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Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 12:36 pm
by Quarko wrote:...Lots of constructive arguments...
Rotacak wrote:I must agree with

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 12:53 pm
by Nod_Nod_Nod
Ok now we can fully talk about this case... Moved n' renamed...

Redemption CAPITALS at beginning!

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 1:27 pm
by GLaDOS wrote:
GLaDOS wrote:
You just did -.- Seriously learn when to shut up.

1. I am not ARGUING.
2. Dont tell me to stfu in this particular thread, coz "stfu" has NOTHING to do with the subject we started to discuss.
I did not say "stfu", I said
GLaDOS wrote:Seriously learn when to shut up.
Saying that is not saying stfu. Stop complaining and get your facts (or in this case, fiction) right before having a go at me.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 2:12 pm
GLaDOS wrote: wrote:
GLaDOS wrote:
You just did -.- Seriously learn when to shut up.

1. I am not ARGUING.
2. Dont tell me to stfu in this particular thread, coz "stfu" has NOTHING to do with the subject we started to discuss.
I did not say "stfu", I said
GLaDOS wrote:Seriously learn when to shut up.
Saying that is not saying stfu. Stop complaining and get your facts (or in this case, fiction) right before having a go at me.
You're right.

Redo of post in quote:

1. I am not ARGUING.
2. You're probably right about me learning when to shut up, but this is not one of the examples where i should shut up.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 2:48 pm
by Quarko

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 5:05 pm
by Redemption
Quarko just off topic here: but i'm starting to see some episodes of shana something something.


And anyone notice that this has been way off topic for like 5 posts.

And grmg i agree that dislexcya can be cured and if so i know how to do it.
Hell i'm going tho countless doctors everyday. just to make it quicker and easyer for me to get out of it.

But i also have to agree with quarko. you DON'T know when to shut up. and when you do you almost seem to think you've won something and think your ''all god and mighty'' Truth be told this looks like bullying for my point of view.

P.s. and bullying is caused by not loved enough...
Something you liked died...
And others i can't think of.


GLaDOS wrote: wrote:
GLaDOS wrote:

You just did -.- Seriously learn when to shut up.

1. I am not ARGUING.
2. Dont tell me to stfu in this particular thread, coz "stfu" has NOTHING to do with the subject we started to discuss.

I did not say "stfu", I said
GLaDOS wrote:
Seriously learn when to shut up.

Saying that is not saying stfu. Stop complaining and get your facts (or in this case, fiction) right before having a go at me.

You're right.

Redo of post in quote:

1. I am not ARGUING.
2. You're probably right about me learning when to shut up, but this is not one of the examples where i should shut up.

/ignore grmg.

/callvote poll mute grmg -r won't learn to shut up and mind his own ''bees wax''

and quarko that girl in the pic is cute :3

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 5:35 pm
by Quarko
Offtop: Eghm, actually that is the same Shana that is in my avatar and that you are "starting to watch several episodes" :D

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:02 pm
by GLaDOS wrote:
GLaDOS wrote: wrote:
GLaDOS wrote:
You just did -.- Seriously learn when to shut up.

1. I am not ARGUING.
2. Dont tell me to stfu in this particular thread, coz "stfu" has NOTHING to do with the subject we started to discuss.
I did not say "stfu", I said
GLaDOS wrote:Seriously learn when to shut up.
Saying that is not saying stfu. Stop complaining and get your facts (or in this case, fiction) right before having a go at me.
You're right.

Redo of post in quote:

1. I am not ARGUING.
2. You're probably right about me learning when to shut up, but this is not one of the examples where i should shut up.
Yes, it seriously is. You're having a go at Redemption for pissing you off, but as I said previously, if you ignore him, and shut up, then he won't have a go at you, and it'll end. Simply: You shut up, Redemption shuts up.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:09 pm
Redemption wrote:1.
And grmg i agree that dislexcya can be cured and if so i know how to do it.
Hell i'm going tho countless doctors everyday. just to make it quicker and easyer for me to get out of it.
So if You're going "everyday" - spare 5 mins to find an NLP coach near You and write him an email. One email isn't big deal right?

2.But i also have to agree with quarko. you DON'T know when to shut up.

Sometimes i do, sometimes i don't, that's true, BUT just sometimes i can choose.
Seems to me that some ppl don't like to read what i wrote. I wonder why?
3.and when you do you almost seem to think you've won something and think your ''all god and mighty''
I call bullshit when I hear bullshit.
Also notice - the only person who should win here is U.
4. Truth be told this looks like bullying for my point of view.
Yes I'm bullying You over the internet. That has to be effective.
5.P.s. and bullying is caused by not loved enough...
Something you liked died...
And others i can't think of.
True. Its also caused by poverty, power, money, food, sexual frustration, social pressure, drugs, and many others i cant think of.

/ignore grmg.

/callvote poll mute grmg -r won't learn to shut up and mind his own ''bees wax''
Sure. You're welcome to callvote whenever U like.

1. (...) means we can talk.
2. to 6. (...) has no relevant content.

1. "Hey, I am doing something" - You
2. "Lets do a subject_change from me to him so I don't have to do anything new, coz i don't like changes" - Your mind.

Google a coach, write him an email. If You really want to get rid of dislexia, You'll do it, coz its very easy to do a googlesearch and write an email. Here come the excuses.

GLaDOS wrote: Yes, it seriously is. You're having a go at Redemption for pissing you off, but as I said previously, if you ignore him, and shut up, then he won't have a go at you, and it'll end. Simply: You shut up, Redemption shuts up.
He did piss me off when he defended Pokemon.
He isn't pissing me off now, nor did I wrote anything here to piss him of.

Also Glados, why we need a discussion forum if the policy promoted is "Agree or stfu".

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:43 pm
You just writing in this topic causes trouble, no offence. You're provoking him. Each time Red logs on. He will see next to chat:
Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:09 pm
That's provoking him to reply to your post.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 7:09 pm
by Nod_Nod_Nod
Redemption I dont see that we are offtopic... You are offtopic...

Succefully changed this... Read 2 first posts and you will laugh :)

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 7:25 pm
Nod_Nod_Nod wrote:Redemption I dont see that we are offtopic... You are offtopic...

Succefully changed this... Read 2 first posts and you will laugh :)

So i see this is going nowhere. Fine.
I'll end with two things:

1. You have dyslexia coz a doctor told You that You have it. The doctor doesn't really know what dyslexia is, whats causing it and how to get rid of it. The only thing he can do is to name it.

2. Now, some ppl say (don't believe them) to know what dyslexia is, they know whats causing it and how to get rid of it. Some even say they got rid of it (they are lying too, so its not worth checking out).

The choice is, as always, Yours to make.

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 9:21 pm
by Redemption
GLaDOS wrote: wrote:
GLaDOS wrote: wrote:
GLaDOS wrote:
You just did -.- Seriously learn when to shut up.

1. I am not ARGUING.
2. Dont tell me to stfu in this particular thread, coz "stfu" has NOTHING to do with the subject we started to discuss.
I did not say "stfu", I said
GLaDOS wrote:Seriously learn when to shut up.
Saying that is not saying stfu. Stop complaining and get your facts (or in this case, fiction) right before having a go at me.
You're right.

Redo of post in quote:

1. I am not ARGUING.
2. You're probably right about me learning when to shut up, but this is not one of the examples where i should shut up.
Yes, it seriously is. You're having a go at Redemption for pissing you off, but as I said previously, if you ignore him, and shut up, then he won't have a go at you, and it'll end. Simply: You shut up, Redemption shuts up.
all too true

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 9:25 pm
by Redemption
Nod_Nod_Nod wrote:Redemption I dont see that we are offtopic... You are offtopic...

Succefully changed this... Read 2 first posts and you will laugh :)
yep i did... but switching my topic is rly pissing me off when all i asked was for cat to be put on a leash and watched.

and grmg. you must rly think your special. in the WRONG type of way.

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 12:22 am
Redemption wrote: yep i did... but switching my topic is rly pissing me off when all i asked was for cat to be put on a leash and watched.
Nah, You troll, he makes fun of You. No moderation needed there.

Good thing You don't play 1.2 anymore, coz I'm out of "help everyone" once_a_few_weeks_mood and that means I'm back to being a real bitch to pussies.

and grmg. you must rly think your special. in the WRONG type of way.
You're absolutely 100% right. I do feel really special. How else would I feel about myself?