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More reasons.

#1 Post by lucyrant » Mon Oct 03, 2011 12:10 am

Hey, I have a few ideas for R unlimited CZ 1.2.

1. Have reasons for draw votes.
2. Have reasons for map and nextmap votes
3. have reason for suddendeath votes.

I am not saying make reasons required just make it optional if you type it in console.
I played on one server that had it this way and I rather liked it.

I am not sure if anybody else agrees with these ideas, but I decided to post something.
Who will win: Lucifer Cannon or Tyrant well, I'm both.

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#2 Post by Spl@ » Mon Oct 03, 2011 7:48 pm

We have the first of those. It's not fully working yet, though: you need console or chat, and you need two words or more for the reason.
Oh look. Killed again. Back to the tent…

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