All good things...

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All good things...

#1 Post by » Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:28 am

Offspring of the zolk3ri (why isn't he?)ban topic:

I was trying to kick the fucked up kid for hacking, but ofc vote failed.
As some dude said to me yesterday:

"Its ubp server, nobody cares"

Well to be honest, its the brutal truth.

This is the reason why I uninstalled trem - nobody cares:

- hacking (will never stop now, once the bot is out)
- spamming buildings (nodepam, retspam, teslaspam, armwalls)
- weapon spam (I'm a cant-aim-emo-child-but-spam-hits-sooner-or later)
- most players being fucking pussies (ban for being good put into - Gorman insulted me, camp is a STRATEGY, somebody go a I wanna h, some DU or MAD admins turning on instabuild when losing, teamswitching)
- admin asking for a bot (Gunther)
- shitmaps
- admins being not admins but noobs with powers (admin1 muted admin1, Gunther HAS proof I deconed- fucking liar)
- no measures taken to reduce camping, which decent and above players dislike
- trolls, deconers, teamkillers, gaybuilders, feeders
- increasing number of noob players who tolerate and SUPPORT "activities" mentioned above

I'll wait for 1.2. TremX will be unbalanced imo (if it ever gets out that is)

PS. Thanks for the fun and the lessons.

PPS. I would like to also use this occasion to apologize to anyone who I did offend. I shouldn't have used profanity. Most of you could be offended without using it. Fucking noob cunts. :lol:

PPPS. To the good (skillwise) players - Have fun! Stack'em and fuck'em. Most of them deserves it anyway.

PPPPS. Don't be so happy Zoltan, I'm not done with you yet. :twisted:

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#2 Post by TheMuffinMann » Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:58 am

Grmg. Fuck you.

You're not worth any more words...

You are a fucking pussy, you whine, you complain, you talk so much shit that you'll shit bricks...

So shut the fuck up, piss off and be a man.

I don't fucking care about the reasons, either you can stand above them and play, or you'll go down like a noob. Just because bullshit doesn't suit you, it doesn't mean that it is wholly wrong. Get real, be a man and go fuck yourself.

I am out.
A signature, for me?

Stop it, you. :$
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#3 Post by » Tue Feb 21, 2012 11:10 am

Yeah, I whined and complained, but now I just don't care. Since I cant eliminate the reasons ("lets just play" argument) I can either accept them or not accept them. As I said, have fun ppl and I really mean it.

Congrats on CU tag Muffin, you're in good company.

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#4 Post by valentin54 » Tue Feb 21, 2012 11:39 am

I agree with Muffin about the pussy point. It means that you are lile afraid of them, that's why you leave us in this shit. In thoses cases we all have to be 'strong' because our job is TO KEEP SERVER CLEAN and not to leave ir once shit happened. I really didn't like what you have said about our server, you are critizing it as if it was a fucking bot/spammer/deconner server. Instead of being so noobish, come back and help us. Lotta work these days. We have all been pissed off ingame, including me when decons happens it doesnt mean that I had left server for these reasons.
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#5 Post by » Tue Feb 21, 2012 12:23 pm

valentin54 wrote:I agree with Muffin about the pussy point.
Thats one point of view and it has some logic in it.

It means that you are lile afraid of them, that's why you leave us in this shit.
It means the server rules would have to be changed and Rota would have to tie the /register with email account just like in forums. Voila.
Neither of which is going to happen.

A lot of bad stuff is tolerated (SOME - admins) and allowed (rules). Our job is to give an example of what will (or rather - should) not be tolerated. Thats why I recently was on a vote spree.

and not to leave ir once shit happened.

There is no will to fix. Not only on my side.

our server, you are critizing it

as if it was a fucking bot/spammer/deconner server

There will always be bad apples.

come back and help us. Lotta work these days.
One thing I learned here: If the ppl are having fun in their own way, let them. That ofc means spam, camp, decons and botting will happen. The traits of pluralism and democracy.

We have all been pissed off ingame
I am not pissed.

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#6 Post by Redman » Tue Feb 21, 2012 1:10 pm

Whiner! Boo hoo!

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#7 Post by zolk3ri » Tue Feb 21, 2012 1:10 pm

Dear, please.

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#8 Post by TheMuffinMann » Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:27 pm

It is his decision, I'll leave it to him. If he wants to back out, so be it.

I might find it lousy, annoying, whatever you may call it, but I won't try to beg for him to come back.

He has some points, but he is similar to my own father. His opinion is the ultimatum and nothing can surpass it. Grmg, if you wish to abandon it, go ahead. I will remember you as an asshole, who mich be provokative etc but who, after all, is a fairly better player than most of the others.

Grmg, sometimes I have to bitchslap you ingame, because Rota is overly obessive with the rules and I will abide to them. I simply can't side with you. I have my opinion, you have your opinion and there are rules. I have to live by rules, speak my opinion and rebuke your opinion. It is annoying, but I am obligated to do this shitty business. It isn't easy, sometimes I can only rage against all of this camping etc. but I simply won't abandon my "duty" because of those flaws. Every tree has bad apples, just as you have said but I won't call the whole tree rotten or condemned.
A signature, for me?

Stop it, you. :$

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#9 Post by TheMuffinMann » Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:30 pm

On a final note....

Grmg is grmg and will always be grmg, so fuck off people and leave him be.

He isn't as obsessed and queer as you are, Val and he isn't as obnoxious and redundant as zolk3ri but he is an individual.
A signature, for me?

Stop it, you. :$

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Re: All good things...

#10 Post by Nod_Nod_Nod » Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:42 pm

- admins being not admins but noobs with powers (admin1 muted admin1)

I feel like someone pointed a finger at me :(.
Grmg. Fuck you.

You're not worth any more words...

You are a fucking pussy, you whine, you complain, you talk so much shit that you'll shit bricks...

So shut the fuck up, piss off and be a man.
Grmg was right about raging admins :D
In thoses cases we all have to be 'strong' because our job is TO KEEP SERVER CLEAN and not to leave ir once shit happened.
I think that it isnt Everyone job. Thats why we have admins, arent we?
Grmg is grmg and will always be grmg, so fuck off people and leave him be
Srsly... You dont remember santa? He was allowed far more than grmg and we all accepted that. Yea he rage... So what? You all just have to be grown up and ignore him. There is a command for that lolomgwtf. If he try to kick you for noob reasoning, just report him. You all just prefer to rage and pour more fuel to that fire. Srsly... Kids (Lol?)
Too much of shit in pants can make you cry. Try to remember to clean after your dog
The nodding of the head once to symbolize a greeting, cuz we white folk to damn lazy to open our mouths and speak up. Nods are also easier to shake off than a flase "hello".
"Person nods at you", or your direction, "you nod back"
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Re: All good things...

#11 Post by » Tue Feb 21, 2012 5:40 pm

TheMuffinMann wrote: but I won't try to beg for him to come back.
Was never my intention.
His opinion is the ultimatum and nothing can surpass it.
The first and foremost obligation is to yourself. Only then you can SHARE your energy.

I will remember you as an asshole,
who mich be provokative
I have my opinion, you have your opinion and there are rules.
True, true and true.
I have to live by rules
The question is - do you agree or do you abide.
Every tree has bad apples, just as you have said but I won't call the whole tree rotten or condemned.
Not the whole tree Muffin.
Nod_Nod_Nod wrote:I feel like someone pointed a finger at me :(.
No. Nod is one of the ppl here that has integrity and doesn't dance around the issues.
I think that it isnt Everyone job. Thats why we have admins, arent we?
The work IMO should be done from the bottom (attitude), not the top (enforcing).

Grmg is grmg and will always be grmg
I love you almost as much as i love myself :D

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Re: All good things...

#12 Post by Spl@ » Tue Feb 21, 2012 6:44 pm wrote:Offspring of the zolk3ri (why isn't he?)ban topic:
I was trying to kick the fucked up kid for hacking, but ofc vote failed.
As some dude said to me yesterday:

"Its ubp server, nobody cares"

Well to be honest, its the brutal truth.
I offer the above quote as evidence to the contrary.
This is the reason why I uninstalled trem - nobody cares:

- hacking (will never stop now, once the bot is out)
- spamming buildings (nodepam, retspam, teslaspam, armwalls)
Quite possibly. Buildspam is acceptable; hacking isn't if it could be advantageous. However, by way of example, using a wallhack as a spectator while watching a suspected aimbotter is something which I consider acceptable.
- weapon spam (I'm a cant-aim-emo-child-but-spam-hits-sooner-or later)
Lucispam can be annoying, yes. It's sometimes annoying even when I'm on the same team. Then again, I've done it once or twice myself, and I do see that it can be fun from behind the weapon.
- most players being fucking pussies (ban for being good put into - Gorman insulted me, camp is a STRATEGY, somebody go a I wanna h, some DU or MAD admins turning on instabuild when losing, teamswitching)
Entire team camping or most of the team relying on one or two players to attack == bad. I camp sometimes, I attack sometimes…

Waiting for a player to join the other team… happens. Not going away.

Instant build is just more spam, but both teams ‘benefit’ from it. (Or at least that's the way it should be, but then instant build isn't really good anyway.)

Random teamswitching. Fine for balance. But if somebody switches late in the game just to be on the winning team, I'll probably move them back once it's over.
- admin asking for a bot (Gunther)
Fine for evaluation and detection purposes.
- shitmaps
Change-map spam votes are worse.
- admins being not admins but noobs with powers (admin1 muted admin1, Gunther HAS proof I deconed- fucking liar)
- no measures taken to reduce camping, which decent and above players dislike
Sometimes the campers get stacked against and end up losing badly. :)

I've sometimes ended up camping because nobody would help with attacking. :(
- trolls, deconners, teamkillers, gaybuilders, feeders
Mute, kick, kick, deny build, take advantage of. :D
- increasing number of noob players who tolerate and SUPPORT "activities" mentioned above
Talk, but try not to rant about it… :P
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Re: All good things...

#13 Post by » Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:15 pm

Spl@ wrote: 1.Buildspam is acceptable; 2. However, by way of example, using a wallhack as a spectator while watching a suspected aimbotter is something which I consider acceptable.
1. No it isn't. Learn to build.
2. No it isn't.

Lucispam can be annoying, yes. It's sometimes annoying even when I'm on the same team. Then again, I've done it once or twice myself, and I do see that it can be fun from behind the weapon.

No good player spams. There is no need, its purely the last resort of "I have no skill" noobs.

Waiting for a player to join the other team… happens. Not going away.
No, its not going away. Not withput forced auto-join or without /putteam.

But if somebody switches late in the game just to be on the winning team, I'll probably move them back once it's over.
To quote Guns n' Roses - One in a million. I've seen it maybe 5 times EVER.

Fine for evaluation and detection purposes.
Not needed at all.

Change-map spam votes are worse.
Shitmap should be voted until skipped or outright removed from rotation.

Well Gunther, step forward.

I've sometimes ended up camping because nobody would help with attacking. :(
I don't know nowdays (BUS?) about you particularly, but as far as I can remember the early days, you camped in one spot entire games.

1. trolls - Mute, 2. deconners - kick, 3. teamkillers - kick, 4. gaybuilders - deny build, 5. feeders - take advantage of
1. Doesn't happen. !kick
2. Happens often. !ban
3. Sometimes happens, most of the time first vote fails. !ban
4. Denybuild alsmot NEVER happens, on rare ocasions where most of the team consist of good players. !denybuild
5. Not in the same team. !kick

Talk, but try not to rant about it… :P
I'm not ranting. It's cold review of what is going on.

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Re: All good things...

#14 Post by Spl@ » Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:31 pm wrote:
Spl@ wrote: 1.Buildspam is acceptable; 2. However, by way of example, using a wallhack as a spectator while watching a suspected aimbotter is something which I consider acceptable.
1. No it isn't. Learn to build.
Acceptable, according to server rules. Even good builders spam sometimes; they just spam more carefully.
2. No it isn't.
Difference of opinion, or possibly understanding, there. Perhaps I need to clarify: using a cheat to gain in-game advantage is cheating and is bannable, but using a cheat to catch cheats (so long as you take no advantage of it if you join a team) is acceptable. Whether it's right is a different matter.
I've sometimes ended up camping because nobody would help with attacking. :(
I don't know nowdays (BUS?) about you particularly, but as far as I can remember the early days, you camped in one spot entire games.
Sometimes it's a matter of skill and/or confidence; players attack more as they improve.
Talk, but try not to rant about it… :P
I'm not ranting. It's cold review of what is going on.
I've not actually accused you of ranting today :roll:

(I do recognise the apparent mindset, though – ‘something is Wrong and must be Put Right’. Don't let that cause problems!)
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Re: All good things...

#15 Post by » Tue Feb 21, 2012 11:08 pm

Spl@ wrote:(...) 1.Buildspam (...)
Acceptable, according to server rules.
Hooray for boobies.

(...)but using a cheat to catch cheats (so long as you take no advantage of it if you join a team) is acceptable. Whether it's right is a different matter.
You're right, we do have different opinions.

Sometimes it's a matter of 1. skill and/or 2. confidence; players attack more as they improve.
1. You (not you particularly Spl@, in general) don't need skill to move your ass away from turrets in chainsuit or lucisuit.

2. Its a COMPUTER game, a 3d- real time - animation, portraying an IMAGINARY world. What CONFIDENCE do you need people?

I've not actually accused you of ranting today : roll :
I didn't felt accused. : rocks and rolls :
(I do recognise the apparent mindset, though – ‘something is Wrong and must be Put Right’.
You win ENTIRE Tremulous Spl@.

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