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Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 5:15 pm
by Incognito
Hey there! I understand that what I am doing can sound funny and stuff and I don't want you to know my name so I used the incognito cause I know you are going to blame me But seriosly, listen its just lame sometimes!!!!!!! When I come to server and see theHatedOne (in red) owning the whole server for 5 maps in a row is just not funny!!! We want to play and not to be a targets for him!! I also cant kick him somehow, is it /callvote kick theHatedOne ruins all fun in console? cause it doesnt work!! And at the end he always says gg, like it was a reall gg ha! its always bg with him cause he ruins it, you can hardly kill him and I think he also aimbots!! but when you spec him he looks ok!! Please can you do something with it?

Re: Complaint

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 5:23 pm
by soultcer

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 5:46 pm
by Jalaco
is TheHatedOne troy cuz if it is he has the like 29th is it now accusation of botting hes just a veeeeeery good player but ya play some other times and you'll begin to like us play with me and you'll love my noobiness but anyways no hes not botting if you need some help you can even look at his guide ok done my minirant

\\^// Jalaco \\^//

ps. is incognito your name on trem mines | Jalaco@Sparta | so ya see you ingame

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 6:04 pm
by ramos
well this is stupid, first of all thehatedone plays litle time with that name so that he cant be acused so serios about that so that means you know him beter than that (looks a litle personal) or your him laaal , anyhow he dose not use aimbot , he is skiled but not invincible and the only logical explication is that your noob( not in a swearing way but in a "learn to play" way )

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 6:23 pm
by ==Troy==

Mate, please. Enough. I am really tired to hear that from 90% of the players on the server... make it 91 and I quit.

and its 39 Jal. Or 38, not sure.

And I played around 50 games with that nickname.

FFs... I know I had a war with Ramos, you can blame me for that, but not for the skill. I DO have life, but I just know how to play.

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 2:11 am
by ramos
Comon troy dont take it to seryosly is just 1-2 guys who dose not like you ( + me laaal) but thats not a reason to quit , you said you got a life so wtf you care about this guy ? it is very simple about this guy, he cant play so good so hes jelos !

And for enybody else : play this game for funn damn it , i personal play on unlimited more cause iv made friends and people are nice , this game is relacing for forgeting life`s problems and enjoy the moment , a litle relaxe ! Dont take the game to serios but then again dont be a jerk when you play and most important dont judge people !

Incognito il put this very simple : troy dose not aimbot so why did you even post this topic without any prof (prof: screenschots and demo) ... thats right , ther is`t any prof cause its not true !

excuse my english ...

PS: im Batman !

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 2:26 am
by Union
Aimbot claims must be accompanied by a Demo. If they are not, they should be deleted. It's pointless. I could claim anyone who killed me with a lasgun aimbots!!!! Hence the demo.

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 2:06 pm
by kaotaja
Gynter, the evil admin wrote: Troy chit. I knov. Eimbot everyvere alvays!! belif mi!!!
Well if you want to play... just don't be targets then...
Ah and btw, you can't kick admins. Oh and troy, can you convert your sig anim to a bit of lower fps (slower) so it's better to read?

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 6:14 pm
by ramos
Again im gona tell you my secret :

... IM BATMAN :mrgreen: ......wher are you catwoman?

i love popcorn

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 11:25 pm
by Mysterious Mystery?
ramos wrote:well this is stupid, first of all thehatedone plays litle time with that name so that he cant be acused so serios about that so that means you know him beter than that (looks a litle personal) or your him laaal , anyhow he dose not use aimbot , he is skiled but not invincible and the only logical explication is that your noob( not in a swearing way but in a "learn to play" way )
Noob isn't a swear word it is just a common way to say annoying person. And hey everyone is noobs in this game in way.

Troy at first I thought you were aimbotter when I first joined Unlimited, but I was wrong.

Its just that Troy has a speedy connection and skilled at comp. games.

Get a faster connection than Troy and you may just beat him. :D ... Joking ...

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 7:27 am
by ==Troy==
Mysterious Mystery? wrote: Noob isn't a swear word it is just a common way to say annoying person. And hey everyone is noobs in this game in way.

Troy at first I thought you were aimbotter when I first joined Unlimited, but I was wrong.

Its just that Troy has a speedy connection and skilled at comp. games.

Get a faster connection than Troy and you may just beat him. :D ... Joking ...
Your connection does not really matter to the point when you have ping lower than 200 (mine average is 100).

And goddammit, I am not so skilled in them, I am just using brains sometimes :P Let me apply theoretical physics at last :lol: (yeah, this is my specialisation :roll: )