him like "STOP THE F#%@^*# FEEDING!" and he finally opens his mouth and say the dumbest thing ever "well, it's already s3 for them so why does it matter!?" and we're still s1... that was the worst case of ignorance i've seen thus far

P.S. thanks, i'll try to help NUKE =P

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 4:40 pm
by ==Troy==
heh, thats the worst case on the server you usually play on. Now imagine yourself on his place? Going out, because you have nothing else to do, without any backup and being swarmed by dretches? :) trust me, it feels even worse.

And some servers allow kicking for griefing/feeding hence you could have voted the kick and your vote would have passed IF you was known to the server ;)