Inspired by Glados.

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Inspired by Glados.

#1 Post by » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:13 pm


Rets cover eachother, rc is hoppable, but requiers skillfull timing ro kill rc after the hop.
Can be zapped, can be sniped. Can be ranted.

Cannot be zapped, sniped or ranted if one decent defender is in base.


RC view.


Same, with 3 additional rets.
Cannot be zapped, sniped or ranted if one decent defender is in base.

Can be zapped, good skill required. Can be sniped. Can be ranted.

First major fail of most "turret placers". Even basi can do it. Zap, snipe, rant.
Cannot be zapped, sniped or ranted if one decent defender is in base.


Can be sniped, can be ranted. Mara dies if it choses to kill a ret in one pass.
Cannot be zapped, sniped or ranted if one decent defender is in base.


Can be sniped, probably can be pounced too. Rant can do it barely. Zap is doable only on ret in corner, tesla covers 2 other rets.
Cannot be zapped, sniped or ranted if one decent defender is in base.


Zap, snipe, rant.
Cannot be zapped, sniped or ranted if one decent defender is in base.


Snipe, zap, rant.
Cannot be zapped, sniped or ranted if one decent defender is in base.


Snipe, mara goes with heavy dmg, rant can do it.
Cannot be zapped, sniped or ranted if one decent defender is in base.

Glados said that rets are weak. Given a medicore player - most above rets can be sniped only. A decent player can mara them.

As Uniq said - learn to build better not more. And - prolly from Meisselli - no base will live for long if none defends.

So its not the rets that are weak. Its defenders.
1.1 rets were doable too. Without defenders (ofc, we rule out nod, ams iltavuo, muff, uniq etc, from defending, more "everyday_skilllevel" players).

I yelled a lot that dretch is too weak. Its not. Its the one who uses it. Now i can dretch enough noobs for a goon if i choose to.

Luci is not overpowered. I can kill a lucisuit 5 out of 10 times. He has to charge it. Time it. Land one pounce and hes dead from pouncespam.

Pounce is overpowered.

Sure. It is, when u know how to use it.

Want to kill goon? Learn to dance. He has to charge his pounce too.

So now he doesnt pounce, he chomps. Fine. Take suit not helmet. Suit cant be chomped fast enough.

You take suit, he takes rant. Rant is not overpowered too. Take suit+chain. Dance to avoid getting trampled against the wall. And charge that luci.

Etc. Move- countermove.

If u dont believe it, go check balace results from gpp phases. It evens out.
You cant win against a pro, one on one, sure. But fortunately his team might suck really hard. He'll lose if Your doesnt.

There is no over or under powered stuff in 1.2. You either have ppl who know what to do, when x happens or You dont have them. in ass, i forgot what i wanted to say. Prolly not important. :D

Look at CampEngine, aka CE. He camps more than Spla camped when he was camping a lot. But he had a team, so he won agains Uniq and Ams. He also charges luci :D

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#2 Post by Quarko » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:51 pm

Very good manual.

Just another addition:
If there are noobs in your team - NEVER share them and NEVER use /donate. Not only they will die very soon, they also will give MUCH more credits to the enemy than if they were dretches. The only good time to share them is before the final rush. Every alien counts then.
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#3 Post by » Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:19 pm

Quarko wrote: If there are noobs in your team - NEVER share them and NEVER use /donate. Not only they will die very soon, they also will give MUCH more credits to the enemy than if they were dretches. The only good time to share them is before the final rush. Every alien counts then.
Exactly. Thats why i like noshare in 1.2. If u cant get credits by yourself, You will lose the ones u got from someone.

Also pls del double thread.

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#4 Post by GLaDOS » Thu Mar 31, 2011 10:37 am

Methinks that 1.1 ret firing speed should be in 1.2 final.

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