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A strong team-play mod

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 12:39 pm
by nalf
People don't cooperate, despite the obvious advantages. Many bad playing habits, such as dretch feeding, would be solved just if people cooperated.

I had an idea for a mod that strongly motivates people to cooperate. It's described here on github. Feel free to write comments here (or at github, if you happen to have an account there).

Re: A strong team-play mod

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 7:14 pm
by Forty-Two
nalf wrote:People don't cooperate, despite the obvious advantages. Many bad playing habits, such as dretch feeding, would be solved just if people cooperated.

I had an idea for a mod that strongly motivates people to cooperate. It's described here on github. Feel free to write comments here (or at github, if you happen to have an account there).
What happens when you get a weak queen/sarge? How do you prevent a n00b from bein g voted in because he has good people skills to get himself voted in, then gets killed on raids easily; stranding the rest of the group.

Re: A strong team-play mod

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 7:27 pm
by nalf
Forty-Two wrote: What happens when you get a weak queen/sarge? How do you prevent a n00b from bein g voted in because he has good people skills to get himself voted in, then gets killed on raids easily; stranding the rest of the group.
I suggest no voting. Everyone can choose his leader at will any time. Or perhaps change allowed every minute, or something like that. Joining a squad/swarm could as simple as looking at one of its member and press a key. So, if a leader is bad, people will simply start following another leader.

Re: A strong team-play mod

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 8:46 am
nalf wrote:I suggest no voting.

Good idea overall, some minor tweaks would be needed for aliens - you can fit 10 dretch team in ATCS tunnel but not 5 goons or rants.

PS. Which mods are in play at the moment?

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 11:46 am
by Lancer

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 12:58 pm

There is a difference in 3 vs 3 and 10 vs 10.
n/3 gives 6-7 squad, where do you envision 6-7 humans will fit without bleeding, given they have to be in a certain radius to the leader?

The "campers workaround" is to cycle the Leader role, so they all get fat, while still camping.

You would have to force the leader to go away from rets. Both teams have to attack away from their bases to get money.

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 3:10 pm
by nalf wrote:1+sqrt(n).

There is a difference in 3 vs 3 and 10 vs 10.
n/3 gives 6-7 squad, where do you envision 6-7 humans will fit without bleeding, given they have to be in a certain radius to the leader?
N is the number of people in a team, so on 10vs10 N=10.

I also prefer 1+sqrt(N), since both too small and too large teams aren't efficient.

Maybe the radius could depend on the number of the squad/swarm members? wrote:The "campers workaround" is to cycle the Leader role, so they all get fat, while still camping.

You would have to force the leader to go away from rets. Both teams have to attack away from their bases to get money.
IDK if teamplay mod should address camping. There's nothing wrong if weaker players defend the base all the time, as long as another team attacks.

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 4:28 pm
nalf wrote:Maybe the radius could depend on the number of the squad/swarm members?
Simple. F1.

IDK if teamplay mod should address camping.
as long as another team attacks.
Understand, I'm not picking on your choice of words, but rather pointing the similarities.

Camp and feed are directly connected to three reasons:

1. Being a fucking pussy - no mod for this, go play Sims or sth.
2. Being unable to aim decently despite years of playing trem - use flamethrower+vent/trample+tunnel or go play Sims if you're a pussy.
3. Lack of built-in "stuff/thing" that balances fast and easy loss of credits to good players (being addressed by more $ from killing richest players) PLUS if it's really stacked game, not giving the weaker team an "ace in the sleeve" mechanism for a CHANCE of winning despite being significantly weaker.

Anyway if teamplay is AMS' idea being done by nalf then F1.

PS. Since I'm enjoying my third, of course non-alcohol based, drink - I have decided that camp and feed are caused by being a fucking pussy and not devs. Also wish me luck on doing my real-life-friday-night-mod called "wanna teamplay girl?" Lolz.

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 5:43 pm
by Lancer
^I teamplay with girls on fridaynight


Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 6:37 pm
by [{USATREM}] !Gunther!
Lancer wrote:^I teamplay with girls on fridaynight

OMG you get girls in the Sims?
Man I've never been able to do that..
And I thought you had no life.. :(