EDIT: soul, ego, you... are they real or not?

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#16 Post by grmg.pl » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:12 pm

Quarko wrote: And a consciousness is an illusion that helps humans remain sane.

Can You elaborate?

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#17 Post by Lanac » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:58 am

grmg.pl wrote: The problem is - its like with a knife - can cut your steak nicely, can also cut your neighbours kid too.

The so called chips have waaaaaaay to many uses in human body to use. If this would be ONLY gps positioning - we would have them used in bilions of ppl already. Dogs have it, why cant people?

We can use brainwaves (electromagnetism) to control a car. It would be silly to think that it can't be reversed.
Hmmm, yes, its in YOUR body. I belive its called RFID chips. But problem is. Imagine, 5 years in future...
YOu are broke, dont have a single dolar, and u r in debts. They will just send signal that u cant leave your own house(send info on that chip) and then what? U r fucked then. Imagine it. Or, u have a job, u want to enter door but u cant, someone hacked your chip(hackers or even government) and u cant enter your firm, what then? There r some conspiracy about US government and other things, called NWO(new world order). Spooky stuff. They want to decrese numb of human beeing on Earth. Isnt it weird that every period there is new disease? Example, now in Germany, E. Coli. The "doctors" just confirmed that its new E. Coli. But how in Germany, there is the best health services on Earth? Or when it was H1N1 and H5N1? SOme videos bout it:


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sP9epoUD ... re=related

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAfJBt4DQm8 (here is the RFID chip)


We need to do something or we will get busted or even worse, dead.
If someone still dont understand, USA is the worlds strongest army, so they actualy can control whole world.
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#18 Post by Redemption » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:20 am

Quarko wrote:*cheerful voice* Don't worry Red, human brain is simply a lots of neurons wired together with synapses. All your mind and consciousness are simply a very complex reflex. A wave of electricity that surges through your brain activating muscles and causing other similar waves of electricity. And a consciousness is an illusion that helps humans remain sane. Evolution has mysterious ways to work :)

I hope that cheered you up a bit :)
that just makes me paranoid now :? .

but you are true in every word and so am i, in my own way if you understand it, result: brain is very complex, composed of electrons and what not. the only way to control it would be with and EMP a very small one at that just enough to make you do something and forget you ever did it. it is possible because have you ever walked into a room and forget what you were going to do? i have and it's annoying :(

and now i've forgotten what i was gona say to lanac O.O


lanac even if this was so then they would probably would implant a chip inside all of use hell they could even install micro cameras into our eyes and they are seeing this now and doing something about it or just making us rant on that it is not possible when it is real and is in effect right now.

worst case scenario: USA has controlled the world and what we see with our eyes is a world that does not exists but is just a virtual illusion. hell we could all be high number 1 crinmals and they're trying to get our motives because we figured out how to hack our chips to see the real world.

ow my head... that took a lot of thinking... ow.

anything else?

and grmg i've not got a reply from you yet "OMG" doesn't cut it, it's a "yes" or "no" answer not a "omg" answer.
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before it consumes me whole...
take this fear from me..
before it consumes my soul...

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#19 Post by grmg.pl » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:26 am

Lanac wrote:There r some conspiracy about US government and other things, called NWO(new world order). Spooky stuff.

The truth is the NWO is probably already here not by revolution but by habituation of society.

Lanac posted this:

The first dude speaking is Jordan Maxwell.

I strongly reccomend You ppl see at least one of his vids. Ofc, take it with a grain of salt, some stuff can be probably interpreted in other ways.
They want to decrese numb of human beeing on Earth.
That seemed like bullshit to me for many years, why on earth (sic!) would anyone want to kill in example 4 bilion ppl?

Well, heres the reason why someone would do kill 4 bln ppl.

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#20 Post by grmg.pl » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:47 am

Redemption wrote:worst case scenario: USA has controlled the world .

By the Itamars MD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The worst case scenario is USA controlling you Red. ALREADY.

and grmg i've not got a reply from you yet "OMG" doesn't cut it, it's a "yes" or "no" answer not a "omg" answer

Well, the best is always an example.

Imagine Your laying on Your bed with a good looking girl You like. She asks You with a devilish smile "what u wanna do Red" and You answer with "lets discuss human righst od chinese opossition". Thats when an imaginary observer (the girl probably too :D) would go "OMG!!!!!!!".

In this example please find the part that is Your post.

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#21 Post by grmg.pl » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:47 am

grmg.pl wrote:
Quarko wrote: And a consciousness is an illusion that helps humans remain sane.

Can You elaborate?

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#22 Post by Lanac » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:51 am

Yup, I never thought bout it like that.
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#23 Post by Lanac » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:13 am

Sorry for double post, but same d00d, part 2, time about 6 min:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pb3JI8F9 ... ure=relmfu
So, what they want is to decrease population of Earth is to do opposite of the table thats good and bad.
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#24 Post by grmg.pl » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:43 am

Lanac wrote:Sorry for double post, but same d00d, part 2, time about 6 min:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pb3JI8F9 ... ure=relmfu
So, what they want is to decrease population of Earth is to do opposite of the table thats good and bad.

So You see, there are decisions to be made that are beyond good or bad. What kind of a man You would have to be to make those decisions?
What kind of knowledge You would need to have?
What kind of power and resources You wold need to have to act on a GLOBAL scale.

Again, this is what we already know. What is it that we're not being told is there?

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#25 Post by Redemption » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:26 pm

isn't this slipping the point. we're coming from "mind control chips" to something completely different.

and my last post agrees with this post. the government might be trying to make us unaware what they are trying to do. now just take a sec to think this over. USA and other country have been studying micro technology and succeeded in many ways with medicine and other stuff. (now not on this topic what if you could make those micro robots or something revolt against the bearer?) and it wouldn't be that hard to make micro robots with cameras and implant em in eye droppers or eye medicine?

and then there is biotechnology like the atom bomb or a cyborg.
if we do make an AI then the next step is making a cyborg. hell right now some of us are cyborgs. with fake arms legs (i have a fake leg BTW, that's why i'm on trem so much) and all you have to do is install some motors and programming inter-wind with your brain impulses then you got yourself a working arm ^^

easier said then done.

you know what. having someone to argue with makes me seem like i really do have something to live for. i guess this is what life means eh? just friends arguing about shit all and expressing their thoughts. can't say much for grmg :/ i don't know if he rly has a good side. he just loses his temper too easily. *sigh*

you know... being on a wheelchair for half your life really gets you looking at the world alot. but enough of that BACK TO THE TOPIC :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

i wonder if technology is really for the better. or if in time it's just going to kill us all.

i'll leave it at that.
take this fear from me...
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take this fear from me..
before it consumes my soul...

i am dyslexic so plz have sympothy for me plz

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#26 Post by Quarko » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:48 pm

grmg.pl wrote:
grmg.pl wrote:
Quarko wrote: And a consciousness is an illusion that helps humans remain sane.

Can You elaborate?
Human have a brain complex enough to behave on their lifetime experience. If a creature is fully aware of it's surroundings and of everything that ever happened to it (experience) - it tries to analyze it's own place in the universe. That is the ultimate question "What is the meaning of my life?". However, there is no meaning to it, which would cause a massive suicide of every thinking creature. Therefore, humans and other creatures evolutionized such way, that they developed a limiting factor - consciousness and self-awareness (I'm probably mixing the terms, sorry).
With it, you are able to process all the same data, but also each human feels something soul-like in him. Something that sits beyond his eyes and lives this life. Moreover, that 'something' makes you think that you are the center of the universe. Even if you deny that - the fact that you ignore having no meaning in life means that it works. Every creature does not want to die only because they are scared of their universe getting destroyed. And that universe is a consciousness (self-awareness) itself, while in reality it is simply a massive set of charges running through your brain.

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#27 Post by Redemption » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:07 pm

true it is only electricity :/ *goes off to kill himself*

just as a matter of interest but how old are you quarko? i feel like i'm talking to someone of a high place in society. like a teacher or scientist...


oh and i'll take this moment to say two things:

1) most of the replys and last post are mine ^^

2) why is this topic gold?
take this fear from me...
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take this fear from me..
before it consumes my soul...

i am dyslexic so plz have sympothy for me plz

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#28 Post by Quarko » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:39 pm

Redemption wrote:true it is only electricity :/ *goes off to kill himself*

just as a matter of interest but how old are you quarko? i feel like i'm talking to someone of a high place in society. like a teacher or scientist...
I'm 21. Capitalizing first letters, using punctuation properly and using conjunctive adverbs - all that 3 things can do miracles with your presentation.
Redemption wrote: oh and i'll take this moment to say two things:

1) most of the replys and last post are mine ^^

2) why is this topic gold?
2) Because there are my posts in it.

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#29 Post by grmg.pl » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:00 pm

Quarko wrote:Therefore, humans and other creatures evolutionized such way, that they developed a limiting factor - consciousness and self-awareness (I'm probably mixing the terms, sorry).
With it, you are able to process all the same data, but also each human feels something soul-like in him. (...) Moreover, that 'something' makes you think that you are the center of the universe.

A soul and and an ego from evolutionary point of view. Fuck me thats cool.

Something that sits beyond his eyes and lives this life.
When You feel ie angry, stop and observe the feeling from an outside (or mb inside :D) point of view. No judgement, no good or bad. Just observe. Notice that You can actually feel that someone (You) is observing and someone (You) is being observed, while actually there's only one human being.

Also - this is a form of disassociating negative thoughts and feelings.

because they are scared of their universe getting destroyed

The ultimate "death"?

BTW:Do You believe that changing chaos into order is attractive?

And that universe is a consciousness (self-awareness) itself, while in reality it is simply a massive set of charges running through your brain.

Self awareness as a evolutional CONSTRUCT over the body (having more "sets of charges running through brain" is better than having less)?

That would be the simplest "conventional explanation" of self awarness.

2) why is this topic gold?
We use the mind to please the heart. IOW we grow and learn.

And ofc, coz Quarkos' post are in here 8)

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#30 Post by Quarko » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:07 pm

The ultimate "death"?
Something like that. No human is able to imagine 'not being' in the world. Even if you try that very hard you'd still be imagining yourself looking at the world that does not have you in it or yourself looking into the darkness for eternity or yourself being in heaven (if you are religious).
However if you try that (imagining not existing) reeeeeeally hard, it is possible that you will be able to imagine that for a brink moment and get totally scared by that only short thought of 'ultimate death'. Most people get scared even at the 'looking at darkness for eternity' part, that's why they think out ghosts and afterlife.
BTW:Do You believe that changing chaos into order is attractive?
Well yes, I see that rather amusing.
Self awareness as a evolutional CONSTRUCT over the body (having more "sets of charges running through brain" is better than having less)?

That would be the simplest "conventional explanation" of self awarness.
More charges are not better than less charges. Take trees for example. They do not have brain at all, but most of them outlive humans. It's simply the other way to evolve.

As about ego development, imagine a thin wire. First we connect 100W/h lamp to it. Then we add another one as we need our room brighter (as room grows bigger). Then we add more and more until eventually the wire start to spark. Sparking wire is dangerous and unstable, but it creates a whole new layer of things to observe (forms of sparks, brightness, interaction between sparking wires, etc).

What I'm trying to tell, that ego is something like that sparks. There was no 'better' in having them at first, they developed as a result of having a higher surges coming through brain. However, after that evolution 'discovered' that sparks are pretty useful, as they randomize the behavior of the creature much faster than the evolution does itself while not consuming much power or anything.

But that is all my theory, that is glued together from various info about brain activity and brain development. I'm simply a fan of neural network programming so I digged into the question of brain evolution a bit.

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