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Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:41 pm
by Nod_Nod_Nod
It sometimes works sometimes not.

Here... I risk my life by hosting it somewhere else. But:

In there click "Pobierz plik"

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 9:56 pm
by valentin54
Nod : Yeah it's fun, but not for everyone (Yeah I noticed today with some players !)

As you said it's rather hard to install and to fix, but now I did all this job for nothing.. because if Gunther and Lucirant can't download it, it's because their ping is about 999, or at least very high..

Have to fix it now.. feels desperate.

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 10:28 pm
by lucyrant


:( :(

Why do you hate Americans?

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:49 am
by valentin54
I'd live in America so.. I'm jealous, I did /don't allow Americans to connect ! No really.. That error makes me angry >:( because my server doesn't like Dutchs too..

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:59 am
by lucyrant
I was kidding...I really wish i could connect though

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:56 am
by [{USATREM}] !Gunther!
lucyrant wrote:Image
--prowls to the edge of luci's desktop...sees many things...--

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 5:02 am
by lucyrant
Gunther there is nothing interesting on my desktop lol. And most of it is tremulous folders for maps or other things.

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 5:21 am
by [{USATREM}] !Gunther!
lucyrant wrote:Gunther there is nothing interesting on my desktop lol. And most of it is tremulous folders for maps or other things.
So then why you has the UTCS.bsp on your desktop.

-stares at your screen-

Me thinks luci tis up to something.

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 3:20 pm
by lucyrant
That says LTCS and it is a map that i have made lol

One of my first maps-its a pretty bad map lol


Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 4:14 pm
by [{USATREM}] !Gunther!
lucyrant wrote:That says LTCS and it is a map that i have made lol

One of my first maps-its a pretty bad map lol

And sorrys Val for spamming your ever-growing topic.
I will make a seperate thread for luci's desktop sometimes later today. :D
--maybe not--

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 6:13 pm
by valentin54
Gunther : you're spamming, yeah. WTF I ask for help and just get a troll swearing another because of his screen.. WTF ! No really, I've nothing to say.. I spam more than you, and i'm always the useless one on a forum. :3. Any objection ? Sadly, No. :P

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 8:00 pm
by [{USATREM}] !Gunther!
valentin54 wrote:Gunther : you're spamming, yeah. WTF I ask for help and just get a troll swearing another because of his screen.. WTF ! No really, I've nothing to say.. I spam more than you, and i'm always the useless one on a forum. :3. Any objection ? Sadly, No. :P
I am both shocked and flattered at this comment.
I also haz nothing to say...

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:27 pm
by valentin54
xD it was my crazy shit time..

Well, it seems that my server is fucked, unless if I find on the net someone that could host it (paying like 10$ a month) because when we're playing on mine, it's unlagged, pings are about 50-100 and 5 mins later, all pings are 999.. i'll see, i'll try to fix and fix many stuffs.. if it continues to fail, i'll delete it..

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:37 pm
by [{USATREM}] !Gunther!
valentin54 wrote:xD it was my crazy shit time..

Well, it seems that my server is fucked, unless if I find on the net someone that could host it (paying like 10$ a month) because when we're playing on mine, it's unlagged, pings are about 50-100 and 5 mins later, all pings are 999.. i'll see, i'll try to fix and fix many stuffs.. if it continues to fail, i'll delete it..

Give us files so we can make 1.2 servers!!!!!!!! :shock:

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:31 am
by valentin54
I can upload it, if ya want.