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Fun (more rage)

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 5:21 pm
1. Bade = nab with admin lvl. Camp near rets, shoot while running to rets. Flamer. MD camp. Shitty builder (if you want to stack rets fucking understand when and how and why to stack them).

2. Space marine. Biggest camper after shitshit. Chain chain run run. Chain chain run run. To nearest medi ofc. All time, without pause.

3. Wolf Killer - idiot cunt who talks all time, camps all time, and has no fucking skill in anything besides rant in tunnel. Spams all time from rets.

4. Poturk - biggest builder nab ever. Builds shit like slime or an acid tube in the middle of the base, but cant build fucking booster for the entire game (10mins after s2). Also spam all time with whatever he can afford. When denybuilt or voted he bleeds. Stupid cunt.

5. Fedora - booster rant camp or jetcamp, nothing else, and I mean NOTHING. Fucktard either rants all time or jets all time. No base attack, just camp. Stupid fucktard.

For some strange reason, all these fucks camp till HS3 (god forbid aliens have S2, than you'll never see them). Then camp some more. Then mine all entrances and wait to kill last 40 hp of a goon (woohooo) only then finally they go with a chaingun (PRO, sometimes even a nade too) to rush om. Lost 800 cred, camp more to get 2000 +chainsuit.

What the fuck is this shit? Esp. Blade since he has some (fortunately not that much as Weed or CU"TheMaraWhore"Muffin) fucking skill.
The people who play this game are becoming more and more campers with every match. Fucking losers.

I thought Yalt server will remedy the camperfucknabs situation, but unfortunatelly, its full of pussies all time, and for some strange reason there is way fucking more camp there than here. Not to mention lack of any admin power whatsoever (can't kick anyone not with normal or with teamvote, everyone just builds fucking containers and other bullshit and camp).

PS. More rage on the way. All fucktard nabs - stay tuned, it's about you.
PPS. And since the prevailing mentality here is "just play dude, it's about having fun, camp is ok, you can leave if you don't like how we play" - FUCK YOU, not ever again. No mercy, no "he's nab, its ok" , no exceptions, everyone gets their share.

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 5:24 pm
Weed - turn your fucking warpshield off. One thing is to warp/glitch on mission one, another is to warp in real match. I don't believe this is a ISP issue.

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 5:29 pm
by Pikachu
Haha we should play on US1 sometime, antidote for RCZ raging :D

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 5:35 pm
by MegaMedic
Man first time you was a cool guy. Now you only rage every game and post shit about players.
I understand this feeling, you're probably sad for something (social life, parents, girlfriend) but you don't need to come in Tremulous with this problem

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 6:00 pm
by TheMuffinMann
I laughed at that CU(Marawhore) stuff... xD

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 6:03 pm
by imp
MegaMedic wrote:Man first time you was a cool guy. Now you only rage every game and post shit about players.
I understand this feeling, you're probably sad for something (social life, parents, girlfriend) but you don't need to come in Tremulous with this problem

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 6:21 pm
by Weed wrote:Weed - turn your fucking warpshield off. One thing is to warp/glitch on mission one, another is to warp in real match. I don't believe this is a ISP issue.
LMAO, I don't use any warp shield. In mission one, I just lower my fps to jump instead using the rc.


Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 9:33 pm
by Fang152
Hey Grimgor. I'm happy to see you've put me on first rage priority (I know you have a tight schedule).

That camp today was especially to piss you off :) You know when you let someone know that you get pissed at something they'll do it more, just to piss you off that much more? Yeah.

Its funny the number of mute votes that are called on you that I have to cancel. Maybe you should be happy that rules exist?

I'm sorry that I pwned your goon with my MD camp. I hope to do it again sometime soon.

Your Fairy Godmother,

P.S. I like your posts - keep them coming please :)
P.P.S. If you class killing you as 'having skill' then I'm afraid that all the players in tremulous have just become pros
P.P.P.S. I have some more rage pictures saved for you, want some? :)
P.P.P.P.S. How many post scripts can you do? :D

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 10:14 pm
Weed wrote:LMAO, I don't use any warp shield. In mission one, I just lower my fps to jump instead using the rc.
Sure, so use it only on mission.
turdnab wrote:Its funny the number of mute votes that are called on you that I have to cancel.
One, by killer.
You know when you let someone know that you get pissed at something they'll do it more, just to piss you off that much more? Yeah.

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 7:05 am
by mystache
You need a whole thread to tell everybody that you suck at Tremulous? Well done.

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 8:50 am
by TheMuffinMann
mystache, it's grmg...

let him rage... -.-

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 6:19 pm
by Fang152
Surely though there comes a point when it becomes a tactic of wanting to be desperately noticed by others rather than just rage ^^