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Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 10:12 am
by Quarko
Castyo wrote:
Quarko wrote:
PPNL wrote:
Rotacak wrote:Lanac: you should give it up now, before you waste more time.
Rotacak, peoples want to learn, Lanac wants to learn, let him do that, don't let him give up -,-, it's a bad advice from a big owna of a big serva
Actually I agree with Rotacak on this one. If he really wanted to learn - he'd take google and learn it. There is no shortcuts, you just have to practice. Instead, Lanac is spamming this forum with requests to help him learn it...
Non vitae, sed scholae discimus.
Experientia docet

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 3:08 pm
by Nod_Nod_Nod
PPNL wrote:TADAA cleaned it up for you Lanac.

Code: Select all

#include <ncurses> /*****************************************************/

    printf&#40;Q, v&#41;;
PPNL wrote:
Rotacak wrote:Lanac: you should give it up now, before you waste more time.
Rotacak, peoples want to learn, Lanac wants to learn, let him do that, don't let him give up -,-, it's a bad advice from a big owna of a big serva

Smells like teen spi... Doublepost?

Asinus asinorum. Asinus in tegulis.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 3:10 pm
by Lanac
Actually, I tried every single googled tutorials, almost none helped. Its really shame for you that you even wont try helping yourself...
Rota, i compleetly disagree, I just want to learn it, I want to know how some things work, I want to mod some games(I'm gonna do that probably in 4 years, since i dont know even simple tasks), I want to make programs that could make my life easier. I just want to know things, not be a complete dumb ass that just do things without knowing how they work or how they are even made. Sorry if I just wanted to be smarter. PPNL, I completely agree with your post.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 6:31 pm
Lanac wrote:googled
I'll rephrase: there are many people who have access to good commercial courses. And they don't give a fuck what EULA says. Some of them used their abilities to write programs like BitTorrent. You follow?

Nod_Nod_Nod wrote:Asinus asinorum. Asinus in tegulis.
Z "Matura to bzdura", j. polski:
Zadanie brzmi - doko&#324;cz sentecj&#281; "cz&#322;owiekiem jestem i..." a kole&#347; na to "i cogito ergo sum" :D


Castyo wrote:Non vitae, sed scholae discimus.
First of all, switch vitae and scholae. Now, this is a good advice. I personally believe that no amount, no kind of knowledge will ever hurt You.

If Lanac wants to learn whatever he wants to learn, fine, thats his choice. Whether he'll stick to it is another matter and really none of others buisness. Either help or encourage or do not comment at all.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 7:28 pm
by Redman
Lanac wrote:Actually, I tried every single googled tutorials
Holy fuck, you must be damn fast!
Lanac wrote: I just want to learn it, I want to know how some things work, I want to mod some games
You can start from telling us what EXACTLY you want to know. Sorry, can't read in mind.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 7:54 pm
by pmd
if you want to know c++: this is your bible

if you want to be true epic programmer you must read all this books
(btw i dont know peoples, who read all knuth books :D)

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 8:35 pm
by Quarko
pmd wrote:lanac
if you want to know c++: this is your bible

if you want to be true epic programmer you must read all this books
(btw i dont know peoples, who read all knuth books :D)
Read? I did. Remember? Nope.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 8:44 pm
by pmd
Quarko wrote: Read? I did. Remember? Nope.
u read knuth?

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 7:57 am
by Quarko
pmd wrote:
Quarko wrote: Read? I did. Remember? Nope.
u read knuth?
Have 3 books standing on my shelf and 4 more read from PC. Yes, I read it all while I was getting ready for my programming Olympiad in Belorussia (won 2nd place in Lithuania). However I do not remember half of it by now (no practice = you forget stuff fast).

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 6:47 pm
by Nod_Nod_Nod wrote:
Lanac wrote:googled
Z "Matura to bzdura", j. polski:
Zadanie brzmi - doko&#324;cz sentecj&#281; "cz&#322;owiekiem jestem i..." a kole&#347; na to "i cogito ergo sum" :D
Pytanie w liceum. Jak jest po &#322;acinie motyw literacki marno&#347;&#263; nad marno&#347;ciami. Kolega patrzy po klasie, zauwa&#380;a jaki&#347; plakat i mówi: MEMENTO MORI.

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 7:38 pm
Nod_Nod_Nod wrote:Pytanie w liceum. Jak jest po &#322;acinie motyw literacki marno&#347;&#263; nad marno&#347;ciami. Kolega patrzy po klasie, zauwa&#380;a jaki&#347; plakat i mówi: MEMENTO MORI.

Kolega z liceum (ale on du&#380;o pali&#322;): Roland... i rycerze okr&#261;g&#322;ego sto&#322;u. A na wypracowaniu znalaz&#322; Stronnictwo Demokrartyczne w Panu Tadeuszu.

Quarko wrote:programming Olympiad in Belorussia (won 2nd place in Lithuania).

Holy fuck. Congratulations. You pursue programing professionally or as hobby?

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 8:14 pm
by Quarko wrote: Holy fuck. Congratulations. You pursue programing professionally or as hobby?
Well, I have a programmer job for over 4 years already :) . As for the Olympiad - I was doing it solely for fun and nothing more, that stuff rarely gives you any benefits in long run.

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 6:57 am
by lamefun
C++ will soon die in favor of better languages developed by Microsoft like C# and other .Net languages! Microsoft will likely develop even better languages!

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 7:05 am
by Quarko
lamefun wrote:C++ will soon die in favor of better languages developed by Microsoft like C# and other .Net languages! Microsoft will likely develop even better languages!
A thing to think about: in what language is .Net framework written? :D

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 7:55 am
Quarko wrote:
lamefun wrote:what he said
A thing to think about: in what language is .Net framework written? :D