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Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 9:14 am
So I'm at rock-party club called Graffiti. Lil bit drunk, 3 beers before in some bikers club. I'm chatting with some random ppl, go out for a cig. While I'm going out i manhandle ppl out of my way, but with the addition of some form of politness. A girl that I just pushed out of my way shouts to me "hey, what are you doing". Then she immediately adds "your hands are cold, what are you doing?". Me being me and not really sober replies "Are you saying we just broke up?". I ignore her afterwards, whatever, shes not even in my type when i'm semi-drunk, so that goes to "i dont care category". Some time later she bumps into me at dancefloor. I turn around and she shouts to me:

- i dont like you
- do you have any friends in here?
- no they are smo...

I grab her hand with one hand, turn her around, grab her face with the other hand and literally force her to makeout. She fucking loves it. I push her away shouting "i dont like you either". Hahahah. I love this shit. :D

A buddy of mine grabs me, come we do the shots. I irritate some more ppl by pushing them out of my way. Whatever. I go to loo. When i get out i her "yeah thats him" and some random dude lands before my face shouting:
- what the fuck are you doing?
- what?
- you fucking prick, you're hitting on my girlfriend?
- is she preety?

Than I fucking see her again, really pissed off. Now check this out, for thats why I love women :D. She says to her wannabe-boyfriend:

"I was smoking and he tried to grab me but i ran away"

And that is almost a direct quote :D. I ignore the dude, go do the shots. Never seen them afterwards.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 10:48 am
by pmd
1. alcoholic
2. potential rapist :D
3. you push peoples from your way - STOP RIGHT THERE, CRIMINAL SCUM!
4. why you post it here?

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 11:53 am
by Quarko
Well dude, it's funny but you better do not underestimate woman logic. She skipped the kissing part not because she liked it, but because she didn't want to force her boyfriend into a fight and get him in trouble (he seems to be a hot-headed dude).

So basically, she told him that you were "hitting on her" for sole reason: to test if the boyfriend cares for her. Revenge and the kiss itself did not matter to her, it was just a chance to test him. She got her results and became happy of it. No need to push it further by telling him you kissed her.

So in essence, you were used by the girl. Congratulations.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 12:24 pm
Quarko wrote:woman logic. She skipped the kissing part not because she liked it,
Thats EXACTLY why she skipped the kissing part.
but because she didn't want to force her boyfriend into a fight and get him in trouble (he seems to be a hot-headed dude).

No. She did that to absolve herself from any form of judgment or guilt EXACTLY because she liked it. Women are more sexual than most men think.
to test if the boyfriend cares for her.

No. Not CARES. The test was - which one of us is stronger (both physical and the so called "character")

True. Sometimes u win sometimes u dont.
1. alcoholic
2. potential rapist
3. you push peoples from your way - STOP RIGHT THERE, CRIMINAL SCUM!
4. why you post it here?
1. To paraphrase Stalin - find me a definition I'll find u a man. I like to drink a bit. Sometimes more. :D
2. Sure. Also - women very much like to be TAKEN with consent.
3. Yes I do, gently but firmly. Doesn't matter if its a dude or a girl.
4. For my own amusement.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 8:18 pm
by Quarko
Well, I do not really agree with you. I've seen a lots of girls that were provoking their boyfriends only to test if they care. Sometimes even leading to broken ribs. So basically I believe that in your case her mind flow was something like this:
1) "That kiss was pretty nice" (optional, dunno if she really thought that)
2) "Well, this guy it pretty cute. I wonder if my boyfriend is good enough to remain my boyfriend, or should I dump him and get some prettier one instead"
3) - Boyfriend! Fetch me that dude's head!
4) "Oh, he really cares about me and our relationship, lets not dump him for now"

I've seen this flow of mind happen so damn often that I'm 99% sure it was the same in your case.