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Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 12:12 pm
by Forty-Two
Can the n7 server host the harrier from the Open the Sky Project? As noted on the Unvanquished Forums, it needs to be playtested before we can implement it. I believe that the n7 server is the best server to implement this atm.

EDIT: nalf: when I try to reconnect, I can't download creep_colony.pk3 due to a 404.

Re: Harrier

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 2:40 pm
by nalf
Forty-Two wrote:EDIT: nalf: when I try to reconnect, I can't download creep_colony.pk3 due to a 404.
It's fixed now.

Re: Harrier

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 2:45 pm
by nalf
Forty-Two wrote:Can the n7 server host the harrier from the Open the Sky Project? As noted on the Unvanquished Forums, it needs to be playtested before we can implement it. I believe that the n7 server is the best server to implement this atm.
The forum thread on is quite long - do you know the status of the alien? If the models and animations are ready, we could try to incorporate them.

The main objection against a flying alien is that it's a lot of work and that it's not really needed: If a map has large open areas, it's usually a bad map design. And if it doesn't have then jetcamping is useless.

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 3:45 pm
by [{USATREM}] !Gunther!
Except for maps like Rotcannon-any cannon map...ATCS...and all those other awful maps that nobody plays anymore.

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 6:10 pm
by Iltavuo
While the idea of a flying alien is neat, I doupt it would really work, not as an agressive attacker type. Imagine an alien flying in rotcannon, unless it has huge amount of hp or flies really really fast, it will be shot down by any jetpack+md quite easily. Also if a jetpack spots it, they can just disable the jetpack to dodge the alien quite easily. And there are a lot of tight corridoors are doors present in tremulous maps, which probably would make the flying alien fairly useless

If I remember correctly, they finished the alien model + texture, and even got it into the game with some proper flying mechanics. I've not followed the project that much, so I could be wrong.

Re: Harrier

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 6:43 pm
by Forty-Two
nalf wrote:
Forty-Two wrote:Can the n7 server host the harrier from the Open the Sky Project? As noted on the Unvanquished Forums, it needs to be playtested before we can implement it. I believe that the n7 server is the best server to implement this atm.
The forum thread on is quite long - do you know the status of the alien? If the models and animations are ready, we could try to incorporate them.

The main objection against a flying alien is that it's a lot of work and that it's not really needed: If a map has large open areas, it's usually a bad map design. And if it doesn't have then jetcamping is useless.
Everything is complete as a model; Someone also did a test server a while back, as evidenced by I think that it's a cool idea, especially since it's small enough to fly in tight spaces. Note that the jump propels the alien up into the air, and that it glides forward base on that height. This means that if you jump off something like a ledge, then you gain some additional fly time.

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 8:02 pm
by [{USATREM}] !Gunther!
Go on 1.1 and join a KorX server. It has a fully functional flying alien model already.

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:07 pm
by valentin54
I could give my opinion on it, someone added it to some random server about 8 months ago now.

The flying alien isn't that good actually. It has bombs that do some damages, thats a good point, but this alien is rather hard to control, especially on tiny places.

I mean, to get up with that alien, you have to get a long distance, you need to be running for 2-3 seconds.

It worths the try (in my opinion) but shouldn't be used on some maps with huge open spaces.