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Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 10:00 pm
by Quarko
Yes, so? You think he will be able to use them all? :P

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 12:48 pm
by Redman
You don't even know what spammer can do!

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 2:52 pm
by Rotacak
Quarko wrote:Transformers have several bad points:
1) If they are small - they will give no improvements. Humans will spam with transformers everywhere eventually.
Yes, that is point. But important is that - aliens can destroy it. So humans need to build transformers on safe places, othervise they can run out of BP. Its like some strategy games - you need to build power plants for more buildings and when power plants are destroyed, then you cannot build more things.

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 2:56 pm
by Rotacak
Quarko wrote:I have another crazy idea.

What if we give, lets say 20bp for kill, with 1 little modification. They are 1 time only bp.
So if we build something at our base, and enemy kills it - we wont get bp back. That would be so crazy :P
Thats interesing idea :-) But if is something based on kills, then there will be probably more camp :-(

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 4:49 pm
by VIV37
something based on kills always SUCKS (sry for bad expression) but its true...
troy tried something that made kills be more of a raking system not a kill count system end it was lame ppl camp to kill end don't get killed its just tells the player stay in base or be hated by team... :(
I agree whit rota I like the Transformers idea new buildings are always cool 8) no mater what... say I not right!
end maybe this will make good players build more... :D

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 5:08 pm
by VIV37
sry for the double post but just got a crazy idea how about making the Transformers not just giving team another 100bp but better make it constantly increase bp by 1 every second or something like that but if building is destroyed it doesn't give bp back so players make 3 Transformers
they get 3 times more but I think to balance game this Transformers need to be big at least as big as the rc I think

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 5:08 pm
by Redman
Maybe better stage - transformers give more BP?

WEIRD IDEA: "New Sudden Death" - use more-bp-every-stage system + Quarko's idea. When team runs out of all BPs, it's Sudden Death (for one team).

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 5:14 pm
by VIV37
hehe Redman you gave my another idea lol...
yea how about a stage 4 to say if team reaches stage 4 the other team go in to a arma mod no more cred buildings blow up or something nasty like that then players will stop camping end runeeee all over the map to kill dreches or rifels to get to stage 4 first... 8)

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 7:50 pm
by Quarko
Or they will just camp at base with massdrivers to get the required kills from the rushing dretches...

Hmm... I've just thought about another crazy idea listening to you guys:
1) We have transformers. Size does not matter.
2) Transformers give 10 BP each 10 seconds.
3) This BP are one time use BP. If aliens destroy structure that used that BP - you wont get them back.
4) (Craziest part). Each time a transformer gives bp - it looses health. Let's say, 1 transformer can give 100bp without being repaired. Then it explodes and stops giving BP.
5) Explosion should have the same power RC explosion has.

So what we have:
1) If people build too many transformers - they wont be able to maintain them (read 'repair') - and they will wipe off half of their base.
2) After building transformers - people should constantly maintain them. So a dedicated builder should always be nearby to clean the gears and wipe the dust off it.
3) It has to be in safe place - otherwise aliens can summon a great boom by killing few stacked transformers.
4) It will be highly dangerous to stack few transformers one near another - beware of chain reaction.

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 8:23 pm
by VIV37
hmmm yes yes but "Size does not matter." lol it dose a LOT :P end if this Transformers are small players will spam a lot of them end the will be small targets, making them big like rc or bigger I think its more balanced a small Transformers might be hidden behind a arm or something end I like the "looses health" idea very interesting yea but 10bp a sec is A LOT I was thinking if the team builds 3 or so the they get a decent dc increase but will take some space end will need some maintenance... but lets put it this way Quarko imagine them being small end giving 10pd a sec that will just make players camp cuz they will have bp regenerate fast end this will lead to players spamming all over whit shit end this all thing will just be a loss of time...

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 8:59 pm
by nooteh
You have a wonderful ideas.

I have some improvements too:

1) You can build another transformer after the first has reached full BP. It wouldn't be so easy, because you have to a) heal it b) put to a safe place

2) If it's destroyed by aliens or whoever, it will destroy building that cost the same BP count it has given.

There would be a priority table:
a) destroy attacking buildings - turret, tesla
b) destroy pointless buildings - flag, crate...
c) destroy defense buildings - armoury, medi...

Or it could destroy the buildings which has been built from the transformer's BP.

btw I can have a few mistakes in the message, I'm sleepy :lol:

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 9:31 pm
by CrackD0wn

then we will need one real sad player to keep repairing the transformer >.>

no one will do it

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 11:08 pm
by C.C.
Quarko, why not transformer := RC? xD

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 11:28 am
by VIV37
lol CrackD0wn that's true but there's always a builder that builds useless stuff now he has his chase to do something for the team repairing the Tr :P
yea but aliens need 1 to I think the same principals but aliens cant repair so the "Tr" will have a lifetime (lose hp constantly) end eventually die but they don't damage nearby buildings so its balanced I think... :D

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 11:30 am
by VIV37
C.C. wrote:Quarko, why not transformer := RC? xD
the rc will blow up end then no power :((