Reds abusive problems with reading and writing.

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#31 Post by TheMuffinMann » Tue Apr 12, 2011 6:44 am

Ok... I've accidentally deleted my preceding message so I'll try to retype as much of it, as I can...

So yea... Why the heck are you guys arguing about Red's incapability of utilizing the English language? I am not a perfect English speaker either but I at least try to be as correct as possible...

And yea... What's so wrong about being dylexic, it's in my opinion a slight mental disability but it doesn't permit for being a huge bitch. It's a hinderance of writing and reading and not of thinking like a civlized human being.

The same credits for you grmg, if you're going to be a bitch... Then shut the fuck up and grow some balls. Unless you can't take critizism or at least behave like a mature person, you won't achieve shit. Oh yea, fix your ego please. You might be special, but you're e'special'ly incapable of being in the slightest way tolerant. I'd suggest you too, to visit an English course because your spelling sucks and the use of abbreviations won't help you find a job etc.

That's enough on my side but yea... I just don't see why people, I include myself partially, bitch so much about the unnecessities of life...
A signature, for me?

Stop it, you. :$
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#32 Post by » Tue Apr 12, 2011 8:11 am

TheMuffinMann wrote:Why the heck are you guys arguing about Red's incapability of utilizing the English language?
Why the fuck evereones talking 'bout ARGUING. The name of this place is a discussion forum. We talk therefore. It would be silly to expect "Yes you're right" in every post.

And yea... What's so wrong about being dylexic, it's in my opinion a slight mental disability but it doesn't permit for being a huge bitch.
1. Nothing is wrong with any kind of so called "challenges". Nothing.
2. Its not a "mental disability". I've gave enough arguments 4 that.
3. I dropped the subject already (and since then - came to a new conclusion about Red's "dislexia" hahahah, fuck I love being a Gemini :d).

The same credits for you grmg, if you're going to be a bitch...
I already am. I irritate ppl and piss them of. Notice btw that I tend to pissoff pussies only. Hmm.... I will have to dwell on that statement.

Then shut the fuck up

and grow some balls.
Yes. More testosterone is good :D

Unless you can't take critizism
I love it, esp when someone adresses SPECIFIC issue.

Your statement in quote is btw a good example of double bind. GJ :d

or at least behave like a mature person,
Since ita a double bind too - what is "at least" mature person?

you won't achieve shit.
Thats a prophecy or a wish? :D

Oh yea, fix your ego please.
Ego is a series of beliefs Your mind has about You. If the belief is confronted with reality its either reinforced or destroyed.

Nothing to fix there.
Ego is bad btw (i dunno why exactly, it just kinda vibes in me that its bad)

You might be special
Might? Why haven't You decided yet?

but you're e'special'ly incapable of being in the slightest way tolerant.
I am not tolerant of pussies.

I'd suggest you too, to visit an English course because your 1.spelling sucks and the use 2.of abbreviations 3.won't help you find a job etc.
1. Sometimes it does suck, sometimes it does not.
2. The use of abbrev. is not coz i dunno how to spell.
3. Who says I'm looking for a job?

I just don't see why people, I include myself partially, bitch so much about the unnecessities of life...
True. I tend to forget about that a lot.

The mechanism is probably like (xyz>bullshit_its_abc>youre wrong>nou) etc.

hahahahahahha. I gotta do sth about that too.

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#33 Post by Quarko » Tue Apr 12, 2011 8:31 am

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#34 Post by » Tue Apr 12, 2011 8:42 am

Quarko wrote:Image
And he sure looks happy :)

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#35 Post by Redemption » Tue Apr 12, 2011 7:27 pm

you know what plz stop spamming about in MY topic nub. if you have a problem with the nub part check the first two posts in this topic.
take this fear from me...
before it consumes me whole...
take this fear from me..
before it consumes my soul...

i am dyslexic so plz have sympothy for me plz
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#36 Post by » Tue Apr 12, 2011 9:44 pm

Redemption wrote:you know what plz stop spamming about in MY topic nub. if you have a problem with the nub part check the first two posts in this topic.
Here comes:

Direct quotes from a repository ( of who You really are ( credit to superspirality for quotes and cellingcat for the adress :D):
superspirality wrote:Ah, yes, of course.
You quit and your "bro", which is you obviously (I can provide proofs) says you cut yourself. Nice, nice.
You post on another forum and tell everyone you 'want to be Dark-knight on this server bcuz I troll my friends under this nickname lolz dun let em know im red'.
You are always around, lying and demonstrating your shizophreny.
So, what the fuck is contained in your little head? A worthy question.
Dark-Knight wrote:ok one thing:

Red stop trying to get attention and if you so as stab yourself again i'll come over there and kill you myself ok?
superspirality wrote:Lol @ Redemption having a dialogue with himself. Brainless whore.
Lolz. :D
Redemption wrote:IF i was brainless i wouldn't of created 5 accounts here if i get banned i'll come back but hidden (i love that option) and no one will know ^^ so when i'm banned i can still see everything! HAPPY DAYS!
Even more lolz :D
Dark-Knight wrote:half the reason i hate him is because he is a no life. a defeatist. (a emo). i have a job already and i don't need my bro to push me down.
i work in google with our dad but since i work in one of the data centres it's all hush hush so that's why my ip keeps poping up as Reds
Hahahahahahha. :shock:

Redemption wrote: i don't give A FUCK about my spelling
This is how "dislexix" he really is. :roll:

Stupid emo child. Gods, where do ppl like you come from anyway?

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