For all those of you...

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For all those of you...

#1 Post by » Mon Feb 06, 2012 5:17 pm

...who camp when you don't need to (first ret, last medi) and for all of those of you who mdjet, lasjet, whatever the hell you want loser_jet.


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#2 Post by Nod_Nod_Nod » Mon Feb 06, 2012 5:20 pm

campers r.i.h(rest in hell)
The nodding of the head once to symbolize a greeting, cuz we white folk to damn lazy to open our mouths and speak up. Nods are also easier to shake off than a flase "hello".
"Person nods at you", or your direction, "you nod back"
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#3 Post by » Mon Feb 06, 2012 6:50 pm

More news from last games:

1. Flamer lady-boys in suits doing nothing but flaming in ONE spot. Entire clip. I hate you and you bleed teammates.

2. Dude named "myname". Freaking sits in ONE spot for 30 mins. Bad Bad Camper!

3. Spamming. Rules don't forbid. Sure. Spamming lawbreakers!

4. "pls go alien i want human". Go die.

5. Teamswitching. Want to balance 3 vs 1. Cool. Any reson remotely similiar to "im a nooby noob dont wanna lose" = Go die yourself.

6. How hard is it to understand (apparently Birreta can't) that building row of rets across the corridor is a very idiotic idea. A poisoned suit with 20 hp is not walking but running to medi so he has no stamina so he cant jump. HOW HARD IS IT TO UNDERSTAND?

7. Random noobs bleeding with rifle and then saying "hi". Want to be noticed? GO DIE YOURSELF. (I swear to god anyone who does that again is going to get tk till i get bored).

8. Random ret spam. Not rows. Not lines. Not squares. Not triangles. Just random ret in random place next to random ret in random place. Since i decided to ease on buildnoobynoobs i will first ask to stop. Then ill vote ckit away. If that fails - ill decon EVERY ret u place. EVERY ONE. You'll get pissed. Everyone does.

9. Stupid noob called a vote: change map to xmas2007. Press f1 for yes, press f2 for no and finally press f3 to go and die yourself.

10. When you're a ckit or granger and someone near u tells u to build medi/boost YOU SCAREDY CAT - BUILD A MEDI/BOOST! Not a ret.

11. If you are on h team and i'm on h team and you camp and there is no reson to camp and i see you camp all time - i will freaking call u a noob. Probably you'll get a "random" lucicharge in your nose to take away your credits if you don't stop.

12. ad.11 Sitting on rets means i cant get through. Blocking my way ALL time will result in me shooting my way through you. Trololonoob.

13. ad 12. How very hard is chasing a goon with 50 hp? Freaking coward n00b.

14. Sitting on a ret and spamming entire clips of pulse halfway from ramp in atcs. Or any other map. I will ask you to stop bleeding. ONCE. Go figure what yellow coloured thing is going to kill u if u don't obey. Noobey noob.

If you are a woman and you feel insulted by my application of certain words - i don't care. Unless you're pretty.
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#4 Post by » Mon Feb 06, 2012 9:32 pm

Ofc I forgot armwalls on atcs, 4 arms at ramps. How fucked up that is?

Do /restrict CU|ams - dretch. Enough of his rant.

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#5 Post by PPNL » Tue Feb 07, 2012 10:02 am

TROLOLOLOLOLOL I laughed my ass off on this!
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#6 Post by Spl@ » Thu Feb 09, 2012 8:56 pm

Omitting a few with which I have no argument :) wrote:6. How hard is it to understand (apparently Birreta can't) that building row of rets across the corridor is a very idiotic idea. A poisoned suit with 20 hp is not walking but running to medi so he has no stamina so he cant jump. HOW HARD IS IT TO UNDERSTAND?
Bring on the advanced marauders and goons! Zap and snipe away!

(I don't call such clustering “zap farmsâ€￾ for nothing…)
7. Random noobs bleeding with rifle and then saying "hi". Want to be noticed? GO DIE YOURSELF. (I swear to god anyone who does that again is going to get tk till i get bored).
I wouldn't advise that – certainly not as a first reaction. Warning message first…
8. Random ret spam. Not rows. Not lines. Not squares. Not triangles. Just random ret in random place next to random ret in random place. Since i decided to ease on buildnoobynoobs i will first ask to stop. Then ill vote ckit away. If that fails - ill decon EVERY ret u place. EVERY ONE. You'll get pissed. Everyone does.
Again, say what and why. Don't be surprised if much of this isn't tolerated.
9. Stupid noob called a vote: change map to xmas2007. Press f1 for yes, press f2 for no and finally press f3 to go and die yourself.
Map-change vote spam does get a bit tiresome…
11. If you are on h team and i'm on h team and you camp and there is no reson to camp and i see you camp all time - i will freaking call u a noob. Probably you'll get a "random" lucicharge in your nose to take away your credits if you don't stop.
Some camping is useful. If somebody's always camping but is usefully defending base, don't even think about doing any of that :p

Actually, think twice anyway. :twisted:
13. ad 12. How very hard is chasing a goon with 50 hp? Freaking coward n00b.
Chasing it is fine if you can keep it in sight…
14. Sitting on a ret and spamming entire clips of pulse halfway from ramp in atcs. Or any other map. I will ask you to stop bleeding. ONCE. Go figure what yellow coloured thing is going to kill u if u don't obey. Noobey noob.
As with so many others: circumstances. I'll do that kind of thing myself sometimes (not the bleeding, though, if I can avoid it). Doesn't matter if it's helping the team.

Still, nice to have a proper rant posted here :D
Oh look. Killed again. Back to the tent…
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#7 Post by » Fri Feb 10, 2012 1:06 pm

Trololo, my first doublepost EVER on internet forums.


Im Awesome
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#8 Post by » Fri Feb 10, 2012 1:06 pm

Spl@ wrote: I wouldn't advise that – certainly not as a first reaction. Warning message first…
I ussually tell him to stop, usually not in nice words.
Again, say what and why. Don't be surprised if much of this isn't tolerated.
No decent player on the team will have ANY problem wit this.
Map-change vote spam does get a bit tiresome…
For me its not the spam, its the "shitmaps" that are being voted.

If somebody's always camping but is usefully defending base, don't even think about doing any of that :p
I agree with the highlighted part. Mind of course sitting in one spot behid rets where threre is no alien attacking at all, for 10 minutes is lame and will not be tolerated.

As with so many others: circumstances. I'll do that kind of thing myself sometimes (not the bleeding, though, if I can avoid it). Doesn't matter if it's helping the team.

Sure spam when a rant is chasing you in hall. I died many times to NoSound tying to kill his last 10 hp. Sure thats understanable. But ENITRE 5 clips of pulse one after another, reload, repeat ad infinitum is fucking lame an will not be tolerated. Not to mention that because of pulse projectile speed bleeding is almost guaranteed.

Btw noobs, if you want to spam use md or las. Since you spam, chances are you cant fucking aim at all. GL hitting that mara.

BTW: to all of you jetnoobs - have you ever killed anyone important while jetting over bunker?
How grand of you gayjetter to tale flamer to jet it over bunker. Noob.
BTW2: yestaerday i saw a jet PSAW over bunker. Hes going for om I thought. Noooooo, hes not. He jettet wit psaw for 5-6 minutes doing nothing. Hhahahahaha.
BTW3: As an alien I really appreciate your armwalls inter-spaced with rets. Thats a pro building. Idiot.

Yes Spl@ I am venting.

Btw: some DU (the PRO clan)server admins are outright cowards (some are also not, for calling the cowards out). Hes losing so he turns on instantbuild. Lame.

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