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MasterKiller case.

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 7:06 pm
by ==Troy==
With all the respect to the nice perfomance of the mensioned above admin in application to the admin level I would like to ask for a removal of his rights and his admin level temporary or permanently.

This is caused by multiple unintensional and intensional mistakes made by MasterKiller.

The list below shows some of those, but it is not complete as I personally cannot remember all of them:

1) A breach of rules of the server:
a) A breach of moderator rules : Allowing and encouraging a player to break the server rule.
b) Multiple breach of the server rules, such unnessesary chat flood, using the powers given to him.
c) Multiple breach of the server rules, such as TK of the player with a reson "Not sharing his evos"

2) A COMPLETE disrespect to the other moderators and admins, such as :
a) Using swear words in respect of me and in general chat.
b) Using swear words in respect of Ramos and in general chat
c) Telling Ramos to shut up, while he was notified that he was breaking a rule.

3) A COMPLETE misbehaviour as a moderator and a player in general :
a) Disrespect of the server population
b) Chat spam and multiple TKs without a reason (grangers not included)

4) A COMPLETE absence of responsablity as a server moderator :
a) A favoured votes, which are not allowed are not cancelled.
b) A multiple misses of intensional TKs, decons and player misbehaviour

Generally speaking MasterKiller is not capable to deal with the load of the moderator work and hence I bring your (Rota, Standalf) attension to this fact. I would be greatfull if you could deal with this fact.

Thank you in advance.


Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 7:46 pm
by ramos
As a replay to wat troy said i canot tell mi opinion for removing masters level 3 for i dont have enough evidence but i can confirm the folowing :

1) point b >Flod chat from master > i recived complaints above this behavior from union , shtrutz and other players and i saw it myself + the worst part is that the other day (was me, soultcer and other players) made flod chat of comercial to penguin chill server in abundence but he said he was having a problem at binds than so i cannot made a decizion
point c > i received complaint from riplefles that he was tk by master for the reason "not sharing evos"

2) point b and c> was at admin talk not gen chat , he did not swear me , i told him to stop the fu... flod chat and he replayd that he will stop so i will fu... calm down (today) taking in consideration than i told him 100 times before not to flod main chat , its a big difrence about team talk : 2-3 mesage om down / reac down and main chat wit lol/wow/hahah bla bla on ewry round

My opinion is reserved i cannot say if he can be talked to take this seriosly or remove level 3 from him like troy said but sommting must be done cause i contiune to recived complaynts from other players !

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 12:52 pm
by Rotacak
4) A COMPLETE absence of responsablity as a server moderator :
a) A favoured votes, which are not allowed are not cancelled.
b) A multiple misses of intensional TKs, decons and player misbehaviour
Yes yes... That is responsibility. When is someone level 2, then he can play and this is all. But when is someone level 3 (oddly lots people want it) then he can use some commands, he can play, BUT he MUST care about situations in game. If he do nothing, like level 2, then he doing wrong. That is level 3.

Better will be take his level down to 2. He was always polite to me but this all is not good, especially "not sharing evos".

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 3:37 pm
by HellreapeR
Why would he need to share he's creds/evo's?
I mean, it sounds like a "whine" subject.

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 10:02 pm
by Union
HellreapeR wrote:Why would he need to share he's creds/evo's?
I mean, it sounds like a "whine" subject.
HellreapeR you misread the point. He said that MasterKiller TK'd a teammate for not sharing their evos with himself.

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 10:19 pm
by ==Troy==
Re-reading my first post:

sounds funny, but the general idea is there. (most of the list was based on the players' complaints and general forum discussion topics, if it wasnt that LARGE amount of such occasions I would not have brought this point up)

Thank you Rota, I really appreciate it.

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 12:57 pm
by HellreapeR
Union wrote:HellreapeR you misread the point. He said that MasterKiller TK'd a teammate for not sharing their evos with himself.
I see, stupid beggers.
Probably the cause of my misread: Aint Wearing My Glasses.
Or i looked the other way, lol.


Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 1:03 pm
by masterkiller
i never tked for not sharing evos i would never do that i dont know why troy but you made that up usually if i get on and theres suits and lucis ill ask for (evos plz) twice once one minute ans once another thats it.

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 1:21 pm
by ==Troy==
Read my and Ramos' post carefully please. I am not going to explain it.


Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 1:25 pm
by masterkiller
well i though we layed the thing about the rule breaking (glitch building) to rest cause that was my first day as adimin but thx obviously troy hates me cause he took a long time to write up a half phony letter but but tx

and the penguin chill thing YES i screwed up my binds i had one saaying come to the r unlimited cz server we got porn and cookies and i had trouble finding that exact one

swear words against you ya right the last time i said any thing against you was in glitch building(idont like him)

Disrespect of server population whaaaa??

i havent missed any thing and to speak ive never played with you or ever been on when your on and you cant always trust the players like every admin says you cant ban or kick if you didnt see it!

fvoured votes how are you making all this up ?

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 3:03 pm
by ==Troy==
most of the things are taken from player complaints or just a side notes to you saying something about me or anyone else :roll: you know how it goes.

I am NOT saying ALL of this is true.

My point is the the NUMBER of complaints and general negative notes about you is way higher than of any other admin. I dont care that you are masterkiller or Billy Geist, I would have noted this anyway.

I dont see you much on the server, so I DO NOT have a lot of things to say about you on MY OWN, all of the above is a summary of:

Admin notes about you
Player complaints/notes about you
Your behavior on the forum
General reports and condumps of your actions
Server logs.

Once again. I do not hate you. I dont care about my personal opinion about you. (and even if I had cared, I dont have any).

Personally I do not allow my feelings about someone to alter my decision as an admin.

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 3:14 pm
by ramos
Master, i dont want to be mean and oforse you know i dont like troy to (looool) but he is right and did not said you tk , RIPLEFLES did , and i was at that game when it hapend if im not mistake larza was ther to

And about those binds , you used them not only when me and soultcer told you to stop but after to , and a lots of players complain about you chat flood and make comercial to other servers ! its anoyng and some players read those and die !

About glitch buildings , yes , you was at begining , but after we told you to stop leting the glitching , union made a post of jalaco admiting that you let him glitch build again

Thing is you said your an admin on 3 servers , all the respect , that means your a good player but also means that you dont have time to be full admin on unlimited ! This is realy not my decizion , almost all admins have said your not responsible , im truly sory :?

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 6:34 pm
by HellreapeR
About that advertising.
If he has something that breaks the floot-limit than it isnt nice.
Besides, advertising gives lists of chat text.
And if the list ends the window ground, it would have taken 30-40% of the full screen.

And for a good game, you need full vision according to me 8) .

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 11:37 pm
by masterkiller
wat evrr :( i i i ner mind

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 3:58 am
by Union
Flooding chat: Bad.
TKing: Bad.
Not knowing server rules: Bad.
Being complained about by every server regular: Worse.
