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Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 12:58 pm
by shitshitshit
ok if I do I map it anyone can. Get ready for total psychedelia. For now a simple box, or even two! But he soon when we master the secrets of making maps and door then you rebuker! :D




Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 2:03 pm
by shitshitshit
I am faster than light. Technology dominated the door! I've even got the scenario of maps.

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:00 pm
by imp
Gj :) . Prepare for some work if u wanna do your map . Its addicting and it take looooot of time :P .
Fell free to ask for help if u need something :) .

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 7:22 am
by shitshitshit
In that case, first tell me how to insert your own texture, which I did, for example, in the paint. Then tell me how to change the title screen, and the very name of the map when the map is loading. You know, now I have a noname and only black planet. and even how to open someone else's mapsin .pk3? I download some map in one file in .pk3 but radiant cant see this file.

I also have a problem with scaling textures. For example, a barrel. On both sides of the texture is good but the cover on the top looks like the picture. See? How to change this. And even vending machine for drinks. How to impose a texture to an object is to make it easy to see that the machine is two times larger than the reactor and can not reduce it so as not to spoil the texture.

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:16 am
by imp
ok here u go:
- .pk3 file :
.pk3 is an standard zip file, u need to simply rename it to .zip and unpack it with winrar. I am using 7zip and i recommend u to do the same coz with this u can modify files into .pk3 file (also unzip it if u wish) witch is helpful because u don't have to compress it every time u wanna change something.

- title screen :
this "noname" which u see is an name of a sever , its called this way because u r trying your map with /devmap probably.
If u wanna add you map's name there u need to pick any brush witch is not any function (so its "worldspawn") , press "n" to open Entities menu and add Key "Message" and in Value u have to type everything u want to appear on your loading screen (u can use those ^1234 for colors).
To insert an img of your map u need to create "levelshots" folder in your .pk3 file and put there yourmap.jpg . Its recommended to have an small file (about 50 Kb).

- textures :
if u wanna insert your own textures u need to create an "textures" folder in your .pk3 file
(rly use 7zip, its too annoying to play with those all packing and unpacking every time u need to add some texture)
and then in this folder u need to create "your-map-name" folder and there u can put your .jpg .png .tga and all of em. then open radiant and u should be able to see your map's textures (ofc. put your .pk3 into /base folder).
About this paint thing I would recommend u GIMP with is much better for textures since u can set an precise size of your texture(in pixels) so it will fit nicely into grid in radiant, also those layers and stuff r very useful too.

- about barrel :
all those "curved" objects have fucked up textures :/ . all u can do is modify them with those options from textureing patch menu.
For example in arachnid2 map there's no even single cap texture on a barrel, all of caps r textured with "metal-red" texture :/ .
Best way I've figured is to make an cap 64x64 size, then u need to press this "CAP" button in texturing patch menu for few times to fit it into your cap and then resize this cap to any size u want, it ends up pretty decent:

I just wanna say that I don't wanna play smart guy here because I've learned those all things very recently with kind help of others, but I have learned a lot about mapping lately and so I wanna pass this knowledge to others to make their life easier :P .

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 9:26 am
by shitshitshit
ok I can already reduce the texture of a vending machine, but I still do not know which of the barrel. I must try it. But i not have time, facking shool and work, and families, and girl and cats and many more :(

Tell me how to make a transparent shield as ATCS map to subtract health as it touches her.

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 9:39 am
by shitshitshit
And how to change the texture of only one side of an object? For example the machine. these have pointed red circles I want to change. these have pointed red circles I want to change.

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 9:39 am
by imp
Ye i know what u mean :p, I am trying to make 2nd beta of my map and it goes sooo slow coz of university and girlfriend and cats too xP .

- forcefield :
U mean forcefield.
Use forcefield shader from atcs and u will have nice forcefield.
To make it subtract health u need to make another brush slightly bigger then forcefield's and press "n" and pick trigger_hurt.
U can set dmg because default amount is kinda lot :P.

- on side texturing :
just use ctrl+shift+LMB

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 10:14 am
by shitshitshit
somehow goes far forward. This is better than masturbation.

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 10:43 am
by imp
Lol when i did my 1st working 2 rooms 1 door map this was a thrill gosh.

I wish u good luck with map , be careful though told u its addicting :p

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 12:35 pm
by shitshitshit
Wait, you are from Poland? Hom make elevaotr?

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 4:18 pm
by imp
I am and u know it lol.
It depends.
You wanna it to move at button push , or on shooting button or maybe on shooting platform? Or simple lifting pad witch will lift when u step on it?

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 4:29 pm
by Raptor
i use pea zip and it can un zip a load of things like TAR RAR ZIP 7ZIP and other files that mostof u know

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 7:38 pm
by shitshitshit
move at button push

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 12:23 am
by imp
Raptor , idk i just use 7zip and i have to tell that its enough for trem mapping and its awesome for this purpose .

Shitshit , u need to make and brush with will be your elevator and use func_plat ,
there u need to set height ,speed ,sound , and all stuff u want.
Then u need to make an button. after creating an brush for this purpose u need to set it as func_button and connect it to your func_plat,
to do so u can use "targetname" and "target" keys or u can shift+LMB at button then same at plat and ctrl+k to connect em .