Nocannon_b1 (and here about my rotcannon my version)

Maps on server and map requests

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Nocannon_b1 (and here about my rotcannon my version)

#1 Post by PPNL » Tue Aug 24, 2010 8:50 am

Guys I am very sorry about my rotcannon version, it is very bugged and we can't use it on the server, my apologises T_T :cry: :cry:

But I made a very fast new map that looks like Pushcannon and rotcannon but as the name says: no cannon :) there are 2 basements to fight on and in the middle you can put your second base, but its not that big its an open spot :) where you can make emergency base

Everything works well and I decided to put it on the server << here is the link

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#2 Post by Iltavuo » Tue Aug 24, 2010 9:26 am

Might be suited to call it an alpha version, not beta( which is usually a nearly finished map ).

In my opinion, the center is still a bit too open, meaning a good human team will quite easily rank up to s2/s3 fast. Good job with trying to break the area at least with those two L shaped blocks. Grating texture might not have been the best choice for them though.

Your map doesn't seem to leak this time, good job with fixing that. The lightning could be a bit more uniform in the outside area: it looks like there's a huge cluster of lights on the two of the walls, while the other two barely have any. having a source ( like a lamp or something ) for the lights would increase the credibility of the lights.

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#3 Post by PPNL » Tue Aug 24, 2010 2:12 pm

Thanks, I will keep that in mind for the next time

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