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Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 3:48 pm
by Lanac
I will. Told u already. Must see you online on quake so u prove me your not n00b ^^

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 10:09 pm
by Lanac
i can say now, henzo is not a n00b ^^ :D :D :D

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 10:20 am
by Fluffy guy
Lanac wrote:i can say now, henzo is not a n00b ^^ :D :D :D

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:21 am
by Lanac
Lol fluff :) :D :lol:

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:29 pm
by sindarus
DUDE! Why don't you come on 1.1 ??? There's really less noobs and more regular players, that listen to you! I had really a lot of fun teamplaying in humans !!!

1.1 RULES !!!

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 9:00 am
by Lanac
Cant go on 1.1. WH en you install 1.2 on linux, you cant play on 1.2.
After awating connection, trem quit.

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 11:10 am
by loldretch
Lanac wrote:Cant go on 1.1. When you install 1.2 on linux, you cant play on 1.2.
After awating connection, trem quit.

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 11:19 am
by pmd
Cant go on 1.1. WH en you install 1.2 on linux, you cant play on 1.2.
After awating connection, trem quit.
use second installation of trem.
that listen to you!
with nice players words dont need to understand, what need to do in team. all does what's will be necessary. it's about role-playing element :)

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 3:26 pm
by Nod_Nod_Nod
"Sarge, "pmd, "Nod

Shit... - sweared PMD. - I forgot my medpack... Sarge could you hop for it? I will be gratefull... Ill even cook some aliens for ya with my flamer. - Yes I can do it... Wait second - Sarge went to main base. Situation was crucial... It was the time when aliens couldn't spread any further and humans were out of building materials. Humans had a map with all locations of eggs. Only problem were: How to get them, and where the hell are cookies.

- THEY ARE RUSHING! - PMD saw screaming Nod. He were running toward forward base, with many high evolved Aliens at his back. There were too many aliens so... He simply closed doors. - You goddamnmother&&**&^*&(@#$*&(^@#(*%(#* open it BLEAAARGHHH - Screamed Nod shoting doors with some bullets. They were double layered with additional special materials. Pmd felt relived. After some fighting sounds and some shots the situation behind doors become quiet. *-Shit... When Sarge will come here he will die... It will be painfull loss for me...* - he though, when he heard knocking. - Hey PMD let me in! Its me sarge. Pmd opened doors and he saw nothing... Not even a trace of fight or death of his comrade. - You brought med? - he asked him. - Yea I got it... And I got some chicken nuggets that Quarko made at RC... Want some? - Yeah! Gimme some! - And they ate it... They were very happy from now...

Role Playing Game - RPG???

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 3:40 pm
by pmd
ROFL not so roleplaying :)

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 5:28 pm
by Nod_Nod_Nod
But its fuuuunier that way :(

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 6:15 pm
by Quarko
Nod_Nod_Nod wrote:"Sarge, "pmd, "Nod

Shit... - sweared PMD. - I forgot my medpack... Sarge could you hop for it? I will be gratefull... Ill even cook some aliens for ya with my flamer. - Yes I can do it... Wait second - Sarge went to main base. Situation was crucial... It was the time when aliens couldn't spread any further and humans were out of building materials. Humans had a map with all locations of eggs. Only problem were: How to get them, and where the hell are cookies.

- THEY ARE RUSHING! - PMD saw screaming Nod. He were running toward forward base, with many high evolved Aliens at his back. There were too many aliens so... He simply closed doors. - You goddamnmother&&**&^*&(@#$*&(^@#(*%(#* open it BLEAAARGHHH - Screamed Nod shoting doors with some bullets. They were double layered with additional special materials. Pmd felt relived. After some fighting sounds and some shots the situation behind doors become quiet. *-Shit... When Sarge will come here he will die... It will be painfull loss for me...* - he though, when he heard knocking. - Hey PMD let me in! Its me sarge. Pmd opened doors and he saw nothing... Not even a trace of fight or death of his comrade. - You brought med? - he asked him. - Yea I got it... And I got some chicken nuggets that Quarko made at RC... Want some? - Yeah! Gimme some! - And they ate it... They were very happy from now...

Role Playing Game - RPG???
-Om nom nom nom... - fluffy granger was sitting near the overmind on the warm egg eating cookies. - Cookiez good, good cookiez bettah! - because of being stuffed granger began to think philosophically.
-What is that sound? And where the hell are all the damn cookies?!? - The tyrant came in with an angry roar. - Just don't freaking tell me you ate all the cookies by yourself?!?
- Nom? - Granger replied with a prayer in his eyes. - Meh can haz no cookies? Why no cookiez?
- Oh my god, when were you born here? Several minutes ago? The only reason humans are staying at this god forgotten planet is to get these cookies. And now they are gone. All cookies are GONE GONE GONE GONE! - Tyrant began to hopelessly bash his head off the wall.
- Humanz are bad - Replied the granger sniffing around to find another cookie.
- Yes, but humans are FOOD! What will we eat if they fly away? Now we are all doomed because of you. We need to gather at base and think of some plan as soon as possible! Situation is becoming crucial! - Tyrant was slowly walking around the base trying to get the full perspective over the overwhelming situation he had to solve now.
- Meh can make flower, humanz like flowers. - Silently proposed the granger.

To be continued...

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 8:12 pm
by Lanac
SPamers -.-

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 8:51 pm
by Quarko
Lanac wrote:SPamers -.-
Go away from our lawn!

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 9:02 pm
by Lanac